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Thread: I NEED HELP!

  1. Left 4 Dead
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    im not that big a fan on the chainsaw but i love using it if you know what i mean.

    there are few things more satisfying in L4D2 than mowing down a horde with the blood and gore splashing around mixed with your characters battle cries. that and its a freaking chainsaw so of course im gonna pick it up should i come across it

    but despite all the fun, its rather shortlived with the non replenishable ammo running out even when im not attacking with it. therefore i always find myself whipping it out in rare scenarios and i cant really enjoy it to its full degree because of conservation. it has a perfect reason to be limited because of versus mode, but i still find it sad that im forced to be so conservative with it. if i ever get to the end saferoom with it in versus mode, i always hope that a horde will sprint right out of a corner just so i can have some fun before its gone.

    for those reasons, i usually stick with fire axes, crow bars, machetes, and other melee weapons rather than the chainsaw. at least with those, i can enjoy all of the zombie gore without fear of my melee weapon running out

  2. On the way to greater things
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    The chainsaw is fantastic, IMO. I will usually pick up a chainsaw when I see one, and when a horde approaches, I get that fucker out

  3. Senior-Senior Member
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    I certainly ENJOY the chainsaw, but I only use it in Versus, never in Campaign.
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  4. Zombie Rat
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    Typically before I pick up a Magnum I tend to chainsaw the day away.
    Weird stuff....

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    I don't like the chainsaw. I used it to get the achievement, and have seldom used it since. I will, however, pick it up if there is no other melee weapon around and I only have 1 pistol (which is rare). to me the chainsaw is too bulky, and I end up somehow taking more damage using it then if I use a katana or whatever else. not to mention I always end up accidentally slicing into my teammates with it more so than other melee weapons.
    I'm calling zombie bullshit on that

  6. Been around a bit
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    meh, i like it, and its fun to use. but its hard to swap to quickly because of how it needs to be revved first, and it has a gas limit, which afterwards i revert back to 1 pistol >.< not cool, i'd rather have a melee weapon which is gonna stick around. tho chainsaw is mighty useful for the front runner to have during a gauntlet cruciendo event

  7. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by arothgar View Post
    If it was unlimited fuel for the chainsaw then everyone would have one and no one would use the guns. Anyway i use the chainsaw every now and then if there aren't any decent melee weapons about
    I'm just happy a chainsaw made it in the game. It's kind of realistic that you can't keep it forever. I kind of tend to favor little things like that.
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    I was worried about the chainsaw encouraging corner camping, but then the spitter was revealed and my woes were dispelled.

    I find that the chainsaw works best when faced with a running crescendo event, like the alarm on the Parish 2. Revving the chainsaw into the face of a massive horde usually allows you to run unhindered by punching zombies to shut off the alarm.

    in fact, the chainsaw was the only reason my group made it through dark carnival 3's brutal rollercoaster event on expert unhindered. A steady hand with the weapon in front made all the difference when we finally shut off the coaster.
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  9. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by left4legend View Post
    except for obviously obtaining Chain of Command would you / do you usually use the chainsaw in normal campaigns? i feel it isn't really necessary but i would love it, if it actually didn't run out of fuel. the pistols are unlimited, why not the chainsaw?
    Its nice cuz it kills witches quickly and can F up a tank. so ya i think its a necessity but they arent very common. 1-2 per campaign

  10. Just getting started
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    I love the chainsaw! Except how you run out of fuel that sucks "(


    My thought is that the Gas cans you use to catch on fire and to fuel up the car should also be used to re fuel your chainsaw!

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