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  1. Zombie Dog
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    My take on n00bs;

    Most people labeled n00bs are merely newbs.

    I always try to help someone out before dismissing them as uncouth n00bs. It's only the ones who get offended at polite advice who make it onto the list.
    Most people'll do anything if a cop tells 'em to. If we meet anyone, tell them we're cops. - Francis.

    Left4Dead Demo Vid // Steam Group // Forum Rules

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    Quote Originally Posted by tonster View Post
    I really hate the word noob and newb. I've been gaming, believe it or not, since before those words were a part of gaming.

    Someone new does NOT need to be told they suck or that they are a newb/noob. They need direction and guidance from a skilled player who doesn't continually bash their skills.

    Someday that new person might be better than you are, so be nice. Besides, weren't you new at one time? I seriously kick ppl if they aren't being nice to a new person on my server. I could care less if we win or not, but I do care if someone is putting another player down.
    Well said my friend.

    I was playing Dead Air last night. I was grouped with a new player, as he got several easy achievements during the game. At one point, I got caught by the Smoker but he kept trying to shoot the smoker. After this happened a second time, I advised him, in a respectful way of course, that he can melee the player to free them from the clutches of the smoker. We continued with the game an by the time we got to the finale, he had improved 10 fold.

    Notice I did not put him down, call him a noob, or other derogatory remark. Not acting like an ass is a great strategy, it really works.
    [SIGPIC] 97[/SIGPIC]

  3. Zombie Cat
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    Correct me if im wrong, but wasnt we all noobs/newbs at one point? Talk about hypocrisy rofl

    You cannot base your assumption on their achievements, so your saying when you got the outbreak achievement you was a noob? I.e SHIT

  4. Regular Joe Member
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    One time I was playing Blood Harvest and the tank was behind the door that starts the alarm and we had this public guy playing, we were sittin there saying "Don't open the door just leave it." So what does he do? He opens the door -_-

  5. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTheHedgehog View Post
    i think theres a clear line with who are problems

    i think noobs/newbs are just unfair so what if they play bad its a game but as long as they try there best does it matter? its fun to help people out and give them tips and advice on how to play better and makes you a good team mate, normally most the people i end up friends with arnt that good but its because i help out

    then there are just assholes, the person that shoots you back when you accidently friendly fire them, the guy that heals themselves when your bleeding to 1 at 10hp and they have 60hp and heal themselves with the last medkit, the ones that call you noob when your been choked by a smoker and refuse to help you out because "only needs get caught" and runs off to get mauled by a hunter or the ones that call you noob for getting hurt when trying to kill a witch which is right in the way and no way around and you get hurt but for the team

    thats the people i dont like

    Well said...I will play with an eager nice newb over an arrogant bossy more accomplished player anytime. At the end of the night when I shut off my system, I am the same guy with the same amount of money, etc regardless of how many victories or losses I participated in L4D. Don't get me wrong, I play to win and I play to get better but not at the expense of people. There is nothing better than a close Versus match that ends with all 8 guys in the lobby raving about it regardless of what team they were on. Mistakes by both new and seasoned players are what creates opportunities to have a chance to capitalize. We were all new once and we all have different ablilities and different time availabilities so just like in life, we all develop differently and at different paces. People can get away with being a jerk on Xbox Live...this just makes them the ultimate coward.

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    They could quickly learn to play the game, they only need:

    common sense, english

    But more experienced players need to participate aswell:

    no prejudgements, no blaming(use constructive critic instead)

    And this kind of complaining is useless, everybody can tell a noob, person who needs help, and why not help him/her? If he won't do anything like play sounds on, stick with the team, follow the common team rules, listen to experienced players' advices then he's not the same than noobs are, he's a jerk. It's not like you could make them good players just like that, but it's always better for everyone than whining to/about them.

  7. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Its Pure Will View Post
    Newb = new
    Noob = crap
    I think he refers to Newb, but got mixed up.

    that is correct, my mistake.

    but the main purpose of this thread was to get everyone going. which succeeded. not to actually state any real opinion I have. but now I will.
    Im just tired of playing with idiots, which constitute anyone in the N category.

    and seriously...theres an over abundance of players lacking an sense of teamwork in this game.

  8. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Im just tired of playing with idiots, which constitute anyone in the N category.
    So, according to your logic, anyone new to the game is automatically an idiot?

    *shakes head in disbelief*

    and seriously...theres an over abundance of players lacking an sense of teamwork in this game.
    *ducks flying shards of exploded irony meter*

  9. Junior Member
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    admittingly, i occasionally couldn't care less for teamwork in situations where i'm playing L4D when i don't actually feel like playing L4D.

    In either case, over the time, it grows clears who and how you are determined to be a "n00b".
    several symptomes:

    1)The Rambo-gene: don't think it needs a lot of explaining. Rambo's are morons with 1 or 2 braincells that only know the words "gun trigger" and "succes!" (which means "fail" in our language". Rambo's are particullary present when the voice chat of that person in question consists out of loud, incomprehensible grunts and what appaer to be vain insults.

    2)The Gordon-Ramsay-gene: although slightly related to the previous type, the Gordon Ramsay type is someone who, suprisingly enough, understands the team play mechanics but then screws it all by shouting in the voice chat how his team members neglected his godly command.
    It occasionally happens that this type of players just starts throwing random insults at other players for him being hurt, disregarding the fact that he took the front row without ducking (remember children: "Duck and cover!")

    3)The Uwe Boll-gene: this is a rather vague category of n00bs. In its broad sense, the "uwe boll-gene" type of player simply implies "Fail" as a prominent description.
    The kind of of fail produced by these types of n00bs varies from:
    -teamkilling in the safehouse so they "can play with the infected again cause they're waaaaayyy cooler"

    -incinirate teammates instead of the supposed target or show severe hand-eye coordination malfunctions by throwing pipe bombs of a ledge, instead of a location where it would actually attract the horde

    -having the misconception that looking him/herself in a closet away from the rest of the team is safer than staying with them. (especially in versus mode)

    -taking abuse of the tank moment by just being idle (therefore the tank opportunity goes to waste and is given to another person). If after 2 tries (i think) no one plays the tank accordingly, the turn is over and the tank is lost.
    Uwe Bolls sometimes (although rare) group up and tend to provoke that effect.
    __________________________________________________ ____________

    And then there are the newbies who have regular ways of showing that they are new:
    -not knowing the way, BUT! they ask in the chat if someone can help them, instead of spamming the voice chat with insults

    -occasionally shooting a teammate in the back, BUT! apoligizing afterwards (when it matters, such as in Expert mode)

    -just do some things diffirently, like shooting hunter from capped survivors instead of bashing first, shooting the boomer instantly instead of bashing it for distance, i.a.w the regular mistakes we all made (or make: ref: boomer, i still do that myself)

    -the impression that all the above eventually changes for the better and leave the status of being a "new player"

    in other words, i sincerely hope the diffirence is clear

  10. Junior Member
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    Im no pro, but I personally try to be helpful and informative online. I dont mind playing with new players at all cos hey, everyone starts someday. But what i simply hate is when people think they are total pro or use the words 'l33t' 'n00b' 'im liek pro dud3'. its REALLY annoying and shows that they are nothing more then 12 year olds trying to show off their 'pro l33t skillz'.

    I remember I had a player in a game say 'teh unl33t zombies killz me!' and well....he got kicked fast.

    LEFT 4 DEAD is a team game and it requires teamwork, i really dont see how people cant understand that....

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