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Thread: MOVED: Tourny Rules..

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    MOVED: Tourny Rules..

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  2. Witch
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    Story Time, Ladies.

    Yes. This is a thread where you can post stories. Fiction, nonfiction, whatever genre. Stories you know, or stories that relate to you, or stories of your life.

    I'll start it off.

    There was a hunter who went into the woods to catch some big game.
    He was doing so well, that he lost track of the time and it began to get dark. He was about to set up camp when he noticed a cabin not too far off. He went up to the door and knocked on it. There was no answer. He knocked a little harder and the door slightly opened.
    He went inside, calling out to see if someone was inside. He didn't see anyone. He saw a bed, and figured he would sleep in it and explain himself to the owner the following morning. He lied down on the bed, and saw multiple pictures on the wall. The pictures were of people who seemed to be in agony or a blank stare.
    He thought the pictures were strange and gave him an uneasy feeling. He finally went to sleep. When he awoke next morning by the light through the window, he noticed the faces were gone.

    There. I'll add more, obviously. I wanna hear your stories!
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

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    I have wrote about 6 short stores. To lazy to repost them. I had my own thread but I got sick of defibbing it when hardly anyone read them.

  4. Witch
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    Here's another one.

    There was a kid who attended school. He was sitting in class, waiting for the bell to ring.
    He glanced over at the window and saw a girl. He looked back at the teacher, then back at the girl as fast as he could. The girl was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Wanting to talk to her and get to know her, he went to look for her. He didn't find her. But not far from where he was standing, he noticed something in the grass. He walked over and picked it up. It was a picture inside a frame. It had turned out to be the beautiful girl he wanted to meet. The girl was holding up two fingers, as a peace sign.

    He showed everyone at school and asked if they knew her. Still no luck. He went home and asked his sister. No luck. Then he asked his mother. Also, no such luck. Disappointed, and eager to search again the next day, he went to bed and fell asleep.

    He was awoken by a noise. He went down the hallway to locate the source. He saw something move swiftly. He missed it, and after searching for some time, he headed back to bed.

    The next day, he asked everyone again, hoping they were mistaken. He wasn't able to take a step forward in finding the girl. He headed home, and night quickly fell. He was fast asleep by 11 pm. The noise awoke him again. This time, he looked outside. He saw the girl. Startled by her appearance, he was happy to have found her.

    He ran outside holding the frame to compare, and hopefully to see if it was hers. The boy saw the girl run across the street. He followed after her, and before he knew it, he was lying on the ground in the middle of the street. A truck had hit him, and he lay dead.

    The man driving the truck got out and checked to see what he hit. He was shocked and freaking out that he had killed a boy. He saw something shine in the corner of his eye. He went over and picked up the frame. He saw the same beautiful girl, holding three fingers up.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

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    Thats the thread for a few of my stories. Ill start putting the rest of them here if this thread catches any attention.

  6. Witch
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    Tonight, I went to Wendy's with my stepmom. We went through the drive-through.

    I was in the middle of a story when I yelled out "HOOKER!"

    There was a skinny, black girl with a tight ass trying to get a customer. She walked up to a car, and then walked away because she was denied. She started walking towards the sidewalk and then waved at a car passing by. Another no.

    Then she was gone. We drove off after we got the food, and I saw her walking, and I said "FOLLOW HER"

    I saw her get inside a car, the first guy who I thought denied her. They were just making it look "normal friends" or something, but the way she was dressed it was sketchy anyway.

    Fucking Wendy's.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  7. Left 4 Dead
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    I've got one. It's a funny one too.

    This happened a few years back during freshman year in high school, during finals actually. After I finish an exam, I have 3 hours to kill before I can actually go home. Thankfully, my friends were able to take vacancy in a teacher's lounge and play Halo 2 on the TV so that became routine for us during that week.

    One time, one of my friends, Sharrin offers to use the microwave to make some popcorn for all of us while we play. For whatever reason, he can't figure out how it works; despite it being blatantly obvious. After he finally figured out the microwave's "mysteries", he set the popcorn in and let it cook for a few minutes. Later, there's this awful stench in the room; we soon find out it's a burning smell coming from the microwave. We open it up to find that the popcorn was burned to the state that it was inedible. In fact, the bottom of the bag was completely black. After picking on Sharrin for his utter failure to cook, we open the bag and find the kernels were also burned badly and the smell got greater. A few seconds after we opened the bag, the fire alarm went off.

    We all know that the smell wasn't great enough to prompt someone to pull the fire alarm, but we never let him live it down. I have quite a few stories involving Sharrin's pure inability to cook the simplest meals.
    Parlock: I'm sorry, I'm an idiot who can't read XD.
    Teenracer6: I hate salt, it's too salty.
    Parlock: Taking in TP's sweet, sweet buttsweat didn't make me gag

  8. Witch
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    So I went to a party yesterday.

    There was a PS3, and one PSMove (or whatever) controller.
    I got a chance to play it, on the Sport game.

    I played Table Tennis, and it was fun, good. Kind of repetitive, but it's a ball going back and forth - what do you expect?

    I also played Archery. It was fun too, but it's hard with one controller. I think it would have been better and easier with two.

    I played Gladiator, but I hated it. It wasn't my style, and it was awkward. Again, I'm sure it would have been a lot more fun with two controllers as I could have used my shield better.

    I also played Bocce, and I really like that game. I think that one might be my favorite. I don't see how you would need two controllers to play Bocce, but it works great with just one.

    I tell you, give it a chance before you write it off. I tried at Best Buy, but it didn't work well and I was ready to say "Fuck this game". I tried again at the party, and I'm all "Wow, I judged it too soon"

    It has potential, limited potential, but it's still fun. I think it's the same was the Wii, but ah well. What can you do about that?
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

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