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Thread: GG admin

  1. Senior-Senior Member
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    Good point, ditto that

  2. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeasonsInTheAbyss View Post
    Some people are shy. /thread
    Okay - and then take your shy ass to another lobby.

  3. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Platinum Ninja View Post
    What is your number by the way?
    Lol. xD

  4. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salesman View Post
    I rarely use my mic because I rarely need to. If you can't win without one, you're probably not going to win anyways lol.
    Yeah that must explain all the team's I destroy with my friends, oh and we use mics.

    Try playing anything other than disorganized pubbers and tell me a mic is useless.
    <3 tattoos

  5. Junior Member
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    I can only play at the internet cafe, and the mics there are really faulty (despite the awesome computers they have), so I don't bother with them. My team-mates do fine without me talking. Most veterans can get the gist of what people are trying to say when they can't talk or type.

  6. On the way to greater things
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    A mic isn't very useful when playing campaign expert, unless you don't have a very good team, and need to explain things to them.

    They're more helpful in VS mode, especially if you're up against a good team. With some teams though, everyone just clicks, and seem to work together flawlessly with little communication.

  7. I've done my time
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    Adrela, eh? Don't reply? Well oddly enough you mention scase's lol pwned (which was completely pointless and no doubt made you check the thread) and respond with more OT stuff of your own. Complaining about someone replying with OT stuff making you look at the reply, making others do exactly the same... brilliant. And do you think everyone wants to check this thread on a new reply just to see you have typed lol? Your original point is good, but don't turn into such a hippocrite.

    Anyway, more on topic I have to agree with what some others are saying. Mics are generally not needed in most the matches I have played.

    In fact, I am finding them more of a hinderance. Anyone else noticed the game sound dips slightly when someone talks on a mic? This isn't such an issue if the sound is on rather loud, but sometimes it makes you miss things like people getting snagged by a smoker.

    So maybe I should kick anyone who uses a mic (note, uses, not has) when they enter *my* lobby?
    Raagghh. Uurggghhh. Blluuurgghh.

  8. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bartmanekul View Post
    So maybe I should kick anyone who uses a mic (note, uses, not has) when they enter *my* lobby?
    Sarcasm aside the whole point of the thread being that it's your prerogative to do so if you wish.

    If you want to argue semantics about needing a mic or not there are plenty of other threads for that and they all boiled down to a general consensus. Mic's while pubbing are not necessary as most pubbers suck, but there are those of us that play competitively and it's not even a question at that point.

    Not to mention another point of the thread was she enjoys talking to people in game and enjoys people who talk back as well. She's playing for fun, chatting adds to that fun is it really that big of an argument?
    <3 tattoos

  9. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bartmanekul View Post
    Adrela, eh? Don't reply? Well oddly enough you mention scase's lol pwned (which was completely pointless and no doubt made you check the thread) and respond with more OT stuff of your own. Complaining about someone replying with OT stuff making you look at the reply, making others do exactly the same... brilliant. And do you think everyone wants to check this thread on a new reply just to see you have typed lol? Your original point is good, but don't turn into such a hippocrite.

    Anyway, more on topic I have to agree with what some others are saying. Mics are generally not needed in most the matches I have played.

    In fact, I am finding them more of a hinderance. Anyone else noticed the game sound dips slightly when someone talks on a mic? This isn't such an issue if the sound is on rather loud, but sometimes it makes you miss things like people getting snagged by a smoker.

    So maybe I should kick anyone who uses a mic (note, uses, not has) when they enter *my* lobby?
    Are you REALLY going to make the argument that mic's are a hinderance to gameplay? I would LOVE to see you further elaborate on that..

    Someone's gotta tell all those CAL and GB teams that they should unplug their mics asap, they're fucking themselves over!

    edit: And yes as Scase mentioned before - if *you* wanna kick people from *your* lobby then you are allowed to do so. Do you know why? Because it's YOURS. You're allowed to do whatever the hell you want.

  10. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scase View Post
    If you want to argue semantics about needing a mic or not there are plenty of other threads for that and they all boiled down to a general consensus. Mic's while pubbing are not necessary as most pubbers suck, but there are those of us that play competitively and it's not even a question at that point.
    How was he arguing semantics?

    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    Are you REALLY going to make the argument that mic's are a hinderance to gameplay? I would LOVE to see you further elaborate on that..
    Because when they talk it makes your audio dip slightly. It also allows them to spam your speakers with random BS. This is a hindrance.

    Teammates with guns are a hindrance as well. It allows them to kill me. If they pick up anything other than a pistol, I kick them. Molotovs can quickly hinder the entire team. If they try to pick one up, or even look at one funny, I gun them down on the spot. Pain pills are hindering too. Fast teammates can wander off too quickly, especially in VS, so I pistol whip them a couple times as punishment for popping pills. The vote feature is also just another outlet for stupid teammates to hinder everything up with stupid decisions.

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