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Thread: Tourney?

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    Quote Originally Posted by minczgamers View Post
    Another no-micer hater I see. At least I know to avoid you.

    I will leave the lobby if there is a full infected team and I am the only survivor, and the lobby leader starts the game immediately. I don't know why people like that try to put me against a full team when they could wait a few minutes for the lobby to fill up.

    I also leave the lobby if it is full of people with mics (7 mics, just me without), because I will be subject to name calling, abuse and kicking.

    Now why do these things make me a noob or a bad player? I don't want to start the game by myself against a full team, when the lobby leader could wait until the lobby is near full or full. Also XBL is full of no-micer haters. I don't use a mic, I have won or done a good job on plenty of games without one. I have never been kicked from the middle of a game due to my performance due to me not having a mic.

    There are outlines around your teammates. I can see you through the wall, I don't need someone to scream at me "I'm pinned!". Chances are I am heading right towards them. If I am not moving I am stopped by a horde. Also I have on full captions, as soon as I see "HELP! HELP!" or "Smoker attacks, Boomer attacks", I do a full turn to look at the three outlines of my teammates. Then I go straight to the source of the problem.
    I dislike no-micers. Mostly because I usually end up saying "Gamertag, where is he, what are you doing?" They are usually lagging behind or checking every room. This is not to say that every no-micer screws around, just usually the ones that I get paired with. I cant get a response for what they are doing, so if they cant keep up, ill votekick them. Same thing with a kid that has a mic that is lagging behind, with a terrible excuse or no excuse at all. Im not gonna sacrifice a full lobby for a no-micer. If a team wants a no micer kicked from a lobby, their will be done. Majority rules. I dont avoid no-micers like the plague, but playing L4D is like applying for a job. You guys are applying to be my teammates, and with a job that encourages certain experience, A mic is preferred.

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Why would anyone care if you're avoiding them? That's a blessing for most of us.
    I play well without a Mic. Having a mic just makes things more complicated. Fact i play well with the guy because he's not using one too. Mic'ers are usually 12 year old kids with ADHD and the need to call everyone "faggot"

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Could you 'avoid' me too? That'd be swell. And FTFY by the way.

    Oh, avoid you?, oh with pleasure.

  4. Banned
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    Can we all just agree to disagree? Thanks.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    I have nothing against no-micers, it's just that they automatically assume I am a bad player just because I don't use a mic to tell me "I'm pounced" or "Stop falling behind". I don't necessarily check every room, but I usually will quickly try to glance inside a room if my team has no supplies (FAK, pills, pipe bombs). But if I see my team rushing, I'll usually just skip the room and catch up. I am always paying attention to my team's outlines, and if I see they are far ahead I run to catch up with them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Guys, I think there's an important lesson to be learned here:


  6. Chicago Ted
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    Point "4" Kagato i agree with. It annoys me when i see the "Change to ___ Map" come up.

    No, if i want to play Dark Carnival, i want to play Dark Carnival. If you want to play something else, leave the game and join another.

    It isn't THAT hard to figure out really. Although the vast majority of micers start griefing and "faggoting" when you disagree with them and put up a vote kick.

    It just seems a need to always remind the micers that they're playing L4D, not Halo.

  7. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonheart1991 View Post
    It just seems a need to always remind the micers that they're playing L4D, not Halo.
    Stop playing with the publics that are below the age of 14. Most people I play with use mics and they are mature enough to know that it is a tool and not something to sing in to.

    You should plug your mic in sometime and play with a real team. You'll never want to play without it again.

  8. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by minczgamers View Post
    Another no-micer hater I see. At least I know to avoid you.
    I am not exactly a Hater per se, I just don't enjoy people who don't have one, unless they can prove to be helpful for the team. Because in my past playing games I've noticed that every time that I have a useless teammate they don't have a mic. Sure it's a branding thing and its wrong, but it tends to be right.
    I wanted you to know, that by reading this signature you have wasted approximately 6.235 seconds of your life.

  9. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eylof View Post
    Stop playing with the publics that are below the age of 14. Most people I play with use mics and they are mature enough to know that it is a tool and not something to sing in to.

    You should plug your mic in sometime and play with a real team. You'll never want to play without it again.
    Like that game on No Mercy we played with a two others, all four of us were working together and listening to each others opinions, playing with a mic and friends is probably the best way to play L4D.

  10. Zombie Cat
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    Reasons I quit are:

    1. No micers on either team.
    2. Split screeners on either team.
    3. Not enough room for my friends to join.
    4. People who have mics plugged in but don't speak.
    5. People who speak too loudly or have squeaky voices.
    6. People who have their tv up so loud everything echoes through it.
    7. Hosts who start the game on anything but map 1.

    I'm thinking of asking if people have surround sound or at least a set of stereo headphones before beginning, from now on. If they don't have it, I'll be out of that lobby, too.

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