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Thread: Issue with some peeps...

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Issue with some peeps...

    This is my first time to actually post a complaint, so I'll try to be thorough...

    I was playing tonight with a few killers, rl, and BIG TEX peeps... the funny thing is that they always joined the easy/winning team... I didn't think we were supposed to stack the teams Anyway... The bd clan was on the loosing side at least 3 out of 5 maps... Big Tex and the killers were on the other side... stacking teams... I'll admit that in the middle, BD went to the ct's on aztec... after going to ct's on italy, and a few other maps that were loosing... I dont recall there names.. sorry... but it was definitely the loosing team (not because we were there, it was always the hardest side of the map!!!) we went ct's on dust2, ct's on the map with a large catwalk that covers a... and others....

    We actually went to the harder team on at least 3 or 4 maps.... We all stayed... we didn't punk out and go to the easy side...

    I don't see the killer clan or BIG TEX doing this... I THOUGHT THIS WAS AN ABSOLUTE WHEN PLAYING WITH UR CLAN... AM I WRONG

    ALSO... when we where taking our spanking on the loosing side, the other side was using AWP's on *de assault 14-0... Isn't this against everything the reserved slot players are here to defend...

    On 1 map, de italy, I was accused of ghosting... by more than 1 admin... u have to be kidding me... I wouldn't know how to ghost.... My clan is stretched across the US... I don't know anyone personally who is on my clan.... it's not like i'm a college student playing next door to a friend... That was truely rediculous!!!! If you guys see me play then u know i don't hack...

    Last but not least... Odawgg has a problem with me for some reason... he is always talking shit to me for no reason.... He swaps the teams around as he see's fit and always goes to the easy side.... AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT SEE'S THIS

    All in all, I thought to be a clan here meant much more than joining the winning team and (if ur an admin) stacking the teams or joining the easy side... That truly seams weak to me...

    I play straight up... I even ask the server admin to even teams when they are unfair... I'm always willing to go to the weaker team... I do like to play with my clan, but i always do what is neccessary to even the teams....

    AM I MISSING SOMETHING? I really don't want to piss anyone off, although I'm sure this message will!!! I just like to play in an even game, regardless of rank... Just even the teams and let's play....

    I truly play for fun and I hope you read this message and seriously rethink some of the players intent...

    Sambo is never shy to buy an awp on the winning team... And I hate to say it but noone here seams to want to hurt their stats... I thought being in a clan on this site would get u past that, but from my experience, I see that I'm wrong!!!

    Plz help explain the aforementioned... I would like to understand the site and server more if these actions are acceptable....

    Thx... Sorry to complain, but what i experienced deserved a complaint....


  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Issue with some peeps...

    wow, you sure touched on alot of hot issue.

    First off you want to call other clans out and settle it clan vs clan, we got a server set up for that kind of thing.

    Now on the whole team stacking / taking the easy team. Going Cts on dust2 ain't all that bad. Granted there are other maps that are more one sided and we all go though those days when we always get the short end of the stick. But most of the time team work can over come that, but not also, as seen on aztec when you and your boys were CTs. The CTs round after round pwnd Ts and then awp'd and auto'd untill both were banned. No doubt this is poor sportsmanship (sp?) and its a shame when a winning team has to awp/auto against shitty wepons. While I left assualt before things got out of hand, awping Ts when its 14-0 is tasteless but at the same time it seemed that you were getting a taste of your own medicine.

    The ghost accusation I think were legit (weather that was the case or not) based on your behavior. Time is winding down and you are a CT on the CT side of long hall and Odawgg is T on the T side, he runs aways cause time is almost up (~30secs maybe) then for no seen reason you pick up his trail. Granted I was fliping back and forth between you two and didn't hear everything you did, but I found it unlikely that you heard him combined with the fact you weren't checking corner and hinding spots along the way to where Odawgg was.

    no doubt that sambo loves the awp.

    playing for fun, you might want to find a different server. You accuse some of this server most tired and true, loyal and beloved players that had worked long and hard to make this server great of things that made this server out of spite. Please tell me I am reading this wrong. Please tell me you aren't doing what I think you are doing, please.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer vafaskillz's Avatar
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    Issue with some peeps...

    When I connected tonight after my CAL match, I hit up a few rounds on Italy, then went Terrorist in aztec with Odawg, gee and my clan. Its interesting how we got our asses handed to us (like you pointed out on the map), but we stayed connected. We took our whoopin like men.

    Next map was assault, and since it is a big awping map, the admins wanted to see if the automated AWP vote was working, which it is not. This awping problem will be fixed very soon we assure you.

    Finally port was my last map, and we went T. Port is one of those maps that can go either way. Unfortunately, you guys all disconnected b4 the map was halfway done (which is fine, cuz you guys were prolly lethargic from playing all night).

    As far as Odawgg, he is the one that likes to go to harder teams every other map to keep things fair. He loves to show people up and demonstrate Teamplay. As does gee, maf, sambo, grey, bravo, sj, hub, KB, killers, etc. We are teamplayers. We are all good at this game and we execute teamplay 24/7.

    Next time, on assault, smoke the garage 3 times and storm it with your team, while simulatneously having other teammates rush top and bottim doors. I have won CT there numerous times. And lost..shit happens.

    The tone of your complaint seemed fair, but you took some stabs at a lot of TTP fossilized players/clans. Next time, choose your words wisely so you dont end up in hot water.


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    Issue with some peeps...

    I like the hard team...

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    Issue with some peeps...

    I have stated officially that i will not post my opinions on this topic any further....

  6. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Issue with some peeps...

    and I have posted as much that the stats don't lie. If all the admins did was pick the "easy" side, their stats would be outstanding, and all of their top victims would be non-admins.

    check the stats.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Issue with some peeps...

    First off, let me apologize for my idiocy... I was drunk, tired, and pissed off and I should not have written the grievance in that condition... You guys know I like the admins here or I wouldn't have set up a clan or donated money here...

    Owdagg, I feel I owe you a personal apology, but I'm posting it here because I want everyone to see it... I do see you play the hard side more than not and from what I can see, you do do your best to keep the teams even... Tha'ts more than I can ask for in an admin... Sorry man...

    Bigdog... very true... I know what you're saying and I totally agree....

    "awping on ct's on aztec" I actually told my team to put them down repeatedly!!! I did buy one early in the game, before we had 5 wins, and got killed with it... I didn't buy another one...

    "GHOSTING" first off, I don't really know what ghosting is!!! I think it is when you are playing beside someone, they are dead, and you can see their screen... IS THAT CORRECT? If so, then you should know I live in Canton, GA in a single bed room apartment... I'm 28, and I work 50 hours a week... I don't have the time or desire to cheat.... I don't know anyone where I live since I just started a new job 4 months ago... So if I'm in my apartment by myself, how the hell do I ghost

    Explanation: I was heading towards hosties, noticed the time, and heard someone running above towards the apartments... If you've played with me before you know that I do the same thing... i go back to ct spawn and sit there and snipe... So when I heard him running, I made a b-line towards the spawn... if I was wallhacking, I would have had my knife out to try and catch up but I truly didn't know where he was.... I was simply heading in the direction where I last heard him and then anticipating his strategy... Yeah it's alot for a drunk man to do, but I've been playing cs since beta 4 and I have some experience/knowledge about the game...

    You guys have played with me and you have to know I don't hack!!! I admitt, I can see why you would think it's a legit accusation, but it definitely wasn't true... Hell I would probably have thought the same thing if I saw anyone else do it...

    I gave you guys props last night for staying t on aztec!!! That was the right thing to do.... Just as i stayed on ct on the next map assault...

    "the Awp VOTE" I had no idea you guys were trying to check the awp vote! Someone should have mentioned it so others would know!!! It really didn't look good since an admin or two where on the t side... the other ct's were all talking shit...

    In all, thx for the advice Tony, i will chill...

    Sorry for the hasty post... I made the wrong decision to write a grievance when I was drunk, pissed, and tired... If I pissed anyone off, I apologize... I wouldn't be here if I didn't like the admins, the people, and the server!!!

    Hope I haven't burned any bridges with you fellas....


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    Issue with some peeps...

    The tone of your complaint seemed fair, but you took some stabs at a lot of TTP fossilized players/clans.

    For that, I am sorry... I know you guys have been here a long time and you deserve more respect than I showed.... Again, I'm sorry for being an ass... That's all i can say...

  9. Registered TeamPlayer vafaskillz's Avatar
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    Issue with some peeps...

    well thought out apology, very clear and concise. The AWP vote is extremely close to being finished...we had some success with it hopefully that will be a passing issue.

    Anyways, hopefully will see you guys on later!

    No bridges burned here!

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    I appreciate it Tony... thx for understanding...

    Cya on cs!!!

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