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Thread: Good Match Tonight!!

  1. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neehtils View Post
    I play Left 4 Dead and 18+ since I was 6 (My first game was GTA: Vice City when I was 6) and I am 12 now but I like to think I am quite mature for my age (Which I think I am) and I am not annoying on the mic like some people.
    You're just like me, haha.

    When I was about 10 my mum always played Silent Hill 1 with me.

  2. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    Its not silly or sexist

    whats wrong with sticking up for younger girls? I know several young females that have had terrible experiences with people judging them for their ages and gender.

    im not saying that all boys are immature, nor did I ever.
    All I said was girls mature sooner than boys.

    as for medically proven- it is:

    Girls mature faster than boys because girls normally start puberty earlier than boys. Girls start puberty as early as 9 and stop at 16 or 17, while boys start puberty at least at 11 and stop at 18 or 19. However, some boys go through puberties that prolong to age 21. These differences also explain why most girls around 18 tend to act a little more serious then most boys at that age
    -from wikianswers

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  3. Banned
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    I've been judged for my age, I'm not supossed to be so set for the future at only 19. But gender did not need to be drug into this, that's all I'm saying.
    I know boys who have been judged for their age and gender, just as I know girls who have been through the same. Gender means shit in the rating world. You can't be a 15 year old and convince the clerk to let you into a R rated movie because girls mature faster.

    Then again if you PROVE to you're female....they may bend rules.

  4. Boomer
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    *chews on his popcorn*

    Om nom nom

    What's the matter David? Never taken a shortcut before?

  5. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neehtils View Post
    I play Left 4 Dead and 18+ since I was 6 (My first game was GTA: Vice City when I was 6) and I am 12 now but I like to think I am quite mature for my age (Which I think I am) and I am not annoying on the mic like some people.
    Posts like this make me feel old. You were playing GTA:VC at 6? 6!?!?! I was 16 years old when that game came out >(

    When I was 6 years old this was considered to have too much gore in it.

    It is just kinda funny to me that you guys got to play games like 3D GTA at 6 years old when they were yelling at us for playing a game with digitized blood when I was that age. I don't know if I would let my kids play something like GTA at the age of 6...but they'd probably just go behind my back and do it anyway..they are my kids after all.

  6. Regular Joe Member
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    My 4-year-old loves to shout "here comes the horde!" when the music starts up.
    When I get home from work she quizzes me.

    "Is daddy going to play Half-Life?"
    "Is Daddy going to play Portal?" (In comes the explanation of The Orange Box)
    "Is daddy going to play Zombies?" (Left 4 Dead)
    "Then can I play Dora?"

    She knows what she can play, and what she can't. We don't confine her to her room simply because we feel like playing a round of versus with friends in the middle of the day. The 9 month old loves to watch me play Hexic, but she's also in the room when we play L4D.

    [sarcasm]We watch closely for strangling of small animals [/sarcasm], but I'm not honestly worried about either of them.

    I grew up in the 80s, and I don't believe the current generation of teenagers is worse or better. It's just different. My generation didn't invent violence, sex, rampant disease, political correctness, idiocy, or over-coddling. It just happens each generation in one form or another.

  7. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage View Post
    Its not silly or sexist

    whats wrong with sticking up for younger girls? I know several young females that have had terrible experiences with people judging them for their ages and gender.

    im not saying that all boys are immature, nor did I ever.
    All I said was girls mature sooner than boys.

    as for medically proven- it is:

    -from wikianswers
    Nothing is wrong with defending your gender or age (as long as you're sane about it), however there comes a time to not defend it when the specific group isn't the center of attention. I know lots of other boys (not me, because I supposedly sound much older) who have been picked on over LIVE for their age. I have seen guys picked on for their gender by women (they fail at it though), because the woman is either A) Insecure or B) An attention whore. Example: Countless girls on XBL have "I have a boyfriend, don't hit on me" on their profile. WTF. Example2: Lots of girls try to justify why they're a girl playing games. Here's the trick: Nobody cares.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  8. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abyss Crown View Post
    Proven by who? The Oompa loompas?
    Actually it is a fact, and its genetic not really a sexist thing. Also your a guy so you would therefore be genrally biased against girls no?
    l You Just Proved That Signs Work : ) l

  9. Boomer
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    Quote Originally Posted by SushiMooshi View Post
    Actually it is a fact, and its genetic not really a sexist thing. Also your a guy so you would therefore be genrally biased against girls no?

    Abyss is a guy? Oh...shit..

    What's the matter David? Never taken a shortcut before?

  10. Community Staff
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    Abyss and Lady - I looked up to see if there was any recorded theses(Plural form of Thesis), because i hate wikipedia, proving one side or the other and I found this:

    Examined potential gender differences in emotional immaturity. Forty graduate students completed personal data sheets and Peter Pan Syndrome Test. Findings suggest widespread perceptions between females and males about prevalence of emotional immaturity among their significant others. Females seem to consider emotional immaturity special problem for males, whereas males see it as problem for both sexes.

    Which I think pretty much sums up your debate between each other.

    Also Abyss, it has been recorded in studies. After trying to find one for you:

    Table 1: Level of emotional intelligence (EQ) among boys,
    girls and the total sample (N = 150 - Boys = 75, Girls=75)
    ---Variable Category Boys Girls Total
    ---------------------(%) (%) (%)
    ----------------Low 26.66 20.00 23.33
    -----Emotional: Good 61.33 64.00 62.66
    Intelligence: Superior 12.00 16.00 14.00

    As you can see it's by a small percent but it can still make a difference. Imagine that percent applied to a real world population.

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