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Thread: Sick and tired...

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Angelforge's Avatar
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    Sick and tired...

    Oh... my... god...
    I am so incredibly sick and tired of deathmatch servers. I've been trying to get good at aiming and killing so I'll be able to at least seem like I can hold my own here on TTP. It is very, very demoralizing to end a map with 3 kills and 23 deaths. I want to continue playing here but I also want to be able to kill at least one member of the opposing team every once in a while. Do any of you have any fragging tips for a noob? If I don't improve a little, I'm worried the everyone-using-awp, pr0n-spray-OK, mic-spamming, $5-for-admin-powers servers will ruin CS:S for me. And before you say "Just play here, you'll improve sooner or later!"... 3 and 23 has happened to me more then once. and it's usually worse. It's very, very demoralizing.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer DJ Ms. White's Avatar
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    Re: Sick and tired...

    Record demos of yourself, and post them up for critique. People can start to coach you, and play here; you'll at least have some fun and laughs even if it takes a while to get good (shudders at the first month of TF2 I played).
    enf-Jesus its been like 12 minutes and you're already worried about stats?! :-P
    Sweet home Alabama you are an idiot.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Xtreme's Avatar
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    Re: Sick and tired...

    Just few tips. Always buy armor that would help u from dieing alot. Try going for opponent's head instead of spraying and that would work with alot of practices. ppl have different styles of playing. Myself i like to rush most of the time, but i would say for you not to rush alot but also don't camp because i kill campers 8). Start buying nades, flashes and smokes and work with those, they are one of the best things for skillz if you work with them and try to use them in the right time and spot (do not team flash). If you ever thought auto sniper is good and easy, don't go for it bc even if you go for it and do kill u won't look good(personal). Do not spray at all in the beginning with AK, need alot of practices in order to spray with that gun but the best gun of the game(personal). That's all i think for now for you. Any questions you can ask me.

  4. Exiled
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    Re: Sick and tired...

    Here's my advice for you...

    - Find your gun. No matter what game it is. Find what YOUR best/comfortable with.
    - Use it ALOT. This will get you better using it and will make you known for using it. Such as Langrad w/ mp5navy, vafa w/ ak, etc.
    - Go to Deathmatch servers and use that gun the whole time!
    - While you are at the Deathmatch server, DEMO YOURSELF! People take this too lightly when this is a major key of improving your skill.
    - After Demoing yourself, STUDY YOUR MISTAKES.
    - Continue going to Deathmatch server and PRACTICE FIXING YOUR MISTAKES.
    - NO SPRAYING!!! I know its hard, and every player does it, but try and keep your composure and aim. Hard to nail, but once you do? You will reap the rewards.
    - Take your time and don't rush it. The person that is more patient and takes their time, will win 90% of the time.
    - Be SMART. Find your style of play whether it may be rushing, sniping, mid-range combat, close-up combact, etc.
    - Study how your gun sprays IF you are in a desperate time and need to spray. I recommend muscle memory maps. (EX: mm_delight_64) Muscle memory maps help you shoot before your opponent does. Find your sensitivity!!!
    - PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!! Its corny, but "Practice makes perfect." Whether it is facing 10 bots on easy with no weapons and just practicing your snapshots. I'm not gunna lie, I do that alot. It helps you get a shot off faster and hit your opponent before they hit you.
    - This one doesn't help your aim, but turn your volume up and LISTEN FOR FOOTSTEPS! It is VERY vital and you can get a call off fast and help your team win. And a couple kills for your personal pleasure if you take your time and 2-3 burst a couple people in the face!
    - Last thing. When you die, spectate skilled players such as Vafa, Toke, railed, Hub, Scrum, Oni-Scout, Pimp Trizkit, Master_Magus, etc. Any skilled player. Study them and watch their techniques. I know, it sounds cheap but that can actually help you ALOT. Dont mimic them, but get a few good spots and techniques.

    If you follow this guide, you will improve your skills ALOT and will become more confident in rushing, sniping, and taking control of your team by making calls. And by that, you get respect. So what do you have to lose? 30 minutes of time? And what do you gain? Skill, confidence that can help you in real life, and respect. Good trade if you ask me!

    Hope this helps you or anybody else that needs help.

    Simple things like this, make a HUGE difference.

    --- cyaNide

  5. GReYVee's Avatar
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    Re: Sick and tired...

    You can get a million skill tips all contradicting.

    I know you hate to hear this, but the true key is the team. You can go 3-24 and worse, but if you make the team win that is end-all the best.

    But that aside you have to remember some key points:

    -- Know thy enemy. Find their tendancies to rush, and their tendancies to camp. Avoid both when possible.. exploit both when possible. Find your own jump and take it. Even the best get fucked with nade in hand, or back turned. Even the best can get one-shot with a well pre-placed barrel. You HAVE to pay attention to who is dying where and why,

    -- Play aim maps all you want, but timing is critical. You are facing a bunch of people in aim maps who either need to tweak their aim or play lots of the same shit. You do not get the other benefits from an aim map that you do on a regular map. All you get is a pre-fire play.

    -- Get a headset, crank the volume, learn your directional keys. CSS is as much audio as it is visual/tactile. If you feel like you are being distracted by sound, try playing without sound. Both of these may give you insight as to why you lack a certain instinct that is essential to positive score.

    -- Find your niche, and work the shit out of it. If you are good at rushing, learn how to flash those corners, or avoid those flashes. Jump on top of people.

    I will say though.. many high score players are not severely skilled. They are always behind the rest and feed off a teams ability to spot, clear, and plant. Most your big score guys either are extremely conditioned, or simply conditioned to pick. Don't be the latter. work hard for your kills. You will learn so much more about winning this way than you ever will about being mr. clutch fail.

    Snipe once you are ready to take control of a situation with a hand-gun.

    Find a good rifle -- learn prices. A rifle with kit+helm can go a long way.

    when poor just buy a side-arm, nade, flash -- and get good at using these. I have had my best kill runs with a usp, nade, picking up a gun..mopping up.


  6. Registered TeamPlayer Toad's Avatar
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    Re: Sick and tired...

    Your first 1-2 bullets will be very accurate. After that, they start going all over the place. Practice stopping suddenly and shooting 2 round bursts at people. When you spray wildly, make sure you're aiming at the feet/knees and you'll get more hits. If you go spray, go all out spray (tmp, p90, para) and get right in the enemy's face. If you learn how to 'preflash' and then attack bottlenecks when the enemy is in them and flashed then you'll rack up kills.

    Dust2 as CT for example, rush as fast as you can to B site and flash the tunnel, or run up to short and flash down the steps and around the corner, or run to long and flash through the doorway that Ts come out of. Get good at popping out after flashing and shooting the lead guy or two. I always try to buy 2 flashes and 1 HE nade because people on TTP servers preflash less than I'd expect, but give reasonably good calls when they see someone, so you can flash, HE, flash again, rush as long as you just spam those nades 1-2-3.

    On the T side, look at where your team is rushing and pick where you are going to rush to. That is, if you rush B on dust2 and the first 2 guys turn right to shoot the guy near the car or behind the crate, then you run along the left edge and assume that your team will kill the CTs on the right. This will either make you a target for the CTs in site and on the left, or let you get easier kills when they attack your teammates near the car, but at least you won't be looking back and forth confused and not ready to aim.

    I also recommend a low-ish sensitivity. It's nice to be able to spin around on a dime, but that's why they make big mousepads... I still get killed every once in awhile because my mouse falls off mine but ehhh, in the meantime I get a lot more accuracy (and just have to work on keeping the mouse in the center more)!

  7. Registered TeamPlayer ALPINESTAR's Avatar
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    Re: Sick and tired...

    [quote author=...bigdog... link=topic=81507.msg1197022#msg1197022 date=1268327193]
    so tragic.... BC2, and stop playing WoW.

  8. Site Banned.
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    Re: Sick and tired...

    muscle memory maps. :9

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Rawr's Avatar
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    Re: Sick and tired...

    As stated above, a low sensitivity is super nice. Mine is set at .5 but I have an 11"x13" mousepad or something like that so I just flail my arm around, but it keeps shots on people in front of me much more accurate.

    Also ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS run with your gun aiming at an approximate of where the enemy's head / chest will be. If you are running up hill, look a bit higher. If you are running down hill, look a bit lower. Keep it to where if someone pops out in front of you, you should have that first shot advantage.

    Again already stated, but listen. My biggest advantage is sound. I can almost always hear someone, and when I hide behind thin walls and doors with an AK I tend to spray them as the foot steps come near and get a kill or two through the wall before I retreat to the next spot.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer (2)manno's Avatar
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    Re: Sick and tired...

    my two sens:

    1. sensitivity - start here. you have to have your mouse sens consistent before your aim will be consistent. a good sensitivity depends on a few things. your windows sens, your dpi and your cs:s sens. most experts will tell you to get rid of mouse acceleration and pointer enhancement in windows so do this first. put your window accel at 6 (no acceleration). my mouse is set to 1850 dpi and i like to be able to do at least a 180 with a handflick (standard setups are 180 with handflick, or 360 with handflick, your preference, but i suggest the lower of the 2). therefore, my 3rd variable, cs:s sense, is set to 2.5 wich allows me to do that. find you sens settings. once these are set properly you can work on your aim consistently.

    2. aim - like others have said, aim for the head, try not to spray (but do learn to do it when necessary - aim for the feet) and stick to a limited selection of guns that you can get work with. here are 3: a deagle, ak, and m4. if you can't buy one of those rifles, buy a deagle and aim for the head. do this over an over and over until you don't target anything but heads. muscle memory maps are great as suggested, but you don't need them to aim for the head on any map, in any server. be consistent.

    3. helm+armor, nades and flashes. if you really want to help yourself, buy helm and armor always, and get good with nades and flashes. these will all help you live longer and frag more. set up some key binds so you can easily access flashes and nades without taking your hands of the mouse or fingers off the movement buttons. i have flash set to mouse 5 and nade to mouse 4. that way i can get to either with just my thumb, leaving everything else in place.

    4. your brain. use it, it's the best weapon you have. think someone is around the corner? don't charge in and find out before you shoot, pre-fire. don't get caught running up a ramp with a flash only to get shot. throw the flash first, then run. make sure you strafe when getting shot at, try not run straight at the target (unless you're rushing), vertically moving targets are easier to hit than horizontally moving targets. move left, burst, move right, burst. change horizontal moves up with bursts at the head. don't run with grenades, run with your pistol out, switch to the nade at the right time. etc. be smart. using radar, communicating often, and using flashes and nades all require brainpower and will definately help your team while easily increasing your k:d.
    Quote Originally Posted by Murker1 View Post
    You don't find (2)manno...(2)manno finds you.

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