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Thread: GG admin

  1. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    Are you REALLY going to make the argument that mic's are a hinderance to gameplay? I would LOVE to see you further elaborate on that..
    No, my point is that perhaps I can kick people from a lobby if I don't want people with mics. I am well aware that mics being useful or not is a different discussion. That discussion is as about as useful as the HR v M4 discussion = everyone has their own opinions.

    Getting tired pointing out the obvious here.

    However I'd like to see the reactions of some of the people in here that say it's ok, it's your lobby. I bet a few would moan if they were kicked from one (or told to leave) simply because they used a mic.

    (Oh and before you say anything, I have already said what my reaction is. Leave when told, and wonder why they didn't make a friends only lobby when they have special requirements for a lobby they leave public).

    Not to mention another point of the thread was she enjoys talking to people in game and enjoys people who talk back as well. She's playing for fun, chatting adds to that fun is it really that big of an argument?
    I don't know, is it? Not to me. I'm simply replying to others with points, isn't that what everyone is doing on the forum? As far as I can see, shes the only one who has got properly wound up on the thread.
    Raagghh. Uurggghhh. Blluuurgghh.

  2. Zombie Cat
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    What she was getting bent out of shape with was people replying the same thing over and over that wasn't particularly the point of the thread cause they didn't read the rest of it.Not to mention there were a couple people responding to her with hostility as if they were the ones getting kicked lol
    <3 tattoos

  3. Been around a bit
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    @Bartmanekul- First off, shut up with the insults. Don't mock me. AT ALL. Or anyone You go on, trying to sound smart by throwing in some good words and whatnot. Maybe you aren't, maybe you are. Point is, if you're going to say crap or mocking, don't you dare come back saying how rude of me it was to do so. You started this crap, I didn't. You didn't have to, but, you did anyways. I made my opinion and points clear, so did you, BUT, you can't face the fact that I as well as others think differently.

    I didn't respond because I don't check this thread EVERYTIME I'm on, which isn't much. Ask Scase, we talk a lot and I'm never really on this site. It's spelled hypocrite, not HIPPOcrite.

    And thanks for bringing up that last statement you made. No one brought it up before, congrats. Yes, you can go ahead and kick anyone you want in your lobby. Wanna know why? It's your lobby. You created it. If you think that for some reason mics are useless, you have a right to kick anyone who uses or has a mic. I don't care if you do, okay? I really and honestly don't. I've said this so many times and everyone just has to ignore it. It is your lobby, you should be able to do whatever you want.

    It's exactly as Scase has said; people have been responding quite rudely and whatnot that I'm really tired of it. It's gotten to the point that I don't want to reply anymore. But, I'm not.

    Yah. That's it isn't it? I got "wound" up? If that's what you call being a thread starter these days...

    @sapien52- You go on saying how guns are a "hindrance" because it allows your team to kill you and then you say the vote feature is a "hindrance" too. Self explanatory.

  4. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bartmanekul View Post
    No, my point is that perhaps I can kick people from a lobby if I don't want people with mics. I am well aware that mics being useful or not is a different discussion. That discussion is as about as useful as the HR v M4 discussion = everyone has their own opinions.

    Getting tired pointing out the obvious here.

    However I'd like to see the reactions of some of the people in here that say it's ok, it's your lobby. I bet a few would moan if they were kicked from one (or told to leave) simply because they used a mic.

    (Oh and before you say anything, I have already said what my reaction is. Leave when told, and wonder why they didn't make a friends only lobby when they have special requirements for a lobby they leave public).

    I don't know, is it? Not to me. I'm simply replying to others with points, isn't that what everyone is doing on the forum? As far as I can see, shes the only one who has got properly wound up on the thread.
    Well I'm on xbox - so keep this in mind when you're replying to this but..

    I don't see how it's a HR vs. m16 argument because well, you can still use the HR relatively effectively, and even a pro team could possibly use it in a reasonable fashion.

    But having no mic cuts off ALL communication from your team, I don't see how you can argue the benefits of everyone having no mics. They mic spam? That's your only argument for "Pro-no mic"? On the xbox, we have this nifty little feature called the "Mute" button, so if someone starts blaring on their mic - we can either vote kick them or mute them. Easily solved.

    Another thing that differentiates this argument is for the most part, you're the only one arguing that having no mics is Okay for the team.

    I"m not saying it's impossible to win a game without a mic. Me and my friends can easily crush teams without mics, but that's because 95% of the players in this game are HORRIBLE and I can never find a decent pub match. And I'm sure if I wanted to, we could beat them with Tier 1 weapons, doesn't make tier 1 weapons better than Tier 2.

    All the OP was stating was she doesn't want people, who are a direct hinderance to her team. They can't communicate and they if they get pinned or smokered and let's say the rest are boomed, it is literally almost no way of knowing that. They diminish her teams ability to best perform to their maximum efficiency, and you criticize her for not wanting them? I really don't what legitimate argument you have.

    Maybe on PC, you guys can type fast enough - but on XBOX there is NO other way of communication. Yeah - you could kick everyone who'd have a mic, but there is no legitimate reason for doing so, you're onyl reasoning is that, oh yeah, well they'd mic spam! Which can easily be fixed by a vote kick or muting them.

  5. I've done my time
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    Adrela, just what?

    I am not trying to mock you in any sense or form. I'm not trying to be sarcastic, but to point out the obvious, you started this - it's your thread. My opinion differs, and I have posted it, and why. I have been reasonably civil I reckon.

    And you did sound wound up in that other post - and your last tbh.

    I might be reading it wrong but you are telling me to shutup, and using caps in quite a few places. Obviously, you cannot get the tone of voice etc through the net, but that's just what I got from seeing your other posts. If you were not wound up, so be it, but that's what it seemed to me.

    And then you say
    It's exactly as Scase has said; people have been responding quite rudely and whatnot that I'm really tired of it. It's gotten to the point that I don't want to reply anymore. But, I'm not.
    So you are getting wound up then, by your own admittal?

    And I am being rude now - don't be a bloody grammar nazi just because you are wound up.
    It's spelled hypocrite, not HIPPOcrite.
    It's not like I haven't seen you make spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes!

    Once again, I am not mocking you, I merely put my point/opinion forward. But don't berate me for posting pointless replies so you look at the thread when you do exactly the same. That, coupled with your dig at spelling while you make mistakes also does entitle me to call you a hypocrite.

    You totally missed my point about kicking in the lobby, I CBA to say it again, if you don't understand then just read the earlier posts.

    I'm not trying to annoy you, or mock you. But you got to take as good as you give.

    Don't get bothered by this post - if you feel it winding you up, then remind yourself it's just some guy on the net you will never have to know in real life, and it's just text on a forum.

    Someone who has a differing opinion to you on something, which will *always* be the case.

    @ Redemption - you totally missed the point. Except the 6th paragraph.

    It's very simple. I'll say it again. I think that if someone has special requirements for a game - i.e. getting a difficult achievement, need a mic, must use xxx weapon etc etc - then create a game with friends.

    In a public lobby, people join not expecting any requirements.

    That's my opinion, and it's different to the OP's. Everyone has put opinions across, I don't see what the issue is.
    Raagghh. Uurggghhh. Blluuurgghh.

  6. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bartmanekul View Post
    Adrela, just what?

    I am not trying to mock you in any sense or form. I'm not trying to be sarcastic, but to point out the obvious, you started this - it's your thread. My opinion differs, and I have posted it, and why. I have been reasonably civil I reckon.

    And you did sound wound up in that other post - and your last tbh.

    I might be reading it wrong but you are telling me to shutup, and using caps in quite a few places. Obviously, you cannot get the tone of voice etc through the net, but that's just what I got from seeing your other posts. If you were not wound up, so be it, but that's what it seemed to me.

    And then you say

    So you are getting wound up then, by your own admittal?

    And I am being rude now - don't be a bloody grammar nazi just because you are wound up.

    It's not like I haven't seen you make spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes!

    Once again, I am not mocking you, I merely put my point/opinion forward. But don't berate me for posting pointless replies so you look at the thread when you do exactly the same. That, coupled with your dig at spelling while you make mistakes also does entitle me to call you a hypocrite.

    You totally missed my point about kicking in the lobby, I CBA to say it again, if you don't understand then just read the earlier posts.

    I'm not trying to annoy you, or mock you. But you got to take as good as you give.

    Don't get bothered by this post - if you feel it winding you up, then remind yourself it's just some guy on the net you will never have to know in real life, and it's just text on a forum.

    Someone who has a differing opinion to you on something, which will *always* be the case.

    @ Redemption - you totally missed the point. Except the 6th paragraph.

    It's very simple. I'll say it again. I think that if someone has special requirements for a game - i.e. getting a difficult achievement, need a mic, must use xxx weapon etc etc - then create a game with friends.

    In a public lobby, people join not expecting any requirements.

    That's my opinion, and it's different to the OP's. Everyone has put opinions across, I don't see what the issue is.
    You did point out the obvious, thank you. But, now it's my turn to point out the obvious. That isn't what I meant by, 'You started this'
    I'm not going to reply to any of the rest. I'm sorry, but, it's all really pointless seeing how this is just going to continue.

  7. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrela View Post
    You did point out the obvious, thank you. But, now it's my turn to point out the obvious. That isn't what I meant by, 'You started this'
    I'm not going to reply to any of the rest. I'm sorry, but, it's all really pointless seeing how this is just going to continue.
    That guy has MAD lady skills.

  8. Junior Member
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    To bring up a more or less dead topic. The idea behind kicking people because they're not using a microphone is wrong!
    I don't use microphones in public games most of the times. Simply because there's no need to.

    If a guy is pounced in a room not adjacant to the other guys, then as a decent player you'd know it. And I assume you're a decent player as you will kick any bad player (any without a microphone).
    Now if you're pounced by a hunter yourself while being in a room without other players - well, then it's your own faulth. I dislike people that scream "SAVE ME! SAVE ME!" all the time, when they're bringing themselves into those situations.

    As for infected side.
    Communication is silver. The ability to watch your teammates and react upon that is gold. It's just public games. If you're serious about anything then join some kind of gaming community or clan.


    Edit: As to people that get mad when being kicked is twosided. Well considering my first argument that kicking people because they don't talk is wrong - they're allowed to be upset. Although it's upsetting to get kicked, people need to get over it and continue any other public game. If they're IM'ing you afterwards, then you shouldn't let it get on to you. They are asking you a stupid question, reply to them with an equally stupid question - it's the only right thing to do.


  9. Zombie Cat
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    I understand that the topic is fairly old and a long thread, but if you read the first post and the myriad of others in here you would realize that it's once again not the argument of kicking anyone cause they don't talk. But asking people to leave and THEN kicking them if they refuse, but only because it's the lobby leaders choice.

    Your lobby your rules.
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  10. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scase View Post
    I understand that the topic is fairly old and a long thread, but if you read the first post and the myriad of others in here you would realize that it's once again not the argument of kicking anyone cause they don't talk. But asking people to leave and THEN kicking them if they refuse, but only because it's the lobby leaders choice.

    Your lobby your rules.
    my server my rulez

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