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Thread: Tourney?

  1. Senior-Senior Member
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    So far, here is the craziest reasons people quit.


    1. They are impatient
    2. They don't know how to go with the flow, so they whether leave, or wait until the game starts and want to call you stupid or kick you out.
    3. The map isn't on the first chapter or the server is set on Local. What's wrong with local? Is that for noobs only?
    4. There is to many infected.
    5. They switch to random and got a character they dont want to be (what noobs) or someone already is playing as the character they wanted.
    6. Someone asks them a question so they leave.

    1. The AI is stupid
    2. The players are being assholes.
    3. The other team is winning
    4. When people says "no" to their votes.
    5. When things dont go their way.
    6. When they dont get what they want.

  2. I've done my time
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    Here's something that ticks me off.

    We were doing a 4v4 Versus match. When it was time for a tank it made me the one. As soon as i spawned as the tank my team decided to kick me! And another thing is that 1 time is said i was going to be the tank and it never spwned 1!

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by bolandjf View Post
    Reasons I quit are:

    1. No micers on either team.
    You could be missing a gem. Not all No Micers are bad. Just the people who think they are.

  4. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Ok, here is what I find annoying.

    People leave lobbies because the lobby leader change the map, there is only one player, there is too many infected, they are impatient, the lobby leader changed the map/campaign, the lobby leader asked them a question (e.q. wanna do 1v1?), or the map isn't put on the first chapter of the campaign.

    This is my rant and is this the reason why people keep leaving lobbies?
    For me it's because the lobby leader has decided to fuck off for a few mins (more like 20-30 mins) and is now afk.

    Does my head in that does - I know creating a lobby and waiting for players can be tedious, but to set one up then fuck off for quite some time doing something else is just outrageous! They probably think "oooh no one wants to play" when in reality, their lobby was full several times over, just people realised the leader was afk and left to find another game.

  5. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by bolandjf View Post
    Reasons I quit are:

    1. No micers on either team.
    2. Split screeners on either team.
    3. Not enough room for my friends to join.
    4. People who have mics plugged in but don't speak.
    5. People who speak too loudly or have squeaky voices.
    6. People who have their tv up so loud everything echoes through it.
    7. Hosts who start the game on anything but map 1.

    I'm thinking of asking if people have surround sound or at least a set of stereo headphones before beginning, from now on. If they don't have it, I'll be out of that lobby, too.
    Wow,,, your picky man. You must have a hard time playing any public games.

    But if you had some friends to play with shouldn't you have made your own lobby? I Mean i can understand when you have only 1 other friend.. But trying to find the perfect lobby with 3-4 friends is like trying find a needle in a hay stack. ANd if you make your own lobby you can call the shots..

    Personally i always give a NO MIC'r a chance. Because mics don't matter when you get right down to it. I've played with really..really good no MICrs that have blown my mind. Also played with really good split screeners.

    It all depends on what kind of person you are.. I personally don't mind being on a splitsceen team with no mic'rs because i don't want to be on the better team. I enjoy being on the underdog team. And i luv it when my underdog team i took a chane on all end up being really good and we wipe the floor with the other team.

    Seriously, being on "BEST" team is dry.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  6. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Robotnik View Post
    For me it's because the lobby leader has decided to fuck off for a few mins (more like 20-30 mins) and is now afk.

    Does my head in that does - I know creating a lobby and waiting for players can be tedious, but to set one up then fuck off for quite some time doing something else is just outrageous! They probably think "oooh no one wants to play" when in reality, their lobby was full several times over, just people realised the leader was afk and left to find another game.
    I do this a lot but I'm usually back in five minutes.

    Between games I like to take smoke breaks and go outside for five minutes or so. I let everyone in the lobby know before I leave that I'm just going out for a few minutes and we'll start when I get back. This gives everyone a chance to use the bathroom, grab a snack/drink, get in a smoke or do whatever else they want in those five minutes.

    By the time I get back I usually have at least 5 messages from people saying "Start the game". I've never understood people like that. They remind me of the ones that come into my lobby and within one second of joining start barking orders:

    "Change the map, kick the no-mics, kick someone from the infected so I can be on that team, start the game!". These are the people that I have no problem with using the almighty X button on.

  7. Banned
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    The way I see if you joined a lobby you're probably expecting a good game. If you can't wait five minutes for the game to start go play somewhere else. Also if you come into my lobby expecting to bark orders and have them followed expect to be kicked. If you want to run a lobby go start your own.

    I might have just played a three hour game and I don't smoke in my house. So if I feel like going outside for a smoke break I will. The people who are in my lobby usually have no problem with that. In fact when I get back I often have to wait on most of them to finish what they are doing.

    If a spot does open up there might not be anyone around to tell you we're waiting on people to come back. If you can't figure this out yourself then too bad for you, leave. Don't send me a zillion messages about how I should start the game or kick people.

  8. Banned
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    I didn't miss your point, you're missing mine.

    We leave the lobby set to public so we don't have to wait when we get back. I don't care if other lobbies are good games or not. When you join mine it usually always is and if your not willing to wait for it to start then great for you go find another game.

    My system has worked for going on two years now and the only people that complain are the ones that are impatient and those people usually make crappy team mates. It is an idiot filter you see.

    For the record we play versus mode most of the time where you can't idle so it is perfectly understandable that everyone who played the last game might need a 5 minute break to relive themselves, grab something to eat/drink, or grab a smoke.

  9. Chicago Ted
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    Dunno, i just leave when i want to go play something else. Stayed for three campaigns today, which is more than my usual. But the point really is that, yes, people leaving lobbies just because there's a No Micer or it's not the campaign they want is stupid.

    And as for idleing, i just idle when i'm IN a game. And when i have to idle, i'm usually back within a minute or two.

  10. Banned
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    If you played on the xbox you would understand my logic I guess. There is no way to leave a note to anyone who may enter the lobby, you can't even change your name. Spend a week playing versus on the Xbox and you'll understand why I do things this way.

    Also it isn't really that hard to get a good public round of versus going provided your a good lobby leader. Hell usually when I make a lobby I end up with a team joining to reverse pub stomp. Most of the better games I play (excluding friends only with people from gamebattles or this forum) are against teams that attempt to reverse pub stomp.

    Another thing to note: Not sure where you were raised but where I'm from waiting five minutes for a good time isn't much of a problem. I guess we're just used to taking things slow around here. People that are impatient irk me because of this I guess. These kids today want everything N-O-W and there is a huge population of them on xbox live. You wouldn't believe what these kids say to other people on Xbox live.

    I had one last night calling me all sorts of things ranging from "inbred" to "stupid bitch".

    I told that little punk last night that if my parents ever heard me talking like that at his age I would've gotten the shit smacked out of me....didn't matter if it was Dad, Mom, Grandpap, or Grandma...all of them had a good back hand.

    Funny thing is I never got called "inbred" until I changed my gamertag. People see the name and automatically assume I'm some white trash idiot living in a trailer. Then they hear the accent and they love nothing more than to poke fun at it. I often times end up with that one asshole on my team that loves to speak over me anytime I talk (another thing that irks me).

    Sometimes I wish I could reach through the TV and punch some of these people in the face. I know good and damn well they don't act like that in public. I guess people rag them all day so they deal with it by poking fun at me. I've noticed that they tend to shut-up after I save them a couple of time.

    Do people still teach their kids manners outside of the south? When I was growing up bad manner equaled an ass whoopin'. Even the adults are well mannered. You don't speak over people, you don't go around calling people names, you don't cruse at people, you don't make an idiot out of yourself. This is stuff your suppose to learn before the first grade.

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