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Thread: Lol i find this funny...

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Lol i find this funny...

    So... we were on Dust and i was on the cts. we started winning a lot of rounds, and the Ts kept rushing A. i had an aug and so i would wait far back in the bombsite and pick Ts off as they ran by, or wait for them to exit the tunnel. BSS Cop said that i "wasnt being a team player" and that i was "Taking Kills". well... thse kind of contradict each other. If its about winning then why would ppl care if i pop around a corner and pop a shot and kill someone at 20 hp? first of all, camping a bombsite that is getting rushed with my fellow teamates isnt "Not being a team player". Second, im a ct, i can camp bombsites. Third, i did take some kills lol. now, cop said i am not a team player cuz i "Never died". well, a smart CS player will fall back when they r getting shot, then attack when the feel ready. apparently by what he said, if i rushed in way b4 my team every round and died, this would make me More of a team player. Then he said my KD ratio shows that im not a team player. 40:14 KD ratio shows that i pooned the Ts, which helps my team. so, idk cop said he was gonna post on the forums so i decided i would b4 him tell me what u think.

    later guys.
    [BFG] Jake

  2. Registered TeamPlayer NyghtEntreri's Avatar
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    Lol i find this funny...

    RE: Lol i find this funny...

    40:14 = 20 kills to 7 deaths that is not exactly owning and but its a good round on your part ...But anyways according to you a "Smart cs player is a person that falls back and runs away when he feels he is ready is smart but not Team play.. Now if your the only one left or you and another person is left and like 8 terrorists are coming in then Sure you can be a "lone wolf " and just try to win it for the team... And lastly being ct on dust and "owning" as a ct is not exactly hard to do.....

  3. Registered TeamPlayer MooMasterCowman's Avatar
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    Lol i find this funny... Lol i find this funny...
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    Gamertag: MooMasterCowman Steam ID: moomastercowman

    RE: Lol i find this funny...

    40:14 says to me one of three things:

    1) the other team sucked. having been in the game very shortly after (the argument was still ongoing), and seeing who was in the server, i know this was not the case.

    2) you aren't legit player.

    3) you're playing for yourself and your KD, not your team. you hang back and take out the t's that are half-dead and reloading, after you let them kill your team. you're not at the front, throwing nades, and stopping the t advance.

    how many people think it was #3?

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Lol i find this funny...

    Original Message...

    Alright I am putting this here first purely for the fact this is between us and if you want to and if this goes out of hand and we need moderation we will post this in the forums. As of now I don't thinks its worthy of being posted in open forums.

    Okay this is my problem with the way you play. What I mean by "Garbage Kills" is after spectating you for bout 10 rounds you tend to let the other guys go first deal damage and you come in behind them and sweep up the dirt. I haven't seen you once yet rush in and be like "I'M THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH" and plow through the enemy. A team player knows how to support there fellow teammates were the live off each other one watches one flank the other covers that way. You have to know how to use your ability's to the advantage you don't let other go before you and you wait till last till you go and pick off the easy kills. Me I'm not the best at this game yet. I tend to play as I run in and take all the bullets so the people behind me have that much more time before the enemy react. Hell sometimes I can run into a room with a Kreig and blow of 6 peoples head and then go down but its worth it cause I don't give a damn if I die it is a game you'll die eventually. To me it seems you play to keep your guns you know?
    Anyways give me your thoughts and opinions. Ohh and another thing that put a sour taste in my mouth was you applyd to be in death and then you go join BFG? Whats up with that?
    lol well, u didnt stick around long enough. i led rushes into b tunnels. i dont try and take kills, i see i shoot. second, whatever helps a team wins is what counts, so dont BS me about camping T bombsite with an aug killing players with 20 hp. If KD ratio doesnt matter then why is it bad if i kill someone being shot at already. My team didnt have a problem with it, so why should u.

    too late i madea forum post. sorry man.

    Never once did I say anything about camping bomb sites I am not so Ignorant to realize as thats what a CT does. Though you are so ignorant to put words in my mouth that were never spoken or typed. This all started were you didn't like that you were losing on the T side. So when the players were T's 9 Ct's 8 you switched over. Now de_dust is a CT dominated map. Therefore T's should have more players. After you switched CT's had 11 people and T's 8 by new joiners. Now a Team Player would see ohh look this is a CT dominated map and CT's have 3 more players then T maybe I shouldn't have switched in the first place. Team players support each other as stated above they thrive off each other the win with each other. Then after this facts I rejoin the server and he decides to take this issue up with me verbally and then 2 admins verbally tell him to stop then he continues then they warned him through admin chat to stop and they had to tell him to stop one more time Verbally. Again this shouldn't be in the forums. But you brought it hear lets finish it.

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    Re: Lol i find this funny...

    Jake, you obviously haven't played this server very long. I take your post as being one of "newness." Given that you have 4 total posts and this one is a "I bet tattle before Cop tattles on me" kind of post, I think you should think a little before your next post.

    Sitting back as CT on dust while the rest of your team is rushing normally would get your slayed or kicked because you are not helping your team. If your team calls out and says something like, "Let's camp B," then it is perfectly fine to sit back and take your kills as the T's run out one by one, considering you found a way not to be flashed over and over.

    This server is about playing as a team and winning and losing as a team.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake
    . Then he said my KD ratio shows that im not a team player. 40:14 KD ratio shows that i pooned the Ts, which helps my team. so, idk cop said he was gonna post on the forums so i decided i would b4 him tell me what u think.

    [BFG] Jake
    This shows that you care more about your Ratio than you did your team score. Do you even know what the score was? Was your team killing them by a huge amount? If they were, why didn't you switch over and help the Terrorist. If you are such a smart player (since you are the first one to ever say something like this....ever), then why not call out where your team should go and why not lead the rush....Wait, maybe you might die...but that would hurt the ratio wouldn't it.

    Jake, I have a feeling you need to play a bit more time on the server to get a feel of why people play here. We don't play here to sit back and camp bombsites while the rest of the team is in choke working on killing Terrorists. We are also not a server with a bunch of "lone wolf's" waiting to up the Kill Death Ratio so that can "poon" What the frick is Poon anyway?

    If you wanted to post this before cop does, I can tell you are a young guy that is probably pretty good at CS...Trying playing with your team and you won't be called out. Try listening to teammates instead of trying to rat them out.

    BE A FREAKING TEAMPLAYER....or, you can do like the other 1000 of people and find another pub where you can just sit back and poon.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer MooMasterCowman's Avatar
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    Lol i find this funny... Lol i find this funny...
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    Gamertag: MooMasterCowman Steam ID: moomastercowman

    Lol i find this funny...

    oh, and next time, don't spam the server with "you workin on that forum post?" "gonna post on the forum?" "hows that post goin?" for twenty minutes.

    the title for this thread shows that you don't quite get the seriousness of this. you've got regs calling you out as a non-teamplayer, and then proceed to make an ass of yourself by spamming nonsense on the server.

    not a good start.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Lol i find this funny...

    Look, i was on the server for some of this, and i want to say that everyone has needs to think about their actions..

    Jake - I personally havent seen you do anything that wasnt teamplay, BUT you need to learn (as i have learned) that the server is not the place to argue about such things. The rest of the people on the server (and more importantly your team) need the mic clear so we can communicate, and we don't need our teammate out typing bullshit and being afk for a round. If Moo, Cop, me, or anyone on the server starts calling you out about not rushing with them, here's what you do. Prove them wrong by actions. Rush with whomever and lead the rush, either killing people, or dying. Show them what they want. Don't piss everyone else off by spamming shit. (I almost got banned for this, don't make my mistake)

    Cop - You fed into this also, and you, of all people, know better. Keep it off the server.

    Brolotto - lol @ you DoD guys.
    Sitting back as CT on dust while the rest of your team is rushing normally would get your slayed or kicked because you are not helping your team.
    sitting back on ct while your team is rushing is smart. Thats what the cts are supposed to do. Rushing is an option.
    Jake, I have a feeling you need to play a bit more time on the server to get a feel of why people play here. We don't play here to sit back and camp bombsites while the rest of the team is in choke working on killing Terrorists.
    (We actually DO sit back and camp bombsites FYI) Brolotto, i have a feeling you need to play more on the CSS server with the people you talk down to. Jake rushes with me all the time. Most of BFG does. I talk shit to them on the server (BFG IS MY BITCH) but they are a really good up and coming clan. and Koop wouldnt have let Jake in if he didnt think Jake would make a great addition.

    And yes, Jake asked to be in Death and then "signed" with BFG... because we have too many peeps in our clan. One of us mentioned this, hence he is not in our clan.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Lol i find this funny...

    Quote Originally Posted by MooMasterCowman
    the title for this thread shows that you don't quite get the seriousness of this. you've got regs calling you out as a non-teamplayer, and then proceed to make an ass of yourself by spamming nonsense on the server.

    not a good start.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Lol i find this funny...

    Quote Originally Posted by greymata
    Look, i was on the server for some of this, and i want to say that everyone has needs to think about their actions..

    Jake - I personally havent seen you do anything that wasnt teamplay, BUT you need to learn (as i have learned) that the server is not the place to argue about such things. The rest of the people on the server (and more importantly your team) need the mic clear so we can communicate, and we don't need our teammate out typing bullshit and being afk for a round. If Moo, Cop, me, or anyone on the server starts calling you out about not rushing with them, here's what you do. Prove them wrong by actions. Rush with whomever and lead the rush, either killing people, or dying. Show them what they want. Don't piss everyone else off by spamming shit. (I almost got banned for this, don't make my mistake)

    Cop - You fed into this also, and you, of all people, know better. Keep it off the server.

    Brolotto - lol @ you DoD guys.
    Sitting back as CT on dust while the rest of your team is rushing normally would get your slayed or kicked because you are not helping your team.
    sitting back on ct while your team is rushing is smart. Thats what the cts are supposed to do. Rushing is an option.
    Jake, I have a feeling you need to play a bit more time on the server to get a feel of why people play here. We don't play here to sit back and camp bombsites while the rest of the team is in choke working on killing Terrorists.
    (We actually DO sit back and camp bombsites FYI) Brolotto, i have a feeling you need to play more on the CSS server with the people you talk down to. Jake rushes with me all the time. Most of BFG does. I talk shit to them on the server (BFG IS MY BITCH) but they are a really good up and coming clan. and Koop wouldnt have let Jake in if he didnt think Jake would make a great addition.

    And yes, Jake asked to be in Death and then "signed" with BFG... because we have too many peeps in our clan. One of us mentioned this, hence he is not in our clan.
    Grey, I do play CS and I do know that camping bombsites is a smart move. I am not an idiot, don't make me out to be one. But, I have played enough with guys that when someone calls out a rush, you follow...or you make sure you have your teams back.

    When someone comes here and says he is pooning noobs or some crap like that, then I am going to defend the server and the teamplay aspect and not the "I'm 40-14 BS" I will do it every time.

    Don't call me out like that unless I am saying something totally absurd, which in this case, I am not.

    You know how I feel about teamplay and whether I am a DOD mostly guy or not, I have played CS, I know Dust and I have played with guys on TTP on Dust, so I do know how it goes.

    I post here as a voice or reason and for some kid to come in here and tattle before he is tattled on is bull and you would say the same thing.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Lol i find this funny...

    Ridiculous, completely insane!


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