I was monitoring my CPU Core Temps this morning while messing around in Minecraft (CATS ARE ANNOYING AS HELL NOW. Keep them FAR away from beds, furnaces, and chests), and I noticed Minecraft was pegging one of my cores, and keeping the other 3 at 50%, and my GPU was at about 80% usage. I started messing with the "Performance" setting. Apparently the Balanced setting got wrecked and will do the same thing as the Max FPS setting, which is let your system run the game as fast as possible, which drives up the temps of everything in your case.

I set it to Power Saver and now I'm barely using 25% of my GPU and only one core is at 100% (Presumably for Minecraft alone), and the other 3 sit around 8%.

So in summary, apparently Minecraft will make your system run needlessly hard if you let it render as fast as it can. I'm going to look up some VSync mods to see if I can cap the game at 60 frames.