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Thread: Good Match Tonight!!

  1. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by FeareD View Post
    He is anti-versus because he doesn't get 100 chances to do the same thing over and over.

    That's like someone complaining about legendary mode being to hard and say there anti-legendary. (Yes a Halo Reference)

    Geez this guy must be anti-Expert, Anti-Advanced, and Anti-Normal.
    well yeah, that and the fact that i didnt get into my whole "anti-versus" rants. Trust me, I'll start one. I think I'll start a thread right after I type this. After i check if there already is, but I love expert and advanced. Its actually a challenge. Not like versus, not saying its not a challenge. You know what, I'll continue this in my new thread.

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    I think i've lost this debate, since you all are talking about the general public.
    Good debates, and I'll be back

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage View Post
    sticking up for the younger females :
    if this is a matter of maturity, it is true (and proven) that females mature (MUCH) earlier than guys.

    so younger girls should not be judged.
    Untrue post is highly, highly untrue.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  4. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post

    Of course the younger kids are going to be more immature. They are being pushed away by the older players, and those are the people the younger players look up to. They are pushed away into playing with only people of their age, and therefore gain no maturity. When they age into the 21 year olds, they will do the same to the next group of 14 year olds. All we need is a generation to accept the younger players and show them maturity, instead of merely pushing them away and blaming them for every problem in a game.
    That's most certainly not true in my expirence, or my manner.

    While I find a high squeaky voice rather annoying, I'll never kick for it.

    As I said, I'll only kick if they are ruining play, usually by intentionally being an arse like using all the medkits/teamkilling, or spamming the mic.

    And dispite seemingly having seen worst than most - I put this down to being in the UK and always playing random games - I haven't seen a single person kicked for the age, or perceived age. Obviously it happens judging by whats said on here, but I haven't seen it happen once.

    I have to requote a bit

    Of course the younger kids are going to be more immature. They are being pushed away by the older players
    No, that's because of their age. You gain maturity by a number of ways. Blaming the older players for cutting them out is most definatly not a valid excuse. I daresay that maturity is not just gained via computer games.

    And to echo Scase, why should we put up with mentoring them to be more mature? I get enough of that in life with my brothers, I don't want to have to do it ingame where I want to enjoy myself.
    Raagghh. Uurggghhh. Blluuurgghh.

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vis87 View Post
    First Time Poster So Please Don't Flame Me If My Opinion Is The Least Of Other Forums Members Worries.

    As a gamer over the age of 18 I get kind of frustrated when the mature game community is flooded by gamers under the age of 18 who in my opinion should have to wait to join the likes of older gamers instead of having their parents buy the game for them and slip in under the radar. I understand that it is not hurting anyone but it is relatively a pain in the neck to have to put up with the garbage gamers we have all run across in our time on XBL or Games For Windows. To end this rant I know this problem will likely never change and will go on until something controversial happens down the line.

    Please state your opinions on the topic I have posted and keep the flames to a minimum.
    humm i agree with you even tho im 15. yeah kids are annoying as hell but give them a chance because maybe they are mature enough and know how to play but if they are annoying the hell out of you kick em. plus blame their parents for PAYING for XBOX LIVE. plus adults i find are even more annoying. they either whine or yell or bitch (pretty much the same things) or keep talking about offtopic stuff or play music etc. pretty much be immature which i seem much more of the adult then them even tho im 15!if you are offended by this sorry

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natural View Post
    If I enter a match and hear some squeaky bitch voice or otherwise kiddie behavior, I just leave. It's just depressing playing the game alongside some 10 year old.
    keep in mind that there are adult and higher teen girl gamers playing that sound like 10 year olds. the mic does that and its not fair for them and sorry for double posting if i am.

  7. Zombie Cat
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    I just got back from playing some TF2 with some random little kid on my team. He helped the team out as best he could, telling us where spies where, getting the intel, capturing points, being a very good meat-shield, and a very good medic. He did absolutely nothing wrong, but i couldnt help but think:"Man, this kid is annoying."

    I then realized:The kids aren't the real issue here, but merely their voices! It all made sense

    Then, to add to the maturity, or detract from rather, my friend changed his gamertag from ACD951 to T McBaggsalot. Seriously.

    This was someone I had known for five years. He came up with the name when he was twelve. We both had a good laugh about it while playing Halo 2's campaign, we were both twelve, mind you. He had said something about changing his tag earlier in the year, but i tried to dissuade him. It is a huge waste of 10 dollars.

    So, i realized, these kids are getting kicked from games and muted and ridiculed, and more importantly -- stereotyped. It is all about how mature they want to act. We get a few kids who act like kindergarten-ers and then the majority of them who just want to play and coordinate as a team. But the small few who do act like kindergarten-ers make the dim think that they all act like that, and its really shocking.

    Plus, if you want to stereotype little kids on live, or little kids on any game or console you might as well call all asians superb at mathematics, all black people derogatory names, and say they carry around firearms with them, and say that all latino-americans are "border-hoppin' mexicans" or "f-ing job-stealing beaners"

    both latino-american stereotypes are examples of what T-mcbaggsalot has said

  8. Zombie Cat
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    Once again things are called stereotypes not because of some sort of prejudice but because it is a common theme.

    When 90% of the kids that I see are annoying squeeky little shits then yes I will call all of them that. When an adult acts like that he's a moron, kids have an excuse they are kids.

    As for your "sterotypes" only the asian one is a sterotype, the others are just a thingly veiled way to berate someone. Calling black people or spanish people terrible names makes you a racist not a stereotyper lol.
    <3 tattoos

  9. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scase View Post
    Once again things are called stereotypes not because of some sort of prejudice but because it is a common theme.

    When 90% of the kids that I see are annoying squeeky little shits then yes I will call all of them that. When an adult acts like that he's a moron, kids have an excuse they are kids.

    As for your "sterotypes" only the asian one is a sterotype, the others are just a thingly veiled way to berate someone. Calling black people or spanish people terrible names makes you a racist not a stereotyper lol.
    I agree. I mean, I'm not going to pretend everyone my age is mature because they're not. Maybe 15% of the kids in my junior class are mature, the rest are immature asshats who behave like they're in 5th grade.

    I also agree about the "stereotypes" Chuck gave. Racist slurs are not stereotypes. All guys laughing at fart jokes is a stereotype, just like all girls wearing pink is. In no way is calling a Hispanic person a beaner the same.

  10. I've done my time
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    Scase, you saved me typing a fair bit, well said.

    How can anyone say we are stereotyping kids as immature? Kids are immature by nature. They are immature adults for crying out loud. That's a definition of a kid.

    And how does anyone know that the majority of kids play in a mature way? What stats do you have? And don't say anything about people on your friends list - because you wouldn't add players that play badly on it would you?

    I suspect the majority do play well, since that's the best way to get a good game.

    But rather obviously, the vast majority of immature players will be kids. How can it be otherwise? Kids in general do not have the patience, tolerance, and many other qualities an adult has.

    We have been over all this.

    Yes there are young, good players.

    Yes there are immature adult players.

    Yes, some adult players do want the age limit enforced because of the amount of annoying players that are young.

    No, there is no way of enforcing the age limit. Making this entire discussion interesting, but ultimatly pointless.
    Raagghh. Uurggghhh. Blluuurgghh.

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