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Thread: Sorry guys...

  1. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by sammybear View Post
    Holy crap. A lot of you are A LOT younger than I thought O_O
    Pretty much this :|

    Really, I feel like a proper adult now I know the age of half of the people on the forum.
    It saddens me

  2. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natural View Post
    I leave if I join a game with kids talking, or call a votekick when I'm in a game and a kid joins. I'm 26, it's an M rated game, and playing with kids is just annoying. Most of the time they're terrible and immature, and even if they don't meet those criteria, they still have annoying voices. I'm sure there are a lot of kids playing who don't suck and don't use the mic often or to annoy. There are probably a couple on my friends list that I don't know about. I'm cool with that. It's when they get vocal that it starts to get annoying.

    When I was a kid I played M rated games, so I'm not knocking kids playing the game. I just don't want to play with them. There is a minor social aspect to the game due to voice chat and I find it to be a lot more fun gaming with adults.

    edit: and wow - I do feel so old, now.. =\
    Haha, I have no problem with kids. But gaming is my hobby and my break from kids. Left 4 Dead is an M rated game and it's within my right to avoid playing with kids. My post is within the context of gaming and L4D specifically, nothing more. As gaming becomes more and more social by nature, it's only natural that a person will have the most fun while playing within their age group.
    This. I've yet to see a person 21+ years of age claim - "Kicking kids is wrong!"
    It's a hobby, I usually want to play around people my own age. And no - turning 16 magically doesn't make you mature, it's a gradual thing. 4-5 years, is a lot time to mature in, like I said before, I'll usually play with most 15 year olds, if I'm in a random lobby - but I don't think anyone can really hold it against me for not wanting to play with anyone 13 years and

  3. Hunter
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    is 28 young?

  4. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neurologist View Post
    is 28 young?
    No. Kekekeke ^^'

    I don't mind kids in game. As long as they aren't annoying. Problem is some kids are lacking in the maturity front.

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    I just hate anyone that cant accept that they arent as good as they think. Not suprisingly, immature people are like that. Whats more annoying is if they whine about it, in a kiddy voice. NOt all kids are like that, but theres a reason getting older is called maturing, but if a kid can be mature, i dont mind being thier teamate


  6. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonyfuzion View Post
    I don't live to please anybody but myself. It's not like I have some spirit life before I am born that lets me choose which body I get and what the characteristics are. So if my voice sounds bad to you then that's not my problem.
    Seriously, kicking a kid because "his voice is squeeky" is just stupid. If you can't stand his voice, that's not the kid's problem. It's yours. If you don't like it, don't take away his pleasure of gaming by kicking him. Just leave yourself instead of being a selfish prick. It's you that has a problem with the kid while he isn't doing anything wrong.

    I will kick anyone, kid or not, that acts annoying, griefs or is a troll in game. And yes, lots of kids are like this, but not all. I've votekicked such immature kids more than once but I kicked him because he was an annoying little shit, not because he was a kid. If the kid is acting mature however I don't mind him. He doesn't even have to be ubergood at the game and know perfectly what tactics to use, but if at least he listens to the more experienced people, I really don't mind letting the kid play.
    One of my first games on Advanced was with a kid that was 12-13 max. He had that really squeeky voice, but only spoke when needed and he listened to me, he waited for the plan, he came to save his teammates, he was careful. We made it out, all four of us.

  7. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neurologist View Post
    is 28 young?

    Get back in your coffin, grandad!

    I'm of the same mind as Sammy and Chris: I'd thought a lot of people on here were older.
    RIP Mike Starr

  8. Chicago Ted
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    I keep hearing everyone being 15 and 17, I call shenanigans.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  9. Zombie Cat
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    considering im 15 (no shinangance : P) i think most people consider me a kid... sort of so i can't really judge down on kids becasue i am one? but uhmm the kids with squeeky voices, i know im not supposed to, but the second i hear one i just cringe and wanna kick them : P but hopefully i'll change my ways and give them a chance!

  10. Junior Member
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    What is maturity anyway....

    The way I see it is, a child can not be classified as mature. There are good kids and bratty kids, the bratty kids are just that...bratty. The good kids are, well, good... these kids are well behaved and act mature. But that is just it, they ACT mature, but in reality, they are not mature. They have not lived long enough to be labeled mature.

    That is my opinion.. because I am in my thirties now and lived an adult oriented life for a while. This is the tricky part about it though, depending on how old you are will also depend on how YOU perceive maturity.

    For instance... I was out of high school, working in a steady job and had my own apartment before some of the people posting in this thread were even born. I have since married, had two children, bought a house and been at the same job for fifteen years. I worry about taxes... will the mill rate increase for next year?. I worry about losing my job and house in this economy. When I talk to friends and co-workers, the subjects discussed are more in depth then if I seen 'Johnny throw gum in Suzy's hair in home room'.

    When I interact with people, be it in real life or online, I want to "hang out" with people who can relate to these things. And I'm sorry, but if your still living in your parents house and think that swearing to people online makes you cool... then to me, your not mature in the least.

    So, to me, being mature is a different definition then it might be to you. Does that make me a bad person for wanting to play online, a thing I enjoy, with people who are of the same maturity level as myself? I don't think so. I mean, it is not like I can play all the time. Between work, kids, wife and keeping up with every other thing that an adult has to do.. my game time should be enjoyable to me.

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