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Thread: rockband for 360?

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    Quote Originally Posted by urbanscumbag View Post
    was there not a time when you where considered to be a noob!
    There is a difference betwee sucking and sticking around, and sucking and leaving after the first round. Which one is he reffering to? Cause I have no problem playing with kids that suck that are willing to listen.

  2. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    I wouldn't have thought it was hard to type the word 'locked' without putting a space in the middle, but there you go... the internet is just full of surprises.

  3. Left 4 Dead
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    When you've been playing the game as long as i have, newbies make the game so much more fun. They get in so much trouble.

    Pro players usually always try to do things the easy way, but not newbies. U wanna get really good at this game play with as much newbs as possible. To bad you can't get paid for babysitting. But hey, its worth the practice and your balls increase by 3 X.

    Usually if i've been playing with to many newbs and then start playing with friends they usually tell me to calm down. Because im zipping around every where trying to do to much and playing to ball-z.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  4. Banned
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    I don't mind playing with noobs, but I do mind playing with noobs that don't listen to anything you have to say.

    I played with one today who was constantly shooting me in the back. I lost nearly ALL of my health twice because of this. I had to use my medpack and take pills two times to get through one map and I was never touched by a hunter, smoker, or boomer.

    Now I didn't mention getting shot because I figured it was useless anyway. What got me hot was the fact that I accidentally shot this girl three times trying to save her from an SI and each time she decided it was a good idea to yell at me.

    The next time it was our turn as the infected and she got the boomer. The hunters and myself (playing as the smoker) attacked as soon as the safe room door was opened and got an instant spawn. I told the girl "Go a head and attack with the boomer and try to keep them in there, we have instant spawns". She said she wanted to wait. I asked her again if she would at least please try to go down there and cover someone in bile. She runs right to a roof where she can be seen and is popped at a safe distance. She then decides it is a good idea to yell at me for her failure again.

    I got sick of it and left the game.

    Like I said I don't mind the newbies I just hate it when they start yelling at you for every minor thing and blaming you for every screw up. When I left that game we were a head by 2000 points only because my friend and I were saving them left and right. Every two minutes one of them was running way a head or behind and getting pounced and yelling at us for not getting there fast enough. Maybe if you stuck with the team I'd be able to save you before you took half a life bar worth of damage? -,-

    There was also the smoker. I'd tell them over and over again that they were standing in a bad place. They refuse to move from the bad places (planks, windows, certain roof tops). There were two times where we had one guy just standing on a plank attempting to shoot a smoker down below. He also had a fit when he eventually got smoked off the plank because it took us awhile to save him (we were dealing with hunters and a boomer at the time).

    After playing so long with people that know what they are doing it is hard to carry a team of newbies. You just get so frustrated about the fact that they don't listen and do stupid things. I can control that frustration up until the point where they start yelling at me for every little thing. If that starts happening I just leave and let them die.

  5. Smoker
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    You shouldn't hate what you once were.

  6. Junior Member
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    I don't like the n00b hate as everyone starts somewhere, some people might be n00bs still as they are young or since they have just started playing games for the first time?

    When my partner got L4D I sucked at first and followed them all the time as I'd never really played an Xbox360 game before but now I'm fine and can do shit like others.

    Just like everything in life, everything is a learning curve.

  7. I've done my time
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    The sad thing is, l4ds aren't hard games. Sticking together pretty much ensures that you won't get beaten THAT badly. Yet people still fail to get such a simple practice right. Valve should have waited an extra year to bring out l4d2. Because a lot of people didn't learn anything from the first one.

  8. Zombie Rat
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    I don't mind n00bs, as long as they try. Being accidentally shot is just one of those things. What's more annoying is those "pr0" players who retaliate and shoot the n00b down in some kind of revenge thing. I mean, w.t.f?!?!?!?!?!

    As long as they are using their ears and their heads and are listening to instructions and are sticking together, there isn't much that can go wrong in a co-op game. You can be the most pr0 prerson in the world, but if you run off and get huntered/smokered out of reach of your team, then your "skill" won't mean shit.

    also, i don't understand those players who equate achievements to skill? i am a more casual player, and so i don't go and achievement hunt.

    i play for the fun. in saying that, i have more fps gaming experience than many players have actually been alive for, so i am most probably better than the average anyway. i have recently moved from pc to xbox, and peopel consider me a n00b because i don't have all the achievements etc.

    i agree with "the laxative", co-op games in general aren't really difficult, provided the team is working together as a team. which rarely happens in random pub matches, n00b or not.

  9. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    U wanna get really good at this game play with as much newbs as possible. To bad you can't get paid for babysitting. But hey, its worth the practice and your balls increase by 3 X.

    Amen to that! I've got to the stage now where I actively choose/offer to play with the newb/no mic teams instead of with the guys with mics. Sure, you end up losing every single time, but at least you know that the game will definitely last until the finale, plus you get a chance to practise playing when things don't go according to plan. Not only that, but if you're playing against a decent team they'll normally acknowledge the effort you put in and give you a nice pat on the back in the postmatch lobby. I swear, I've probably learnt more playing that way than with "pros".
    RIP Mike Starr

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adamski5000 View Post
    Amen to that! I've got to the stage now where I actively choose/offer to play with the newb/no mic teams instead of with the guys with mics. Sure, you end up losing every single time, but at least you know that the game will definitely last until the finale, plus you get a chance to practise playing when things don't go according to plan. Not only that, but if you're playing against a decent team they'll normally acknowledge the effort you put in and give you a nice pat on the back in the postmatch lobby. I swear, I've probably learnt more playing that way than with "pros".
    Interesting to see that people actually like to play to lose the game. Different way of playing L4D2.

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