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    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  2. I've done my time
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    Are we Immune?

    Are we Immune?

    Just my attempt at a fanfic, rotating around a few survivors in the L4d universe.
    This "Chapter" is just a tester to see if people take interest, if you guys do ill be forced to keep writing chapters, wont I?

    Hope you enjoy!

    Chapter 1 - Reflection

    Three weeks, three short weeks since this outbreak began.

    The old days of idleness long gone, now even the prospect of walking across the road is unimaginably frightening.
    “Its Judgement day!” screamed the believers; “It’s just an infection!” says the scientists… It’s bloody typical says I

    And its not a typical infection either, its like that film with the Rage virus with monkeys, they can move and boy can they, as soon and they catch a whiff or the scrape of your shoe they run like hell on wheels, and bring all of their friends for the trip.
    Not the worst part either, two weeks and initial survivors finally got the hang of dealing with infected. People across streets would be able to hold out for weeks working together, whole families lucky enough to be alive and talk and eat like nothing was happening.
    Guns were substantial at first too… well, they are Americans after all, nearly every single home had some sort of gun hidden inside, and everyone followed a few simple rules.

    1, Ignore CEDA’s rules, “Wash your hands, Stay indoors”? Bollocks right?
    2, Work together - Cause the infected certainly are
    3, Travel by day - They can see at night, that makes it a pain when we can’t
    4, Keep quiet and dirty - Hides your smell from the ones who still have noses
    5, Conserve supplies - Well, no need to elaborate there, right?

    And these rules worked for the most part, surprised me at first how everyone completely broke the selfish gun-crazy American stereotype I had been brought up with, most were even willing to share and govern the “Safe towns”.
    But then the worst happened, some of the older infected started to change, mutate even.
    And suddenly barricaded doors were being smashed in, scouts being jumped on roofs and torn to shreds, people vomited on and either getting infected or simply mauled by hordes of the little buggers, before things went silent we even heard of a behemoth who simply knocked down a watch tower near one of the Prison safe towns.

    Nowadays it’s just me and my pen pal Steve; kind of ironic how our interest of all things grim and undead was what brought us together and keeps us alive. Or maybe I am interpreting irony wrong… either way were pretty FUBAR, stuck in a barricaded house we entered through a broken basement window and here I am reflecting on the past three weeks and my now extended holiday.

    How’s it going you ask? Well, I wouldnt recommend going to see the sights

  3. I've done my time
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    Are we Immune?

    39 views? I guess thats enough for the next installation of my obviously incredible fanfic (1ts l1k3 Teh b3st 3var?!)
    Ive already typed out the 3rd chapter but I figured Id wait until this topic gets 78+ Views, or else 1 reply before I post it.
    Unless there isnt either then ill just post it on Monday and keep this up as an archive to myself.

    Chapter 2 – A new day

    The streets are filled with a steady moan, cars and bodies strewn across the streets, blood literally painting the town red.
    And aside from the occasional shuffle of movement and shouts of rage or pain the small town was barren of life. That is of course if you’re not including me and my friend Steven, or Stu as I like to call him.

    It was early, enough so that the sky was still dark but not so much that we wouldn’t continue with our bid for safety.
    Steven was resting, or pretending to. And I don’t blame him; after the Clearwater County was overrun he lost everything.
    Nothing left there but corpses, and memories.
    But regardless we still had to get going before It got too late. And one of the survivor rules is to never to stay in the same place for too long, since it now makes it’s easy for the mutated infected to find you.

    “Stu! Wake up! someone hacked your MySpace” I joked, humour was the only thing that could spur Steven on these days, he was getting slower and more depressed as we moved further out of Clearwater County. Never lost his snarky remarks though.
    Steve turned over to face me; dark rings swallowed his eyes making him seem 10 years older. That’s never a good sign.
    “Come on Princess” I whined. “Or we will be late for the ball” Steven snickered at my last attempt at a joke, “You know, the English have real shitty wit” his first smile in days broke out, Steven sluggishly stood up, wobbling a bit before scratching his head, picking out some rubble and flicking it aside. “Next time I won’t leave a tip.”
    Steve was referring to the hotel we snuck into, and it was real crappy, back in England it wouldn’t have even got a star for trying.
    Let alone be allowed to charge anyone for staying, on the upside however, the Zeds seemed to hate and avoid this place too.

    As we gathered up our bags, filled to the brim with random assortments of junk food and as we picked up our handguns, I mused at how funny it was that gunshots never attracted hordes, and yet broken glass, sneezes and puke would send them flying from every nook and cranny within a half mile radius, Hilarious. If this was a game.

    “Which way are we going?” Steven asked as he slung his bag over his back.
    “Probably south, towards Washington” I muttered looking at my 'Tourist's guide to the US' map, “Seems the most likely place for people or some of the army to hole up…” Steven swiped the map from my hands as we walked down the hall and scoffed.
    “Your looking at Washington county, Washington D.C is like a thousand miles east” I frowned at Steve, how the hell should I know? The US was too big for its own ego anyway.
    “We're better off going east if that’s where we are going, and get a car while we are at it, cause that’s one hell of a hike.” Packing the map away, we finally reached the bottom floor’s back entrance.
    Steve looked at me edgily, “Yeah Ill go first” I sighed, “Well I did it on the way in” Steve whispered. "Not my fault if it was empty..."

  4. I've done my time
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    Are we Immune?

    The 78 view target has been met!
    Which means the third chapter is now posted! Ill be adventurous and say the next mark is 120 views as this weekend I'm pretty sure everyone on the L4DF will be busy with The Passing (Much like me assuming GAME doesn't hassle me about my age... again...)
    If you like the story tell me why! and give me your criticism too! Input is a great motivator for me!

    Chapter 3 – A street full of?

    As I opened the door smoothly we walked into an alley way, checking both sides as Steve followed suit.
    “I reckon they’re on vacation” Never an appropriate comment from him.
    The streets were the same from yesterday, dark with dirt and blood, further walking towards a dumpster I risked a peek over a brick wall checking the path behind the houses… no hidey holes, AND it was clear!

    I smiled, “Not a Zed in sight.”
    Steve took a sigh of relief, the side ways were trickier to walk through if there were holes and nooks to hide in, and they did so a lot. Back when we were initially running from Clearwater we had whole groups of survivors, and an even bigger supply of guns, but bad leadership and risky moves took its toll on the group, eventually me and Steve split, the group leader David Dolesy was a prick, smart? Yes, but even more so selfish and a coward, he knew what to say to keep a group together which kept him leader but then he shot Steven’s Father to slow down a horde which chased him 30 miles back.
    That’s the main reason we decided to split, after all, teenagers are just baggage in his eyes, so we waited for night time, stole two guns and two bags of food and ammunition, evaded the night watch and ran south. Now I think about it, it’s a miracle we got so far without facing any of those infamous mutant infected. Well that was soon to change.

    Anyway, as we walked further down the back alleys we furthered near the end, stopping behind some rubbish bins and refuse.
    Steve silently yawned before saying “Ill check ahea-oh my god”
    Steve quickly sat back down hiding behind the bins and rubbish.
    “Oh my god the whole street is full of them” Steve looked pale, I rested my hand on his shoulder as I too took a look from behind the pile, and he wasn’t kidding at least twenty blood drenched corpses were shuffling across the street, two making a racket in a punch up with more and more leaving and exiting our line of sight from the street.

    “Well, I guess we double back?” I chuckled.
    “Yeah back to the worst hotel in the world and towards the other zombie infested street I presume?” Steve was starting to show signs of snapping again, the veins on his hands were visible and his face was contorted with worry and desperate expectation, like I was going to pull a rabbit out my arse that would save the day.

    And before I could devise another problem avoiding joke, the loud sound of screeching tires could be heard from the distance, the high pitched tire screech got the attention of most of the infected in the streets as they gasped wheezed and screamed, tearing off towards the poor sods that – by the sounds of it – just made a highly illegal U-turn.

    Steve looked at me apparently dazed at our luck, I grinned smugly, “And for my next trick!”

  5. I've done my time
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    Chapter 4 – Struggle

    Well here is chapter 4
    Never figured Id get this far to be honest, Nice to see someone is possibly following the story even if its to fight off boredom for 3 minutes.
    This chapter took longer than expected because of Exams, but I should be ok for the most part now. PLEASE try to send a reply tho, because talking to myself is the first sign of madness...

    Next Chapter at 200 views
    I didnt actually expect a reply, and thanks for the input. Makes me smile to her positive feedback, im working on the next installment, wish me luck.

    The sound of screeching from a few streets east started to die down, Infected starting to slow down and resume their loitering in the street, now far fewer in number.

    Steve and me advanced cautiously, counting the infected in the street as we did so; six, tons better than the hundred that was there just a moment ago but not wonderful either. The buggers can sprint faster than me or Stu can line up a headshot.
    “Ive got the three on the left” Steve whispered in a low voice, making motions to the Infected down the street.
    Nodding in response I took aim at the three to my right, “We run to the alley, there’s a ladder to the roofs” I responded.

    Three… two… one.
    Two near simultaneous shots were fired, followed by another ten or so for good measure, the six bodies slumped to the ground, one of mine, a small boy who was kicked off his feet as he ran at me landing aqwardly and with a sickening crunch as the back of his head cracked open on the road spilling gore across the road like paint.
    Its never nice having to kill Infected who were children, their now creepy faces contorted with anger and rage was more disturbing than the killing involved.
    Steve always said it was thanks to video games de-sensitizing him that he could sleep at night with all the violence and gore these days.

    Steve yanked me up by the arm bringing me back to earth from my daydream, “What are you doing? Do you want to wait for more to come?!”
    Snapping back into reality, we sprinted the length of the now gore ridden street into the alley which was also littered with half eaten or broken bodies.

    Braving the smell we sprinted across the alley knocking back infected during our dash towards the ladder; Steve scampered up first as I twisted around to shoot any pursuing infected.

    Only two, a tall woman and a man, taking care to aim quick enough I fired the first shot, directly into the face of the large man, saliva flying forward as his body jerked back.
    I turned to the woman only to find she was now too close.
    “Shi-” she threw herself at me, pushing me to the floor as I attemped to repel her snapping jaw away from any part of me, her eyes never breaking contact from mine.
    “I’m up lets go!” Steve shouted down towards me, before realising I was pinned, Steve fired at the walking corpse I was rholding back pumping holes in her back from above, causing her to shudder on top of me.
    “Fuck! Bullets can go through bodies you know!” I screamed to Steve, the Infected woman was now putting more pressure on me, thrashing her blood and spit all around me coating my shirt, Already I was getting tired soon I would be unable to resist.
    Before long a form to the right of my gaze towered over us followed with an echoing blast. Steve had climbed down to my rescue, pulling me up quickly before we quickly make our climb up the ladder and stairs, eager to reach the roofs before the echoed shot and struggle drew in more.

    Gasping as we ran up the rusted criss-cross fire escape stairs, we eventually reached the top. I dropped as we hit the roof, breathing deeply with the crazed face of my latest would-be killer fresh in my mind.
    Steve followed suit seconds behind me, less tired but still worried.

    “Hey, you didn’t get bit right?” one of the most aqward and frightening questions one survivor can ask another, it can be hard enough to tell yourself, if you got blood or saliva in your eyes or mouth how could you accept that you was going to turn into the stuff of your nightmares?

    I sat up slowly checking my arms, legs. Tasting my own mouth for anything that tasted different, “No, I think im ok” my voice was steady, I was fairly confident I wasn’t infected, Aside from my shirt which was drenched in the blood from my last cross with death.
    Looking a little more reassured Steve broke out in a wide grin, “Y’know, from where I was It looked like you were both making looooove” I threw a punch at Steve’s leg. Smartass, trust him to make the worlds most inappropriate joke after that, I was still shaking from it.
    Steve shrugged before glancing over the rooftops before sighing. “Too soon I guess”

  6. Zombie Dog
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    The bit in your most recent update about the child zombies are spot on, a face that should be full of curiosity and happiness distorted with anger and hate paints a vivid picture. I would probably struggle to pull the trigger if I came across one. Good so far mate keep it up.
    Kagato: "You got this Feesh?"
    The Feesh: "I am so fucked..."

  7. I've done my time
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    Chapter 5 – Scouting Survivors

    Wow, that was a hell of a delay and one hell of writers block. On top of that I fear that my literacy skills are deteriorating as I type D:
    Regardless I still intend to complete the fanfic as rubbish as it may get, still im sure the conclusion will be enjoyable since im best at those parts!

    “I think you’d need a rest anyway” Steve muttered as he fumbled with his bag, “Didn’t take you long though, five minutes and we are already taking a break” finally taking out a breakfast bar and some Oreo’s before sitting down.

    Walking towards the edge, the roof was typical of what I’ve come to expect, grey, littered with rubbish, moss and bird turds.
    The central cooling or fan systems were there too, huge things with fans in them, not working now though, either a power cut or dead technicians made sure of that, although I was never too sure about how Americans did things. it was my first visit after all; I didn’t even know they still used 2 pin plugs. Imagine having a constantly open and live electrical supply, No wonder children getting shocks from playing with sockets used to be such an issue here.

    Leaning on the edge of the roof I looked down across the streets and at other rooftops, the Infected had thinned since the car passed, the rooftops were barren apart from one or two in the distance where some survivors had obviously fled, followed by its current inhabitants.

    Now calm I could hear in the distance the sound of a motor running a few streets over, billowing smoke indicated that the drivers had crashed, who ever was in the car must be dead by now. A pang of guilt hit me, followed by a sense of hopelessness, we couldn’t help them, they died, getting torn to shreds, limbs gnawed or torn off, maybe even alongside family members sharing the same gruesome fate at the hands of whatever attacked them, and now all I could do was hope that it was the crash that killed them.

    “How are things?” Steve approached, glancing over the edge casually, his mind obviously distracted from his and our own problems.
    “Too many on the streets, and judging from the smoke the car crashed and isn’t too far off, we’ll have to stick to the roof” my tone had dulled, scenarios of the drivers deaths still streaming through my head.
    Steve seemed to notice, breathing out a long sigh and shifting aqwardly, “Well, ill skip my turn of cheering you up I think, lets just walk it off” at that moment bursts of buckshot and gunfire could be heard not too far from the crash site.
    A smile broke out on my worn and weary face, spotting this Steve chuckled nudging me “See? Things are kind of working out for them too”.

  8. Chicago Ted
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    Quite interesting, and you're writing is great.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  9. Junior Member
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    Please make more, awesome shit you're writing there.

  10. I've done my time
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    Chapter 6 – Crossroads

    Well here is chapter six! Im happy that people are responding too, gives me much more motivation for writing.
    In fact ive even started planning some rather enjoyable plot points so this story doesnt become an un-original and rubbish story.
    More is likely to be made soon as Ive currently got twice as much free time on my hands and much more inspiration!

    On a side note if anyone is free during 5-9PM GMT and im online invite me to any L4d1 game. Cause when it comes to L4d1 I never say no.

    A few hours had passed since we first scouted on top of the roof; we had moved on and climbed down into the alley ways after spending a fair amount of time ensuring that we avoided the infected as effectively as possible.
    As we progressed over and through alley ways, fences and walls we reached a T-junction on the road, before I came to a realisation.

    “Hey, Stu?” I asked, keeping an eye and ear out for any stray infected we could have missed.
    Steve doing the same responded in a hush voice “What’s up?”
    “Those survivors, they’re not heading south” a tone of worry in my voice
    “And?” Steve chortled, “want me to sue them?”
    “Well smart arse, we are heading south, down that way” I pointed to the right fork of the junction, “and they are heading up there” now pointing towards the middle.
    Steve frowned in thought for a moment. “Well they seem to be taking the heat off us anyway, they’ve been shooting on and off since that crash of theirs” He was right, after the first shot we heard from the roof we have been hearing gunshots and infected screams of rage every so often hasn’t stopped yet as another burst of gunfire sounded getting more and more distant as we waited.
    “But then that just means their experienced with guns, they know what they are doing! they could even have contact with the army for all we k-”
    “Yeah OR they could be a bunch of damn lucky red neck truckers” the confidence in Steve’s voice struck me silent, he did know more about the people here after all, he was a native. And I’ve lived in England all my life, never even held a gun before now, bar a paint gun. But I’ve learnt the difference between the two the hard way, killing moments stuck in my mind and calluses smothered across my hands, all from this pistol makes me wonder why they legalised them, before I remembered its whats kept us alive this long.

    I gave a long sigh “It won’t get any easier. The only reason this has been so easy is because of their crash drawing infected in… and they are still alive! They can help us and we might even be able to help them” it felt like I was begging at this point, the chance to work with other survivors who could make it this far guns blazing was too good to pass up, and at the end of the day we were just two pen pal teenagers in way over our heads.
    “Fine” Steve mumbled looked up In surprise, I didn’t expect him to see it my way, “I can see where your coming from, and we are all going to die sometime so why not do it rescuing some red necks?” sarcastic tone back in full flair, I grinned.
    “We are going to be like Doyle and Bodie!” Steve frowned at me, “Uh, who?”

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