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Thread: Sorry guys...

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    I'm not sure if I count as a kid anymore, since I hit 13 on the 10th of July... But back when I was around 11/12, most people considered me to be "the most mature kid they've ever seen on the internet". Then again, I never used my mic. Ever.

  2. Smoker
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    I don't mind playing with kids, or anyone for that matter, provided they understand the basic concepts of the game (i.e. kill zombies/survivors, try to get to the safe room, work together etc.) and aren't too annoying. Unfortunately, I haven't met many kids who fulfill both of these criteria.

    Edit: By "kids" I'm talking about young children (perhaps 13 and under).
    RIP Mike Starr

  3. Rob Zombie
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    I'm 15.

    I play Left 4 Dead, and other FPS'es. Together with a bunch of other genres.

    I rarely act like a dick during a game (unless it's a just-for-fun game with friends, or if I need stress relief).

    Surprisingly, like Joe the Zombie and the others below 18 who posted, I'm also grown mature. Not completely, but hell, it works. I understand not to shoot a boomer at close range, not to shoot the gas station with a survivor in range, and to coordinate a plan with teammates, wherein most 18-21 year olds have difficulty following these simple game ettiquettes.

    Thankfully, my voice deepened dramatically in a 3-year period, so my chances of being a lolkick target is decreased.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Boo
    I've defended kids on several occasions in this game. There are just adults who love to be pricks towards kids that behave. I've played with some annoying ones, but I've encountered 10-13 year olds that have that squeeky voice, but still behave normally and listen to you when you say something.
    Then some prick comes in and insults the kid simply because he's a kid. So I defended the kid who was acting more mature than the prick.
    I've always hated people who pick on weaker ones for no reason. Even at school I was like that. Picking on a kid when he did nothing wrong is just weak.

    I wish we had more people like this, but unfortunately, like the old inspiring quote said (from someone whose name I forgot), "God made more horses' asses than horses to put them on".

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage
    lemme use an example - personally my favorite one - :
    One day I was playing with two 13 or 14 year olds. (in my eyes, theyre still kids.)
    After realizing I was a girl (and this took some time because one was in denial on account of me cussing like a drunkin pirate) they decided to talk about their ... members ... and use legit potty language. like poop. and crap. and just all around be annoying "YEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!" screaming little kids.

    -another example you say?
    one kid asked me if "I was single" and wanted to ask me out
    Forgive these kind of people, for they are the kind that has not experienced in their lives the ability to have friends, or girlfriends, for that matter.

  4. Junior Member
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    At the risk of ostracizing my self from the majority of people here...

    The game has an ESRB rating of M.. basically 17+. And that is for the single player game as it is shipped, not accounting for what you run into online (hence the warning of how the game might change online).

    So, by rights, anyone who says they are under said age of 17 is fair game if you want to get technical about it.

    But, you have to account for maturity level as well... if you have a mature, young teen aged person, I see no reason to kick that person just based on age alone. On the flip side, if there is a younger person acting like a fool.. then good bye!

    I'm sorry, but anyone under 12 years old has no business playing a game like this, that has this much adult oriented gore and language.

    And yes, I am twice the age (in some cases more) then most of the people on this forum I believe.

  5. Rob Zombie
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    I'm just going to say it, I'm 14. I've been allowed to play certain M rated games for about a year and a half but have only had Live for about 6-9 months. I don't have a really high, squeeky voice so being kicked because of that has never been a problem.

    I don't really understand why people point to the rating and say someone under 17 shouldn't play an M rated game. Did no one see a PG-13 movie before they were thirteen? or play a T-rated game before they were thirteen? or even an R-rated movie before they were 17? The rating system is a guide and it's up to the parents to determine if the kid is old enough for the game.

    Some kids aren't mature enough but there isn't anything you can do about it.

    Lastly about kicking little kids, if you're kicking someone because of their voice then that is pretty immature of you. I atleast see if they play well and if they are doing leroy jenkins or just doing their own thing, I'll call a vote. But that's not just for little kids, it's for anyone.

  6. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    Most kids tend to be immature, uncooperative, and just plain obnoxious.

  7. Rob Zombie
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    However I can see why someone would rather be playing with people there own age.

  8. Junior Member
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    I started playing online games when I was 11 or 12. I was retarded then.

    I'd say the age when I got good at games was 14. Its under 14 that could concern me.

    I take things on a case by case basis. Chances are if they have a squeaky voice, are saying inane things, and aren't too good, I would want to vote kick them. The thing is, I don't. I take things banker chill and adapt. Usually playing with them is fun because everything they do is so ridiculous. I never understand their logic, because there isn't any. It adds an interesting dynamic to the game. I played with someone who said they were 7, I believed him based on his tone of voice, what he said, and what he did. It was fun.

    I've only had to kick a kid once.

    I'm thinking of this one kid, who on the NM finale connected. First thing he said was "WTF where is the closet? I don't remember the weapons being on the top of the building, WTF is going on??" I asked him if he has ever played versus before. He told me he had played hundreds of games, he had played every map on versus a lot but this server was "messed up". We were infected and he had the first smoker. Instead of going to the satellite and smoking one down, he spawned close to them and attacked alone. Some suicide smoke.

    I vote kicked him up and he complained saying he can "play however he wants." Damn right you can play however you want, and damn right we can kick you for it too.

    If they don't know how to play, don't want to learn how to play, and complain a lot, they will be kicked. Otherwise I'm usually fine with under 14.

    I'm 17 by the way. Legally I am a child, in spirit I'm a 35 year old banker & bank robber. People have guessed I'm 35 a couple of times.
    ︻┳═- Take a chance ︻┳═-

  9. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage View Post
    lemme use an example - personally my favorite one - :
    One day I was playing with two 13 or 14 year olds. (in my eyes, theyre still kids.)
    After realizing I was a girl (and this took some time because one was in denial on account of me cussing like a drunkin pirate) they decided to talk about their ... members ... and use legit potty language. like poop. and crap. and just all around be annoying "YEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!" screaming little kids.

    -another example you say?
    one kid asked me if "I was single" and wanted to ask me out

    not to mention most of them like to legit yell in the game - I CAN HEAR YOU. YOU DONT NEED TO SCREAM.- yell at the lobby leader to start the game, sing, make odd noises
    its these kids who give the other good ones (and ive heard legends of there being good ones out there) a bad name.

    ...The end.

    (though I have played with a kid before and it wasnt bad at all -xxiPwnxx, where the heck are ya!?)
    This makes me ashamed to be fourteen.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  10. Zombie Cat
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    Every game is gonna have immature kids, deal with it.

    This is not a rant so I think my response is reasonable.

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