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Thread: I love the sever

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    I love the sever

    Well I dunno how much people trash talk alot of severs but I would like to say as far as the sever that I have played on so far ( just pick HL2/CS:S last week) I really enjoy comming on your sever were people generally play as a team and can make both sides work even on the hardest maps for that team.

    I just came here from a CS1.6 sever that closed it's doors. So pardon my noobieness for the next bit while I get used to new looks a feel for the game.

    But in closing great sever all and all.

    I also like how you can restrict the AWP's and Auto snipers when they get out of hand. .

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: I love the sever

    Welcome, Welcome WELCOME - To the only home for teamplay on the web.........

    Tell your friends about us.......

    Glad you registered, hope you'll stick around and make a home here.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: I love the sever

    acctually i know another team play server lol

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: RE: I love the sever

    Quote Originally Posted by cheeeeeese
    acctually i know another team play server lol

    Welcome aboard.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: I love the sever

    cheeeeeeese.. wow.. looks like you really wanna contribute to TTP.

    I, personally, love TTP and if she were a woman I'd make love to her all night long. I was in desperate search for a good server for both CSS and BF2.. and I found them here.. deep in the heart of TEXAS!

    This is truly one of the best servers out there... good team players and people who have a love for the game.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: I love the sever

    Welcome to the internet's finest server.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: I love the sever

    If she were a woman I'd be nailing her while MarineDog was away doing PT!

    Then again, if the queen had balls - she'd be the king!

    It doesn't matter what you play here, you'll find active TEAM PLAY oriented gamers - especially in BF2.

    Glad to see you found the grail bro.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    Nomination DMC4 for DT GOTY

    Okay I am nominating DMC4

    Not sure about the strength of this one but it was hands down the best hack and slash of 08 so it deserves a look for that at least.

    I reviewed that one too

    Graphics/Presentation - Devil May Cry 4 probably won't win any blue ribbons in the best graphics category but the game does look great. However, from the pores on characters faces to the stubble on Dante's chin, its obvious that Capcom put some time in on this game. It may not be the graphical power house that Resident Evil 5 is shaping up to be but at the same time its one the best looking things to come out of Capcom so far this generation. The soundtrack is the usual mix of creepy background tracks that switch to techno and metal during actual battle, nothing greatly new but a nice mix of what the series is known for. As far as the play environment goes, the backgrounds are beautiful but nothing the series hasn't thrown at you before from city streets to castles its all stuff that fans of the series have seen before. The only new environment players are tasked with fighting through is a forest that tends to have poor shadow affects and just overall runs poorly with framerate drop and screen tearing (depending on the version). The biggest mistake in the presentation however is backtracking. Instead of adding new areas the second half of the game forces backtracking, which in itself isn't a mortal sin and nothing new to the franchise but Capcom really could have added a few new locals and about six or seven extra missions; perhaps trying to fit the game on one DVD9 caused this, but one thing is certain in the future if disc space is an issue make the 360 version more than one disc, games should be bigger than their PS2, X-Box, and Gambcube counters parts. Backtracking and unoriginal locals aside this game shines in the gameplay department. This is where myself and most of the "pro" critics disagree. While the does very little new in the gameplay department its still a shining example of the "if its not broke don't fix it" mentality. The combat may not be the revolutionary but what it does is takes what was good about the prior installments and improves on just about every aspect.

    Gameplay/Mechanics - This is where Devil May Cry 4 excels, as per series norm the stylish combat and incredible boss fights make a triumphant return. The gamplay itself focuses on a pleasant mix of swordplay and gunplay with a few additions thrown in to add combat depth, most notably a demon arm AKA Devil Bringer on new comer Nero that can be used to grab enemies from far distances and then used to throw them in various ways. The controller lay out hasn't changed much from past games, but with the inclusion of newcomer Nero in addition to returning veteran demon hunter Dante the game really offers up some variatey in the gameplay department. Which is something DMC2 tried and failed at. To begin Nero has the exact same weapon set the entire game but as the game progresses he will learn new skills in his Devil Bringer such as grabbing and using enemies as a shield, Nero also has a much larger list of upgradeable abilities available to him to make up for lack of weaponary Nero's sword Red Queen has a rev function that can be used to strengthen his attacks by either pre-reving using the L2 button or insta reving by pressing L2 on attack. As you build Nero's skill list you also notice that exceed and max act will allow Nero to (with perfect timing) fully rev his blade to level three and then use all three revs instantaneously to pack on some extra damage. Nero's gun Blue Queen also has a charge function to add a little damage, the catch being that fully charged shots from a fully upgraded Blue Queen can cause massive damage and really open up opportunities to some nasty combo's following. The real kicker in Nero's arsenal is his Devil Bringer which can be used to snatch enemies and pull them in to you, or vice versa on bigger enemies, and then used to do throw style moves. Playing around with the Devil Bringer not only is fun and satsifying but its also one of the quickest ways to do a lot of damage fast with Nero and can be used to pull of some pretty impressive moves against stunned bosses for heavy damage. Dante on the other hand plays much like he did in DMC3 his basic starting weapon is his sword Rebellion and his double pistols Ebony and Ivory, also returning from DMC3 are his Swordmaster, Gunslinger, Trickster, and Royal Guard styles. The biggest improvement on Dante this go around is on the fly switching. Basically this means that unlike previous games Dante will no longer have to choose one or two swords and guns but will rather have access to everything in his aresnal without ever having to go into a menu to re-equip a different weapon. Not only does on the fly switching pertain to Dante's aresenal though it also works for style swapping. Instead of being forced into one style Dante can now seemlessly change from one style into the next this combined with on the fly weapon switching creates nearly limitless combat depth with Dante. While Dante's ability list may not have the depth of Nero's (nearly all of Dante's skills can be learned in your first play through) the inclusion of on the fly switch turns Dante in a monster that makes Nero's abilites seem shallow in comparison. While each charcter offeres something different its apparent that Capcom added Nero for newcomers, he is easier to learn, easier to master, and easier to use all around. Dante on the other hand may seem intimidating to new players on pick up simply due to his lack of a Devil Bringer (crutch) but to series vets and players willing to learn Dante is a bottomless pit of combat depth that can even on the hardest settings slaughter bosses in under 45 seconds. Like in the other games DMC4 starts your character out with a tiny health bar and simple attacks but as the game progresses players can use "devil blood" (AKA red orbs) dropped from dead enemies or hidden inside breakable objects to upgrade health, devil trigger guage, and buy various healing items; new to the series is the inclusion of proud souls, which are awarded upon completion of a mission and used to upgrade abilities in everything from weapons to devil triggers, to Nero's Devil Bringer and Dante's styles, in past games everything was bought with devil blood but now characters can focus on upgrading their health without sacrificing new moves in the process. Devil blood alone won't be the only method of upping your health bar as blue orb fragments will be scattered across the playing field as well as hidden "secret missions" that award players blue orb fragments, upon finding four blue orb fragments the players health will go up. The level end ranking system of DMC4 has been slightly altered from prior installments; in past games players could be ranked anywhere from D to SS based upon damage taken, style points, orbs found, playtime and so on. This time players are only ranked on playtime, style points, and orbs found and the ranks only range from D to S.

    Story - While the story is not the reason to play the DMC games they, with the exception of DMC2, have had pretty solid stories and DMC4 follows that tradition. Just keep in mind that tongue in cheek dialogue and cheesy one liners are part of the charm here, but there is a healthy mix of serious parts. Basically though the story of DMC is supposed to reflect what the gameplay does, its cool and just plain fun. The story follows Nero, a member of a cult of Sparda worshipers known as the Order of the Sword. Nero however seems more interested in fellow female member Kyrie than the religion or the legend of Sparda itself. Everything goes to hell when one day, Dante, the Son of Sparda and legendary demon hunter from the previous games himself shows up under mysterious circumstances and blows the cult leader brains out. The story then follows Nero trying to hunt down Dante and discover the truth about whats going on within the Order itself. I won't go into to great details but needless to say as the story goes on with Nero finding out that Dante isn't the bad guy in the whole mess. It seems like Capcom tried to pull a MGS2 here buy introducing a new character and keeping you wondering for half the game exactly what the deal is with the normal main character. Unfortunatley Capcom doesn't seem to have the story telling abilities of Kojima Productions and there really isn't enough mystery surrounding Dante for it to work, I mean Dante goes around and kills demons that have escaped from hell for a living and this game comes before part 2 chronologically so the whole is Dante evil angle fails big time. The only real gripe I have about the story is we never figure out exactly who Nero is and what the Devil Bringer is as well as both their connections to Dante and Sparda, though Capcom did leave a bread crumb trail of hints for series vets they still have yet to offically address it.

    9/10 - for the few things Capcom could have done better they still took an incredible hack and slasher and improved on what worked in the past. With Ninja Gaiden 2 being a half assed rushed project DMC4 is at the moment the best Hack and Slash game of this generation.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    Nomination DMC4 for DT GOTY

    Haven't played it.... so I won't vote.

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    Nomination DMC4 for DT GOTY

    I'm afraid that I must differ to Yahtzee on this one.

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