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  1. On the way to greater things
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    Considering I've seen every Scavenge player on Rooftop at one point or another, I'm sure they have most of the DLC maps. I'm not talking about EVERY player, I'm talking about the ones that play Scavenge nearly every other day.

    And while Brick Factory isn't even close to one of my favorites, I will admit it's probably the most difficult map in Scavenge, after Riverbank. It just makes me to see all these maps go unplayed just because they're harder. Why is it just Mall, Motel, Sugar Mill, Rooftop, which just so happen to be the easiest maps and the ones you can get every can in with usually over a 4:00 time if you're with friends who move quick enough and know where to go when SI spawns are down. I don't even see that many Park, Milltown, or Plank Country with actual Scavenge players in them.

    And yeah, people's skill levels on those maps would probably be bad...but that's because they never play them and don't try to test themselves. I just don't understand those players who can keep playing Mall or Rooftop 5, 6, 7 games in a row. That is so boring to me. And I would think playing on Rooftop would've taught everyone to juggle since everyone has to go down to those bottom four cans at some point. Jugglings easy. The only reason I can see people having trouble with juggling is because they have their aim sensitivity too low.

  2. Senior Member
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    Why is it just Mall, Motel, Sugar Mill, Rooftop, which just so happen to be the easiest maps and the ones you can get every can in with usually over a 4:00 time if you're with friends who move quick enough and know where to go when SI spawns are down.
    It's always naturally easier for a seasoned player to go for what is (or what may seems) to be the simplest route. (I mean, really, this could be applied for any game - people are going to do what is easiest unless you're a masochist and like doing things the hard way all the time)

    It's also more motivating to play a map that you know will get more people wiling to play, as opposed to "pulling teeth" and suggesting the lobby leader change it to, say, The Barge (Docks), since it's not played frequently and people would rather have fun playing a map they do know, as opposed to gaining skill on a map they don't know - PLUS the very fact that since not many people play it to begin with, there's even less point in playing it.

    But someone will inevitably point out, well you're not gonna get any better if you don't change things up and play a map you don't normally play. Right, the thing is - not everyone is all hardcore about the game. A lot of people on my list are casual players - this is why they play Mall and Motel all the time.

    TLR: I actually agree a lot about what you're saying, I'm just presenting ideas as to why others may not play the maps you suggested. And I've also explained why I like certain DLC maps and not others, as well.

    I don't even see that many Park, Milltown, or Plank Country with actual Scavenge players in them.
    I do. I see people playing Park and Milltown. Plank Country, not so much.

    And I would think playing on Rooftop would've taught everyone to juggle since everyone has to go down to those bottom four cans at some point.
    I just played Rooftop last week and was quite bluntly reminded why I stopped playing it - there are a handful of players who do nothing but Rooftop over and over again, and I ended up joining a session with them.

    I shot two gas cans (near the beginning of the round) by accident, apologized for it, and then failed to headshot a Smoker who was Smoking someone down in Charger Death Alley (with the three cans near the edge).


    This is why, although I learned how to juggle gas cans, I never learned how to do it particularly well on Rooftop. Too slow, not reactive enough, can't headshot within 2-3 seconds, etc.

    So when I end up with friends, they usually end up telling me "You stay near the genny, I'll go get cans."

    The issue is that even though I'm willing to go down there to get those cans, I'm not fast enough, and it's far more efficient to have someone who is fast enough to juggle them instead of having me go there and potentially be Charger-instakilled, and subsequently voted off because I was "stupid/slow enough" to get targeted in the first place.

    So yes, while one might learn to juggle cans, it's also how well they do it. It's just more of a crucial thing in Rooftop because of all the potential insta-kill spots.

    I'm sure it's not all that different for a lot of other less experienced Rooftop players.

  3. I've done my time
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    You can't kill a smoker in 3 seconds? lol couldn't help myself

    The only stupidly pointless map is Motel, can clear albeit 3 cans from the genny (you're forget the corner room can JC!)

    Also Iggy that's bullshit about there's only a small group of "hardcore scavenge players". I see the same 50 odd people playing the same two maps (one in some cases) every single day. Just because they only play random no-micing splitscreeners and completely refuse to play if they're against anyone half decent doesn't make them any less "hardcore".

    Oh wait maybe it does.

    Constant redbar and motel and rooftop repeatedly are making me so bored of this game. A big problem is most people have no idea what the special can do so they like baby maps that give the specials a hard time (since they don't know how to use them anyway) it just becomes a competiton to see who is less terrible as survivors.

    Also Barge is probably the easiest map to juggle because there's so many cans and heading towards the genny is downhill so you can just launch them and they'll keep moving until they find flat ground.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Not the mall over played, motel over played, not rooftop, lag fest and over arrogant hardcore pricks play that. So I would have to say Swamp Fever, that at least takes talent to go thru the water slowing you down, while running to get those far cans, and a talented spitter is more effective there spitting on a captured survivor then cans IF played correctly. Now my fun begins....

    Constant redbar and motel and rooftop repeatedly are making me so bored of this game. Seriously hunty its a damn lag fest when you and the UK clan play and mostly all you do is the skill free rooftop anyway, so why the hell are you bitching about that, that redbar of yours is basically why you win, everyone has to fight against the lag you bring.

    As for the small group of hardcore ppl who play scavenge, your all over arrogant self righteous douchebags who need to get knocked off your high horse and brought down to reality again and see its the pricks like that who are killing this once fun game. Say what you want, its the damn truth, not even shocked no one else had the balls to say that 1st. where my feelings are not hurt when I got something to say I say it.

  5. I've done my time
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    Ok first LOL that is pretty funny from someone who asked me to help them get good and then cried (literally cried) after I had a friend join my team because it's not fair and not fun to play a game you know you're going to lose. "Oh Hunty, could you please play against me and my 3 friends so I can watch you and learn from you" DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THIS? because I bloody well do.

    Also when the euro servers are back how about we play a 4v4 (NOT A 4v1 like you're used to) and see how you fair getting "RETRYING CONNECTION" and having common you can't shoot. I'm not blaming you because I (and my euro buddies) have redbar every game but you've got to be a pretty big cretin to think that actually plays in our favour.

    Also I've never said I'M THE BEST EVA at this game, I've played with the best and I didn't cry about it before or after. That's a damn sight more than I could say about you.

    Since when do we only play rooftop? We play what games we can find, if it happens that rooftop is the only thing going then yeah we'll play rooftop.

    REDBAR IS OUR ADVANTAGE!? hahaha that's still cracking me up. seriously please play me and I'll host (for once). Enjoy that horde that you can't melee off, or jockeys grabbing you from 10 ft away.

    And also rooftop may not be the best map for a 4v4 or whatever but it's definitely a lot more "skillful" than motel against randoms and that's for damn sure.

    I'm very much looking forward to the next idiotic thing you post, please don't keep me waiting too long. Need a good laugh from time to time.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    A. your insults mean shit to me, and your arragance far from impresses me, so STFU and sit down already boy. Apparently you can not read either I hate the god damn rooftop, mall and motel, they are over played which is something I am sure you as well can agree on. Since when am I used to a 4v1? That makes no sense to me, get your facts straight, cuz your smoking crack if you think thats how I play, so should I expect your little clan now to come to your rescue and bad mouth me more Also a difference playing with the best and wanting to play for fun, something you need to learn there is a difference in, just cuz I'm in a lobby doesn't mean im down for hardcore games, I do have a life outside the 360 and PC, I come home from hard day at work and do not need or want to think about anything but chilling out knocking back a few beers, as soon as you come in a lobby tho, its hardcore time, no, you need to understand people want to play this game for fun as well, im not saying its you they do not like Im saying more they do not like how hardcore you play. Might be in your interest to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week, come home and try to focus on dinner chores paying bills and see what it is to have to rap your brain over a game..not fun when your already tired.

  7. I've done my time
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    Also I'm not arrogant. I'm funny and a little cocky.

  8. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by phoenixorion44 View Post
    Apparently you can not read
    Well it would be much easier for me if you could write.

    You don't get it, just because I can play the game well doesn't mean I don't play for fun.

    To be honest I don't know how to respond to that massive mess of text that contradicts itself every other sentence.

    Quick zencats come defend my honor. LOL

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Well then we are both arrogant, funny and cocky. Hunty what im saying is, I know your damn good player man, but in short, its hard to enjoy a game that everyone is so hard up about man, yes I know its competitive but when all the fun is taken out of it, whats left...nothing at all...and with nothing left, there is no game left to play, .... Why the hell are we arguing over a game anyway? We are both adults lets act it shall we, after all don't we set an example for the ones younger then us?

  10. I've done my time
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    How do I "play hardcore"? By shooting infected and getting gas cans? cause I have noticed some other people do that before but they were just copying me.

    You really don't get anything do you? I have friends that aren't really all that good at this game, I'm sure he won't mind me name dropping him because he's a sound guy. Crescendo, not really the best player ever. he plays for fun. I play with him on his team or against him and he has never got mad because he lost. You know he's actually fun to play with.

    It's your double standard bullshit saying "Oh I just play for fun but if I can't win then I won't play". Do you not understand sonny?

    I know I said "don't keep me waiting" but having tried several times to decipher that last thing I think it's probably best you do take your time.


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