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Thread: Ask, and ye shall.....

  1. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beery View Post
    You do realise that people in the back are firing during a horde rush, right? When you pop your head up into my line of fire, I'm not being the asshole when I shoot it off - you are.
    I hadn't realized that I said that I was the kind of guy who pops his head up during a horde while in front- thanks for putting those words in my mouth to make me look bad. In that case, sorry for that! Totally my bad. I guess I need you to explain to me what I do even though you've never even seen me play.

    Anyway, hehe, the very fact that this topic exists is proof that some people take games like L4D waaaay too seriously.
    I don't understand why. The guy made the thread just to laugh and talk with others about having bad luck with FF. How is that taking the game too seriously?
    Quote Originally Posted by asukhama View Post
    no offense, but it's not an excuse, it's true. I have shot people countless times with the hunting rifle because they blatantly run in front of me while i'm scoped (and no, you cannot see much of your surroundings when you're scoped).

    I have been giving the insult of noob more than enough times, but when you're there in the back giving a hell of a cover some cowboy with a shotgun goes running around like a bull rider taking all the hits from the back just to complain "what the hell man?"

    Hence i have stopped playing Expert campaigns on public servers, it always fails.

    @Graw Kitty: those are some very lame explenations you're giving there. Do you honestly think that we're talking about minutes of idling in a corner?
    When i've just sat down and ready to fire in a completely clean point of view of the approaching horde i've had enough bravados who think they can go all strafing about in front of me with the autoshotgun and taking the down the horde by the himself while the rest inevitably FF's him.

    Strategic movement? point proven. Perhaps YOU realise when to move or when not to, but that doesn't mean the cowboy does. You can't help friendly firing if there's a maniac running in front of you.

    And stray fire, oh please ... do you really believe the majority of us are crouching in a corner, pressing and holding left mouse and start swinging the mouse randomly in hope of hitting something (your weakest argument so far)
    I'm not trying to defend the "cowboy". You realize that, right? I'm defending the intelligent people who move at the right times while someone in the back thinks they have a free ticket to fire off wherever they want. You're projecting me as the kind of moron who doesn't know when to move simply so you can take your frustrations out on me.

    All I'm saying is that people DO have to move- when someone moves in front of you and they get hit, you SHOULD NOT automatically start calling them a noob accusing them of making the mistake. You should stop and consider what happened to figure out if it was your fault or his; it's not a black and white scenario.
    In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams

  2. Junior Member
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    no offense but you're victimizing yourself here.
    First of all, i'm not frustrated, i am very calmly and undone by those events writings my past experiences.
    Secondly, my point was to prove that "you ran in front of me" IS a viable excuse, unlike you, who says it isn't by all means
    It's a ridiculous excuse
    What Beery says was hypothetically spoken (or not?) when he mentions you as the one popping your head up in front in the backline, so no need to see that as an insult, it's a hypothesis, an alternative illustration.

    You're projecting me as the kind of moron who doesn't know when to move simply so you can take your frustrations out on me
    this needs some serious explenations you know.

    also, you misunderstood me on the noob calling. The one calling names is the cowboy that recklessly started running in front of me when i shot him in the back.
    But honestly, i'm not going to stop and considder for a moment "the event that just passed". When i'm playing with reasonable people, they would say "be a bit more careful" or "sorry" when they aknowledge they ran in front. But in the majority of the "reasonable" games, no one mentions the friendly fire at all since it's a clear mistake from whoevers side that doesn't need more fuss to be made about it

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    I just suck at aiming plain and simple

  4. Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Connery View Post
    I'm so sick of that "you walked in front of me" bullshit.
    Oh, I'm sorry. Next time I'm going to let you fight off the horde on your damn self. Stop moving in a horde. And stop wandering in front of people. Directly in front of people.

  5. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biggmone View Post
    Oh, I'm sorry. Next time I'm going to let you fight off the horde on your damn self. Stop moving in a horde. And stop wandering in front of people. Directly in front of people.
    Please stop trying to snipe zombies off me with your shotgun how about meleeing them off?

  6. Zombie Cat
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    If you aim properly with a shotgun you can shoot zombies off a survivor without touching him. I do it all the time. Meleeing takes time during which the survivor can be incapped or dead. Shooting zombies off takes a second and leaves only the one or two zombies immediately in front of or behind the survivor. I'm not saying everyone is trained well enough to do it, but in expert hands a shotgun can be used with precision.

    It's not hard - all you need to do is test on a wall where your shots go in comparison to the aiming reticle. Once you've figured that out you know how close you can aim to a survivor without any chance of hitting him.

    With a well-trained shotgun guy, it's always best to have him shoot off infected. In fact using the shotgun is the single best option when a survivor is surrounded by a horde.

  7. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beery View Post
    With a well-trained shotgun guy, it's always best to have him shoot off infected. In fact using the shotgun is the single best option when a survivor is surrounded by a horde.
    I actually find that the hunting rifle is best for this, since you can shoot from distance, your weapon has no spread (so there's no chance of hitting your team mate if you're aiming at chest level) and the rounds are penetrable, so you can kill more than one infected with a single shot. Pump a few quick semi-auto rounds into the zombies encircling your teamate and you've pretty much wiped 'em all out.

  8. Senior-Senior Member
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    I love taking the hunting rifle, and even then I usually take point. But god damn it, it realllllly irritates me when I'm crouched and scoped and someone walks in front of me.

    Why do people EVER walk in front of a hunting rifle? It's a bad idea! Stop doing it!

    However, I hardly ever FF. I think the most (in coop) I've gotten lately was 3, maybe 5 max. So you're probably doing something wrong. Make sure you either stand to the side, don't stand in the back, or take the high ground (e.g. on the news van in DT #4). And make sure you say ahead of time that if you're crouched, then you're likely scoping so your team mates know better than to move in front of you.

  9. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokey Amp View Post
    I actually find that the hunting rifle is best for this, since you can shoot from distance, your weapon has no spread (so there's no chance of hitting your team mate if you're aiming at chest level)...
    The hunting rifle is okay for this - it is very precise, but you need at least a few of rounds for it - it takes two or three seconds to clear both of the survivor's flanks and the more infected you kill the more risk there is of the panicked survivor moving into your fire as his movement options open up. The shotgun does it within a second with one shot each side, removing any risk of the survivor moving into the firing line and killing the maximum number of infected instantly.

    Again, with the shotgun there is no chance whatsoever of hitting your teammate if you aim it correctly - you don't use the centre of the aiming reticle (the spread is easily calculable and doesn't go wider than a certain point, so you aim just to the left and right of your buddy using the widest spread point as your aim marker), and you kill the maximum number of infected with just two shells. That's what makes it the best weapon for this.

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    That's what VOIP is for.....

    "moving now"

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