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Thread: Config and or net_graph Questions.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer BUtta's Avatar
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    Config and or net_graph Questions. Config and or net_graph Questions.
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    Config and or net_graph Questions.

    Ok I know this probably doesn't matter much anymore b/c I know what I always have my settings at to have a steady smooth flowing game.. But...

    I seriously don't reg in source at all it seems like.. I record my demos and watch them to see where my aim really is.. and all results are im not moving and my crosshairs are on the head or the chest...

    Now for the Questions so maybe I can change some things up now and see what they really do and if they really help.

    My Settings now:

    cl_cmdrate 101
    cl_updaterate 101
    rate 25000
    cl_interpolate 1

    Now this is what im wanting to know..

    cl_cmdrate should = what your average fps is?
    cl_updaterate should = Increase by 5, then run around in a full server. If you’re not getting choke / loss, add 5. If you are, subtract 5. Basically, find the highest setting for this you can without getting any loss / choke?
    cl_interpolate = I have no idea ?
    rate = Start increasing the rate by 500 until you get choke / loss. As soon as you do, decrease it by 500, and voila!?

    This is kinda how I set my rates.. but I really don't know truly how to set them. Im just disgusted with the reg in source and I want it to change for me.

    Also when you pull up net_graph 3... the ms on the right hand side I believe... What do you want that to be at? Dont you want the MS to = 0 If possible... And if mine isnt 0 what command is it I need to fiddle with to get it down.

    I'm sure that theres already a post on this and some of you are going to say just go back and look at this post.. well for some reason the search thing on the site doesnt work for me.. I cant even search old posts of mine.. So please let me know what you know!


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    Re: Config and or net_graph Questions.


    In TPG with enforced limits this is not much of an issue

    rate 30000
    cl_cmdrate 66
    cl_updaterate 66

    Things have gone 66 tick exclusive from my knowledge, since oB.

    cl_interp and ratio will do very little. Your limits are from 20 to 31.

    As far as netgraph goes, we should limit this on the server to 1.
    Too many people exploit visleaf leaks to estimate player counts through walls.
    MS stands for milliseconds in the context that I understand it. this is just your ping, and cannot be zero. Unless you are the host.
    This should reflect your latency.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer BUtta's Avatar
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    Config and or net_graph Questions. Config and or net_graph Questions.
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    Re: Config and or net_graph Questions.

    Im not exactly talking about source... or TPG server in general.. I still play 1.6 also..

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    Config and or net_graph Questions. Config and or net_graph Questions.

    Re: Config and or net_graph Questions.

    well to start with what are your rates in 1.6? As long as you have a decent rig I'd just run them the same as what you have in 1.6...thats what I always did when I still played both.

    You should never have your cl_cmdrate higher than your average fps as that is the amount of updates you are sending the does no good to send updates you don't have yet.

    cl_Updaterate should be whatever the server tic runs at...33, 66,100 are the standard ones but you can play around with it some. I had an old scrim server that would reg amazingly if your update rate was 85 but couldn't hit shit if it was above/below that.

    rate is just the size of the updates you are sending...25-30k is what is generally used. I believe that's because servers generally cap out at 30k(not sure why). I know that client side, unlike 1.6, rate isn't capped. You could have 50000 or 100000 rate if the server supported it.

    inter settings could also mess with you:

    ping : 10 = cl_interp 0.01

    ping : 100 = cl_interp 0.1

    ping : 60 = cl_interp 0.06

    That may or may not be blocked by zblock and whatnot..I know it used to be hard set to 1 or .1

    Also, make sure you have your steam console connection setting correct, it can affect latency/lag/registry

    You want your lerp to be as close to 0 as possible...I believe that 10 is the lowest you can get online(lower can be achieved on LAN).

    These are the settings straight of caseyfosters config(the one I've had for awhile anyways, I always keep a couple configs for reference) these are what is considered optimal but subject to change depending on your machine and connection:

    cl_allowdownload "0"
    cl_allowupload "0"
    cl_cmdrate "101"
    cl_downloadfilter "none"
    cl_interp "0"
    cl_interp_all "0"
    cl_interp_npcs "0"
    cl_interp_ratio "1"
    cl_interp_threadmodeticks "0"
    cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1"
    cl_lagcompensation "1"
    cl_pred_optimize "2"
    cl_predictweapons "1"
    cl_resend "6"
    cl_smooth "0"
    cl_smoothtime "0.01"
    cl_timeout "9999999"
    cl_updaterate "101"
    rate "35000"

    Hope that helps.

    Note: some of this might be a little incorrect, I know they have changed the netcode a bit since the last time I really researched all of this.
    Last edited by iLLusioN; 11-11-10 at 11:40 PM.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer BUtta's Avatar
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    Config and or net_graph Questions. Config and or net_graph Questions.
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    Steam ID: 76561197962874729

    Re: Config and or net_graph Questions.

    1.6 config:

    cl_updaterate really matter in 1.6 it seems like...on reg. I can set my updaterate to 20 to 25 and my "MS" goes to "0"... thats what I was talking about on the ms in my first post.. Does this matter if I have my updaterate at 20? Will it effect the hitboxes...

    cl_cmdrate is 101 b/c i have my max_fps 101... I heard that the cmdrate was soposed to match your max fps or to be equal to your average fps.

    rate 20000.. b/c thats max on servers i believe..

    cl_rate in 1.6 and I dont know what the difference is between rate and cl_rate..

    ex_interp is the 1.6 command and i have the ex_interp set as "0" so that it will set it automatically to what it needs to be.

    really what im trying to get outta this is what would it do and/or matter if my updaterate is set to "20" which makes my ms "0"

    If i set my updaterate to 101 it makes the ms go up to 60-70

    Also rawr i think the reason they cap the rate is b/c if you up the rate on the server to 999999 for example.. What it does is allows everyone to have rate of 99999 and will over flow the server and slow it down. Something like that. I really dont know the tech. reason but I think im close.

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    Config and or net_graph Questions. Config and or net_graph Questions.

    Re: Config and or net_graph Questions.

    I know about the rate thing butta I just don't know why 30000 was chosen. Adjusting cmdrate like that is an exploit in itself...can make you skip around and get strange reg and be hard to hit. I don't remember what those 1.6 commands do tbh.

    Quote Originally Posted by BUtta View Post
    1.6 config:

    cl_updaterate really matter in 1.6 it seems like...on reg. I can set my updaterate to 20 to 25 and my "MS" goes to "0"... thats what I was talking about on the ms in my first post.. Does this matter if I have my updaterate at 20? Will it effect the hitboxes...

    cl_cmdrate is 101 b/c i have my max_fps 101... I heard that the cmdrate was soposed to match your max fps or to be equal to your average fps.

    rate 20000.. b/c thats max on servers i believe..

    cl_rate in 1.6 and I dont know what the difference is between rate and cl_rate..

    ex_interp is the 1.6 command and i have the ex_interp set as "0" so that it will set it automatically to what it needs to be.

    really what im trying to get outta this is what would it do and/or matter if my updaterate is set to "20" which makes my ms "0"

    If i set my updaterate to 101 it makes the ms go up to 60-70

    Also rawr i think the reason they cap the rate is b/c if you up the rate on the server to 999999 for example.. What it does is allows everyone to have rate of 99999 and will over flow the server and slow it down. Something like that. I really dont know the tech. reason but I think im close.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer BUtta's Avatar
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    Re: Config and or net_graph Questions.

    I see kk... well if anyone has any clue please spread the word to me.. Thanks for the help anyways rawr.. some of the stuff you mentioned did help in source though

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    Re: Config and or net_graph Questions.

    For source a CAL admin by the name of casey setup a config that was compliant with each and every rule in CAL, and I'm sure cevo. This is the config

    // Casey's Config v2 (CAL compliant)
    // Updated for new season by CAL|Stone
    // Updated 01/23/07 - Added misc settings section

    //_Set Netcode vars_
    cl_cmdrate "101"
    cl_interp "0.01"
    cl_interpolate "1"
    cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "0" // Disables lagcompensation error checking, only needed if you're having any registration/loss/choke problems.
    cl_lagcompensation "1"
    cl_smooth "1"
    cl_updaterate "101"
    rate "25000"

    //_Set MP vars_
    mp_decals "0" // How many player sprays will be shown.

    //_Set Client vars_
    cl_drawmonitors "0" // Disables the rendering of ingame "monitors" which contain 3d rendered images.
    cl_ejectbrass "0" // Disables brass ejection
    cl_forcepreload "1" // Forces the game to load all texture and model information into memory on map load.
    cl_phys_props_enable "1" // Enables phsyics props.
    cl_phys_props_max "50" // Maximum amount of physics props allowed.
    cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0" // Disables ragdoll.
    cl_restrict_server_commands "0" // Compatible/needed with serverplugins
    cl_show_splashes "0" // Disables water splashes.

    //_Set Render vars_
    r_3dsky "0" // Disables the rendering of 3d sky boxes.
    r_decal_cullsize "9999" // Any decals under this size are not rendered.
    r_decals "0" // Disables decals.
    r_drawbatchdecals "1" // Enables the rendering of decals in batch.
    r_drawdetailprops "1" // Enables the rendering of detail props.
    r_drawflecks "0" // Disables the sparks and dirt from bullet impacts.
    r_drawmodeldecals "0" // Models decals (i.e. blood).
    r_eyes "0" // Disables eyes in models.
    r_lod "-1" // Different level of details on models. -1 = Variable at distance. 0 = None. 1 = Minor. 2 = Less minor.
    r_modellodscale "1.0" // The transitioning power of LOD.
    r_occlusion "0" // Enables the Model Occlusion system.
    r_propsmaxdist "100" // Max distance at which props are rendered.
    r_renderoverlayfragment "0"
    r_rootlod "2" // Base lod of the model in the memory.
    r_shadowmaxrendered "32" // Max shadows the game will render.
    r_shadowrendertotexture "1" // Rendered the shadow texture causing it to match the player model.
    r_shadows "1" // Enables shadows (Change be disabled for additional performance.)
    r_teeth "0" // Disables teeth in models.
    r_waterdrawreflection "0" // Disables the rendering of water reflections.
    r_waterforceexpensive "0" // Forces cheap water.
    gl_clear "0" // Disables the gl_clear convariable.
    props_break_max_pieces "0" // Disables prop fragmenting

    //_Set Materials vars_
    mat_antialias "0" // Disables the use of multisampling to smooth out edges.
    mat_bumpmap "0" // Disables bump mapping.
    mat_clipz "0" // Disables optimized Z-Buffer rendering.
    mat_compressedtextures "1" // Disables texture compression. Users with low amounts of system memory should turn this on.
    mat_disable_bloom "1" // Disables bloom effects.
    mat_hdr_enabled "0" // Disables HDR.
    mat_hdr_level "0" // Double Disables HDR.
    mat_mipmaptextures "1" // Enables the use of mipmapping to make textures look smooth.
    mat_monitorgamma "1.6" // Lower the number the brighter the screen. Only works in fullscreen.
    mat_picmip "2" // Changes the resolutions of textures when they're loaded into memory. May improve FPS on graphics cards with low memory sizes.
    mat_reducefillrate "1" // Reduces the fillrate when the game is run in DXLevel 8.
    mat_specular "0" // Disables Specularity on objects.
    mat_trilinear "0" // Disables the use of Trilinear mipmapping.
    mat_wateroverlaysize "8" // Sets the resolution of water distortion. Must be multiple of 8.

    //_Set Violence vars_
    violence_ablood "1"
    violence_agibs "1"
    violence_hblood "1"
    violence_hgibs "1"

    //_Set HUD vars_
    hud_centerid "1" // Centers player IDs
    net_graph "3" // Enables net_graph (Required in SS round)
    net_graphpos "2" // Adjusts netgraph position-set between 1 and 3.

    //_Set Misc settings_
    cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" // Disables annoying pub sound downloads
    fps_max "101" // Caps framerate. Set to max monitor refresh rate + 1.
    jpeg_quality "100" // High quality screenshots

    echo _Casey's Config v2 (CAL compliant) loaded_

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Savage's Avatar
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    Re: Config and or net_graph Questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by B-dog View Post
    For source a CAL admin by the name of casey setup a config that was compliant with each and every rule in CAL, and I'm sure cevo.
    From what i understand thats actually way outdated and the default rates are now rate 30000, cl_updaterate 66, cl_cmdrate 66.
    Quote Originally Posted by *Rob View Post
    ur awesome savage, just fyi

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    Re: Config and or net_graph Questions.

    I'm sure its outdated, CAL has been down for like 2 years haha, but the other stuff helps too.

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