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Thread: Sorry to the adminis for yesterdays game

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    Journalist = Nigger's little bitch

    Quote Originally Posted by Spud
    Your a fucking moron. Just because some fuck face says "It's no hate crime" doesn't mean it isn't.
    It's you're, moron. Just because some fuck face says "It's a hate crime", doesn't mean it is, retard. I haven't said it is not a hate crime, nor did any of the people I quoted, they said there was no evidence to prove it was. Don't be so quick to make assumptions, sparky.

    An act of random violence is getting shot, stabbed, robbed. Not being BRUTALLY TORTURED for FOUR days! It's plain as fucking day they had something against her. If you can't see it, I feel sorry for you, and your lack of common sense.
    You're just blabbering crap, luckily, in court, people aren't convicted on statements akin to yours; "omg it's liek sooo obvious" - they rely on evidence. There is no evidence to suggest it was racially motivated.

    I can guaran-fucking-tee you that if it was four white guys who killed a black couple it would be labeled a hate crime in a mili-second.
    But that wouldn't necessarily make it true, would it? Shit lips.

    It's not even that they aren't saying it isn't a hate crime that pisses me off. It's that no major news station has covered it at all. Instead on the news we have coverage of some stupid race traitor white trash hoe.

    It's not a coincidence that of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites. Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to whites than the reverse.
    Black people probably commit at least 90% of violent crimes against other blacks also. That says to me that black people are, in general, far more violent. What it doesn't tell me is if this crime was racially motivated.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohemund
    Irish has common sense... he's just brainwashed as fuck.
    Coming from the kid who made threads such as "Faries: The filthy little queers need to be shot", "We White Men need to take over" and who wants to join the marines. :Y:

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    Journalist = Nigger's little bitch

    Quote Originally Posted by Irish
    It's you're, moron. Just because some fuck face says "It's a hate crime", doesn't mean it is, retard. I haven't said it is not a hate crime, nor did any of the people I quoted, they said there was no evidence to prove it was. Don't be so quick to make assumptions, sparky.
    5 men, all black, carry out a premeditated and well planned kidnapping of 2 people, both white. They're brutally humiliated and tortured for days, and then slaughtered.

    This wasn't about sex. If the niggers wanted sex, they could have gotten a black slut for five bucks. This was about hate. If you're too ideologically blinded to see that, we both really feel sorry for you. We really do.

    You're just blabbering crap, luckily, in court, people aren't convicted on statements akin to yours; "omg it's liek sooo obvious" - they rely on evidence. There is no evidence to suggest it was racially motivated.
    Are you really that naive as well as stupid? Amusing how liberals only demand "substantial evidence" when it was a white person who was killed.

    But that wouldn't necessarily make it true, would it? Shit lips.
    So you admit that we're right - the judicial system and the media are practicing a double standard? You're our little bitch now, aren't you?


    So in a thread talking about media bias, a statement about poor news coverage is "irrelevant"? You're a dumber cunt than I thought.

    Black people probably commit at least 90% of violent crimes against other blacks also. That says to me that black people are, in general, far more violent. What it doesn't tell me is if this crime was racially motivated.
    If they're far more violent, then they are far more likely to act out their hatred of whites. That was the point he was making.

    Coming from the kid who made threads such as "Faries: The filthy little queers need to be shot",
    I live in the San Fran area. Trust me - I know all about queers. And they do need to be shot.

    "We White Men need to take over"
    Nice way to contradict yourself, bitch.

    Black people probably commit at least 90% of violent crimes against other blacks also. That says to me that black people are, in general, far more violent.

    Hilarious. You admit black people are more violent, then accuse me of racism when I say we need to do something about it.

    and who wants to join the marines. :Y:
    And may I ask what YOU'RE doing with your life? Last time I heard you were attending global warming brainwashing seminars. :adore:

    BTW - what did you do with all that indoctrination you painstakingly gathered after the hockey stick was dropped?

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    Journalist = Nigger's little bitch

    This was a hate crime from what I have seen so far.
    If the roles were reversed the self appointed spear chucking leaders would be all over CNN crying for justice.

    THESE are the types of filth I would like to put in an arena on pay per view and watch them be tortured to near death. I don't want them to die that easy. A nice slow painful death just like the ones they dished out.
    But what will happen? They will get lawyers and a nice jail cell with food and TV,
    In the end they might get a nice easy death sentence via a needle.
    THEN, the bleeding heart fags will show up crying cruel punishment ... and how cruel and painful the needled is.

    Bottom line is this was a hate crime committed by scumbag niggers with no education (as always)
    you can\'t respect somebody who kisses your ass
    oofs: rincess: oofs:

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    Journalist = Nigger's little bitch

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohemund
    5 men, all black, carry out a premeditated and well planned kidnapping of 2 people, both white. They're brutally humiliated and tortured for days, and then slaughtered.
    Before you said;

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohemund
    The criminals:

    3 men, 1 woman. Which is it? Dipshit.

    This wasn't about sex. If the niggers wanted sex, they could have gotten a black slut for five bucks. This was about hate. If you're too ideologically blinded to see that, we both really feel sorry for you. We really do.
    I'm going to make an assumption, I assume that black people have also raped and murdered other black people. If black people rape and murder both black and white people then it indicates that it may not always be for racial reasons doesn't it? Cunt.

    Are you really that naive as well as stupid? Amusing how liberals only demand "substantial evidence" when it was a white person who was killed.
    So you make your verdicts without evidence? Imbecile. Personally, I would want evidence in all circumstances before reaching such conclusions. As substantial evidence for racial hatred has now been demanded, present it, or shut the fuck up.

    So you admit that we're right - the judicial system and the media are practicing a double standard? You're our little bitch now, aren't you?
    The American media may or may not be practising double standards, I don't know, don't care, and haven't argued otherwise, fuckwit. I said there was no evidence this crime was racially motivated, there isn't.

    So in a thread talking about media bias, a statement about poor news coverage is "irrelevant"? You're a dumber cunt than I thought.
    The amount of media attention a crime recieves does not determine if the crime is a hate crime or not. Therefore, it is irrelevant to my point about your presumtion that it is a hate crime.

    If they're far more violent, then they are far more likely to act out their hatred of whites. That was the point he was making.
    A "hate crime" is one that is commited because of the attacker's hatred for the victim's race/gender/sexual orientation/religion. If blacks are responsible for 90% of violent attacks on both blacks and whites, then it indicates race is not necessarily always a factor. Understand? Fucker.
    Trust me - I know all about queers.
    I trust you.

    Nice way to contradict yourself, bitch.

    Black people probably commit at least 90% of violent crimes against other blacks also. That says to me that black people are, in general, far more violent.

    Hilarious. You admit black people are more violent, then accuse me of racism when I say we need to do something about it.
    Saying black people are more violent, and then, as a white boy, suggesting shooting all gays and waging war with, and ruling over, black people. That's a contradition.

    Joining the marines where you could get shot or blow up, defending all these liberals, commies, fags and niggers in America you detest so much. That's hilarious.

    And may I ask what YOU'RE doing with your life? Last time I heard you were attending global warming brainwashing seminars. :adore:

    BTW - what did you do with all that indoctrination you painstakingly gathered after the hockey stick was dropped?
    You heard wrong, so it's a good job you asked - I've just finished my degree in Mechanical Engineering from one of the UK's top universities.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    Journalist = Nigger's little bitch

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohemund
    Irish has common sense... he's just brainwashed as fuck.

    Do you have a link? I wanted to post that statistic in the thread, but I couldn't find it.
    Got a .pdf

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    Journalist = Nigger's little bitch

    Quote Originally Posted by Irish
    Before you said;

    3 men, 1 woman. Which is it? Dipshit.
    I didn't notice one of the niggers was a woman. They all kind of look alike.

    But if you bothered to read the link, which you obviously didn't, you would have noticed that Eric Boyd isn't pictured in the photograph.

    I'm going to make an assumption, I assume that black people have also raped and murdered other black people. If black people rape and murder both black and white people then it indicates that it may not always be for racial reasons doesn't it? Cunt.
    Wow, not only are you brainwashed and stupid, you're illiterate too.

    This was about hate.

    A rape of a white is racial hate and anger. Rape of another nigger is a different sort of anger. Actually, I suspect they all have a subconscious urge to purge the earth of their abomination.

    So you make your verdicts without evidence? Imbecile. Personally, I would want evidence in all circumstances before reaching such conclusions. As substantial evidence for racial hatred has now been demanded, present it, or shut the fuck up.
    You still don't get it, do you? You may just be the dumbest cunt on earth (not counting the niggers). The point is not about the specific circumstances, but about the overall double standard. If some white guys raped a nigger, it would be a hate crime. But when black guys rape white people, it's not a hate crime.

    The American media may or may not be practising double standards, I don't know, don't care, and haven't argued otherwise, fuckwit. I said there was no evidence this crime was racially motivated, there isn't.
    And your argument is completely irrelevant to the point I was making. Nice job fucktard.:Y:

    The amount of media attention a crime recieves does not determine if the crime is a hate crime or not. Therefore, it is irrelevant to my point about your presumtion that it is a hate crime.
    Where the fuck did you pull that one from? Nobody said that.

    A "hate crime" is one that is commited because of the attacker's hatred for the victim's race/gender/sexual orientation/religion. If blacks are responsible for 90% of violent attacks on both blacks and whites, then it indicates race is not necessarily always a factor. Understand? Fucker.
    Amazing how you repeatedly miss the point. We're talking about a double standard. You must have skill to fail that badly.

    I trust you.

    Saying black people are more violent, and then, as a white boy, suggesting shooting all gays and waging war with, and ruling over, black people. That's a contradition.

    Joining the marines where you could get shot or blow up, defending all these liberals, commies, fags and niggers in America you detest so much. That's hilarious.
    That's the problem with defending the country. You have to defend the good people and the assholes too.

    But when the next race riot comes along in LA, no one will notice if I pop a few of them... the pile of bodies will be so huge no one will bother to look to see if any of them were caused by me.

    You heard wrong,
    Don't lie to me bitch. You said it yourself.

    so it's a good job you asked - I've just finished my degree in Mechanical Engineering from one of the UK's top universities.

  7. Left 4 Dead
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    Journalist = Nigger's little bitch

    I agree with the main point of this thread, to an extent.

    I don't think it was a hate crime, but I do hate the fact that the media only concentrate on whites attacking blacks. I don't agree at all with your silly little race theories about black people being inferior, because that is moronic.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    Journalist = Nigger's little bitch

    I think that the media needs to focus more on blacks attacking whites because thats what it is the majority of the time. When did you last hear of a white attacking a black?

    But it is true that most blacks are behind the assaults. Sometimes they choose a random person to maim for life. That shows they are inferior because they have problems deciding on weather a 90 year old man is responsible for their money problems or whatever it is, rather then themselves being responsible.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    Journalist = Nigger's little bitch

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohemund
    I didn't notice one of the niggers was a woman. They all kind of look alike.

    But if you bothered to read the link, which you obviously didn't, you would have noticed that Eric Boyd isn't pictured in the photograph.
    You failed to post a link, so I found it via google. However, I did read the source, which is how I corrected you on your initial blunder over what the DA said. Granting special dispensation for your inability to correctly assess photographs for genders;

    Quote Originally Posted by Your Source
    Vanessa Coleman, 18, was arrested by police in Lebanon, Kentucky. She faces 40 Tennessee state charges.
    Allowing for yet another failure to read you own sources, we move onto your next blunder;
    Quote Originally Posted by You
    5 men [4 men, 1 woman], all black, carry out a premeditated and well planned kidnapping of 2 people, both white. They're brutally humiliated and tortured for days, and then slaughtered.
    Quote Originally Posted by Your Source
    Further, Eric DeWayne "E" Boyd, 34, was arrested in connection with the fatal carjacking, but only faces federal charges as an accessory after the fact for helping the suspects get out of town.
    A further man helped the suspects get out of town, he faces no charges for kidnapping, rape, or murder. You fail.

    Wow, not only are you brainwashed and stupid, you're illiterate too.
    You win the illiterate prize - 3 failures to read your own source correctly in as many replies.

    This was about hate.

    A rape of a white is racial hate and anger. Rape of another nigger is a different sort of anger. Actually, I suspect they all have a subconscious urge to purge the earth of their abomination.
    Stop talking shit.

    Rape is about power and control, which is consistent as to why blacks rape blacks, blacks rape whites, blacks rape both, whites rape whites, whites rapes blacks and whites rape both. It also allows for the victim to know, or be friends with, the attacker, as is the case in the majority of rape cases, and for rape to be premeditated, implusive or oppertunistic. Rape may be due to racial hatred, but not always.

    Now, you have 3 choices;
    Provide evidence it was because of racial hatred.
    Admit you're wrong.
    Shut the fuck up.

    You still don't get it, do you? You may just be the dumbest cunt on earth (not counting the niggers). The point is not about the specific circumstances, but about the overall double standard. If some white guys raped a nigger, it would be a hate crime. But when black guys rape white people, it's not a hate crime.
    You still haven't provided evidence, have you?

    And your argument is completely irrelevant to the point I was making. Nice job fucktard.:Y:
    Quote Originally Posted by Bohemund
    The DA involved insistes that this wasn't a hate crime. Let's see...

    The victims:

    The criminals:

    Nope, doesn't look like a hate crime to me. :Y:
    That's what you wrote, no? Are you admiting you write stuff with no point to it? :Y:

    Where the fuck did you pull that one from? Nobody said that.
    I never claimed anyone else said it, I wrote it to explain to you why the previous comment was irrelevant to my point. Learn to read.

    Amazing how you repeatedly miss the point. We're talking about a double standard. You must have skill to fail that badly.
    I haven't missed your point about double standards, I told you I don't care about what news stories the American press choices to cover. I want you to prove your claim that this crime was racially motivated, 3 choices.

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    Journalist = Nigger's little bitch

    I mistook Boyd's charges. My bad. Like I said, niggers look alike.

    However, it is still amazing you still don't get it. I'm talking about a double standard. If they were white, they would have been charged differently. Since the justice system is supposed to treat everyone equally under law, this is not a good thing. End of story.

    Not sure why this is so hard for you. I take back my earlier statement about your intelligence. The niggers must like you a lot - must be great for them to meet someone with an IQ actually lower than theirs.

    Now why don't you take that mouth of yours off your own dick, and apply it to something useful, like garbage collecting. I'm tired of listening to it.

    Now fuck off and stop sucking up to niggers.

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