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Thread: Class limiting?!?!

  1. Registered TeamPlayer AK99's Avatar
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    Re: Class limiting?!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Lizard2
    and AK-99. how often have you played? because I've been on for 4-5 hours straight before and never once seen 4 mgs defend for a bit then pounce on the flags. instead they camp, the 3-4 people trying to help their team are left out to dry, get destroyed so they start camping. The team pushing them back can't break through the mgs so they start camping instead and pretty soon you have two teams doing nothing but sitting back and camping. Plus explain to me how you know a team of teamplayers could do such against 4 mgs? esp since i rarely see you without an mg in your hands.
    Just because you have never seen it does not mean it hasn't happend. Sure it highly unlikely but its totally possible.

    If the whole enemy team does a bum rush and gets rolled the MG's can run up getting each flag and setting up. Repeating the cycle until they get them all.

    Why can't you smoke them out?
    Get the other team to go assult throw smoke in front of them then run past to the flag or flank to behind them. Or get some snipers and take them out from a distance.

    And you just asked how much do I play. Then you say "i rarely see you without an mg in your hands" How do you know what classes I play the most if you never see me on?

    I'll let you know. I do play MG a lot. MG and assult are my two main classes. Do I play MG every second all the time? NO.

    I know I'm probably not going to win the argument but it's something I think goes against the TTP ideals.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer AK99's Avatar
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    Re: Class limiting?!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Guyver
    There was this (allies) guy on Flash earlier and all he was doing was sitting on the sandbag by our first flag...he would not move up EVEN after we had our second flag. Me & Ficet had to tell him four or five times before he listened. If you're going to MG and you're going to sit back just to get kills, then yes, you should be forced outta that class.
    And your going to have that problem no matter what. Just because its limited to two MG's doesn't mean they are automatically going to be teamplayer MG's

    But we got him to listen and move up and be a teamplayer.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Anti-Squeaker's Avatar
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    Re: Class limiting?!?!

    im going to have to disagree with the limiting class stuff. A (long) while ago, my team had (including me) 4 MGs. But we won 9-1 at the end because we used teamwork. We had 3 MGs hold back, cover the one who was pushing up with our offensive classes. When the other team tried to advance up, we still had at least 2 MGs around the corner, along with a sniper in the back.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer HeavyG's Avatar
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    Class limiting?!?! Class limiting?!?! Class limiting?!?! Class limiting?!?!
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    Steam ID: heavyg HeavyG's Originid: HeavyG21583

    Re: Class limiting?!?!

    Well last weekend I played DOD for about 16 hours. Yes, I know... I have no life. But I was excited about the update and wanted to get some time getting used to it.

    16 hours means I played through every map we have currently on the server two, maybe three times at least... some maps even more.

    While playing, there were several times when multiple MGs (meaning more than two) were camping the first objective. This is NOT teamplay. In a game where you are supposed to be pushing up and capping flags, sitting in one position, right in front of your spawn is NOT helping.

    In CSS, when the call is to go short A, but you have 4 players with AWPs that sit behind and do not push up, that is a problem, and it is NOT teamplay.

    In DOD, when you play offense, you play defense. When you push up and kill enemy players, you just prevented them from pushing up. There is no sitting back and waiting for all of the action to come to you. One MG covering mid or guarding a crucial point... fine. Two MGs guarding different crucial points, fine. But 5 MGs guarding the same point is totally unacceptable. I dont care what team you are on... winning or losing...

    Having 5 MGs guarding your first makes the game a blood bath for the other 5 players trying to push up. Let's say there is a mixture of support/assault players, maybe a rifleman trying to push up... when it is 5 vs 10, they will get slaughtered. Meanwhile, the MGs are sitting at spawn, fat and happy, with their high KDs. When the assaulting team yells at them, the MGs tell them to "shut up" and swear that the defending strategy is working since they are not winning.

    This happened several times on Kalt, Flash, Anzio, and Avalanche. These are four of our most popular maps. It is not like this happend on Orange Fight Arena or some other shitty custom map.

    And I swear by my previous argument... limiting classes can restore teamplay. I have seen it. I have made it happen. If the players do not want to volunteer to switch weapons... put up a vote, and make them. Now they have the choice to either help push up with their team, or leave and go to a different server so they can use their MG. Either way, the "camping" team will get another player that will help them push up.

    Maybe some people have not seen it happen... but that doesnt mean it doesnt happen. The only reason this was voted in in the first place is because SEVERAL admins and regulars voiced their complaints. The bottom line was that something needed to be done to restore order while Lonestar Mod is still in development.

    And please folks... get on the server and try it out before you complain about the limitations. There are still 2 slots for MG and 2 for sniper... that is 40% of your team right there! They are not restricted... people can use them... just not more than two people at once. Jump on the server... play the game... and you will see the restrictions have minimal impact.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: Class limiting?!?!

    Regardless of whether or not you are for or against the limit, the fact remains that you cannot say that having 4 mg's is not teamplay, no more than you can say having 4 snipers is not teamplay. Teamplay isn't about what weapons you use, it's about how you use them in-line with communication. 4 mg's with a 6 person team can easily leapfrog across the map capturing and holding every point the team captures. At the same time, if you have 3 of the mg's sitting in places that aren't helpful to the team, and they aren't communicating why they are doing so, then the same scenario becomes non teamplay.

    I was playing with 4 players (including myself) on a team yesterday on anzio. 2 of my teammates were mg's. Now, I've had this setup before and it's worked wonderfully. However this time, it wasn't working out, due to lack of communication and lack of skill from the players using this weapon. Same scenario different outcome this time...nonteamplay.

    It's all about the situation and and communication. Teamplay isn't defined by which weapons class you use.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Ficet99's Avatar
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    Re: Class limiting?!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Lizard2
    Quote Originally Posted by Ficet99
    I like how Rick sums it up

    Quote Originally Posted by HGRickover
    Quote Originally Posted by insanegammer109
    But when one team is sitting at their first with a team half-full of MG's neither team is playing a productive team play filled game,
    You can only know that the 'mg' team is not using teamwork to try to win unless you are either on that team or you have irrefutable evidence (another admin for instance). In the case that they aren't using teamplay, you then take strong action towards the direction of making them understand what team play is... that is, you ask them pointedly to do tasks. It is at that moment that you create a teamplayer.

    Never, not once, does running a limit weapon vote reinforce teamplay... to use that reason for the vote is absurd.

    In the case that they are using teamplay and trying to win then it's not your place as an admin to try to change their strategy simply because it bores you. TTP, as far as I know, does not guarantee the lack of boredom.

    The golden rule is 'win, or die trying, using teamplay'. There are no guidelines, no rules, that define proper strategy.

    I think that the in-game limit vote makes us look weak, feeble minded, cheap, win-by-vote bitches.

    This whole thing makes me feel sooooo... ADD.

    Look, my point of view did not win the day but if we keep running in-game votes then 'teamplay enforcement' lost a key battle too. It's time to quit being team stacking, win-by-vote bitches. Define how this bitch is gonna run and go make teamplayers. Votes won't do it.
    I fail to see how class limiting encourages or enforces teamplay? Why are we allowing six people to sit in spawn with MG's? How do we know their not communicating when they do it if were on the other team? I just fail to see why we need these limits.

    With a full team of people coordinating 4 MG's are going to give the enemy heck. You then have 6 people capping flags with 4 MG's getting in position and just locking down the entire enemy team.

    Were limiting the possibility for players to experiment tactics freely and telling them that they must play this way. They must play as a team, but limiting the ability for them to do that with limit votes and limiting the way they can play as a team just doesn't seem like the way we should do things.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Ficet you mean the same rick that said this?

    Quote Originally Posted by HGRickover
    All limited... MORE TEAMPLAY less... Awe shucks I wanna play what I wanna play.
    or this?

    Quote Originally Posted by HGRickover
    And, may I suggest (yes, go ahead, flip-out and go tyrannical) limits for all the classes

    In all the times that it's been discussed I have yet to read a single argument against class limits that doesn't boil down to, "I wanna play what I wanna play". Not a teamplayer oriented situation.........

    I might not agree with that all the things he says, but I do agree with what he said in the first quote. No one seems to be winning this argument really. I'll await eagerly for the Highs decision.

    I just say, why limit the possibilities for a team to play together?

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Red_Lizard2's Avatar
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    Re: Class limiting?!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ficet99
    I just say, why limit the possibilities for a team to play together?
    it doesn't limit the possibilities for a team to play together, it limits the possibilities for a team to not play together. you can play together if the mgs or snipers are limited. if you need 4 mgs or 4 snipers for your team to play together, then your team has some major problems to begin with.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer AK99's Avatar
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    Re: Class limiting?!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Lizard2
    Quote Originally Posted by Ficet99
    I just say, why limit the possibilities for a team to play together?
    it doesn't limit the possibilities for a team to play together, it limits the possibilities for a team to not play together. you can play together if the mgs or snipers are limited. if you need 4 mgs or 4 snipers for your team to play together, then your team has some major problems to begin with.
    You could have 4-5 assult people standing around with there thumbs up there ass just as much as an MG or Sniper.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Class limiting?!?!

    What the fuck is this all about? From what I've been told and read this is just temporary until we admins can deal with it on our own. LS isn't complete yet so we can't put up votes to limit the two classes that most people don't know how to play effectively (MG and Sniper). When you have a team full of MGs or Snipers that aren't doing shit or when players start leaving because they can barely get out of spawn you need to take action. Normally this would be done with a vote, but since we don't have that option the only way to control this is to limit those classes. Get it?

    There's your answer AK...

  10. Registered TeamPlayer HeavyG's Avatar
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    Steam ID: heavyg HeavyG's Originid: HeavyG21583

    Re: Class limiting?!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by AK99
    You could have 4-5 assult people standing around with there thumbs up there ass just as much as an MG or Sniper.
    Possible, yes. Likely, no.

    And similar to what Rock said. If the MGs are moving up and capturing objectives... then sure. But that is not what we have seen. We have seen 4 or 5 MGs camping the last tank on Kalt... MG fire spraying everywhere, making it impossible to even look down the main road for a split second. Meanwhile, the other 5 people walk out and try to retake the 2nd point and they get slaghtered by the 10 enemies guarding the 2nd.

    Now if the MGs were mobile, hitting the sewers, the wheelhouse, and the bridge... I would understand Rock's point. The MG limitation vote was created for when multiple players are abusing the MG to gard one point. The other team has objectives too... and not helping your team accomplish the objective means you are not being a team player.

    But how do the admins know which MG player to kick? Do we kick one just to set an example? It puts us in a moral delimma in which we have to decide to kick none/one/all of the MGs. Why even go through that when we could just run a limit vote... if it passes, fine. If it fails, then we dont worry about it. Just like the AWP restriction vote in CSS. Hell, I saved up money enough to buy the gun... why can't I use it?

    The Admin mods are designed to keep the game balanced. We can switch players, put up restrict votes, put up limit votes, and even kick non team players. Right now, our powers are very limited. Once admins have more power over the server, we will have no problems.

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