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Thread: MOVED: Coming Clean

  1. I've done my time
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    I tried a speedrun of No Mercy on easy last night just to see how well it went. I followed the usual advice, don't kill zombies unless you have to, run like the wind, etc. That went fine up until No Mercy 4 on the rooftop where a tank spawned in situ, slap bang in front of me. Of course, following the "don't shoot" zombies advice I couldn't retreat from the tank because I had a ton of zombies behind me, and I was finished right there and then.

    You have to be realistic. At the beginning of any level, no one can predict that they`ll make it thru playing solo. That`s one of the things I love about this game, it`s so unpredictable. There are "Kill Points" all over the map that no amount of skill or care will enable you to survive. For example, when climbing out of the sewers in NM3, if you can hear a Smoker or Hunter above you, your game is over. They`ll just snatch you up at the top of the ladder.

    Doing the Sewers I had TWO Tanks at once. I outran the one which spawned in the warehouse, ran thru the sewers and up the ladder to meet another in the Hospital foyer! The only way to counter the AI Directors aggerssion is to out run him, anything else is just asking for trouble and a very frustrating evening. Your walkthru therefore requires much more luck than you think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Miktal View Post
    You have to be realistic. At the beginning of any level, no one can predict that they`ll make it thru playing solo. That`s one of the things I love about this game, it`s so unpredictable. There are "Kill Points" all over the map that no amount of skill or care will enable you to survive. For example, when climbing out of the sewers in NM3, if you can hear a Smoker or Hunter above you, your game is over. They`ll just snatch you up at the top of the ladder.
    See, I don't like this at all. I get bored of a game when I die more than once or twice and turn it off. I don't rage, I just get bored, as I have an exceptionally short attention span and repetition of any kind bores me. I can only play one solo run at a time "my way" for this exact reason; there's enough repetition without dying as it is. That's why I try my best not to die, and one of the contributing reasons why I am not fond of speedruns. As for a smoker or hunter being above you meaning endgame, I'm going to disagree here. Sure, if you're rushing like a maniac through the level, and have a party of zombies behind you, you're probably right, it is the end. Otherwise, they can be shot at through the floor or burned.

    The whole point that I was making is that with a speedrun you are just gambling. My method relies on not gambling, but actual strategic gameplay. When following my own guide on a solo run, surviving with 0 restarts is being realistic, and that's why it works

    Doing the Sewers I had TWO Tanks at once. I outran the one which spawned in the warehouse, ran thru the sewers and up the ladder to meet another in the Hospital foyer!
    This happens quite frequently, when you are rushing. When you take it slower, the AI director is not as fearsome, and this is a known fact.

    The only way to counter the AI Directors aggerssion is to out run him, anything else is just asking for trouble and a very frustrating evening.
    Again, this is not true. I have had more success, every single time, following what I did in this guide than speedrunning. Speedrunning, by your own admittance, requires pure luck of the draw that you don't get the director spawning "problems" up ahead. My way is a methodical, thorough and clean way of progressing through the levels. Kill anything that moves, and move on through open areas when the road is clear. Sure it takes time, but it's much, much less of a wildcard than rushing and hoping for the best.

    My instinct tells me that you clearly haven't tried playing a solo game this way; either because you don't like taking your time or because you can't control the situation with regards to hordes, and/or prioritising what to kill first, so you resort to rushing like a hound repeatedly until you eventually make it to the end. Fine; but as I've said multiple times now, that isn't what this guide is about.

    Your walkthru therefore requires much more luck than you think.
    Of course it requires some degree of luck. this game is based around teamwork and playing it singularly is asking for trouble right off the bat. But for sure, it is much less luck-based than speedrunning, which again, by your own admittance, relies on a "good run". If you don't believe this then I have to conclude either that you are arrogant, or have never tried it.

    You also avoided my question about whether you have ever updated your game via LIVE (I think you've also done it before in another thread); which is something I'd like to know. If you are not playing the same game as us, then a lot of your points are going to be moot anyway.

    If you want to write a guide on how to speedrun the game solo, please go ahead. Regardless, please stop polluting this topic with off topic irrelevance.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  3. I've done my time
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    Not sure why you are choosing to revert to rudeness, I thought our discussion was quite civil. Anyway, I`m enjoying it, so you can say what you like, and I`ll post where I like thank you.
    All I`m pointing out is that your guide will only take you so far, which is doing walkthrus on EASY level. As you are no doubt finding out, and have confirmed, your methodical and patient approach becomes ineffective even on Normal level.

    Look at the advice for Health in your guide. It simply wont work on higher levels.

    1. There will be less pills available
    2. Pills are only temporary health and wear out

    So now lets take a hypothetical situation and play it out according to your guide. Lets say your health is at 40 and you take some pills and increase it to 80, you then come to a situation where an area is flooded with Zombies. According to your guide, you stop and shoot them all before moving on. But surely by the time you`ve done this, your health has worn down again. Worst still, is all the zombies you`ve just killed have probably respawned around the next corner again anyway!! Wouldnt it be more tactically sound to move quickly and only shoot the ones who come after you, and not the ones with their face buried in the wall??

    Your "guide" is better suited to Call of Duty or Rainbow Six, where you must kill all enemies before moving on. This game is about survival and in that situation, I`d run my ass off!!

  4. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miktal View Post
    1. There will be less pills available
    There are also less survivors available - three less, in fact, which means that realistically even half the amount of pills that would spawn normally should still be enough to tide you over. Your logic fails here, completely.

    Lets say your health is at 40 and you take some pills and increase it to 80
    Uh, what? Taking pills at 40 will increase your health to 90. Taking a pill gives you 50 temporary health, regardless. Are we even talking about the same game here?

    you then come to a situation where an area is flooded with Zombies. According to your guide, you stop and shoot them all before moving on. But surely by the time you`ve done this, your health has worn down again.
    If it takes the player that long to clear a room of zombies, then they must have the worst aim in the world. And, as I suggested above, given the massively increased availability of pills due to the loss of the three other players, this becomes a total non-issue.

    Wouldnt it be more tactically sound to move quickly and only shoot the ones who come after you, and not the ones with their face buried in the wall??
    Not really, because then the director senses that the one and only player in the game is running, locks onto it and then spawns a tank in its path, you then back up and find you can't because of a horde of zombies! Game over man, game over! If you call that tactical, then I would suggest referring to a dictionary. I prefer to take it slow n' steady and solidify my chances of winning, not run blindly and hope for the best. The fact that you just can't get over the fact that my guide disagrees with your tunnel-vision style of gameplay makes me LoL.

    Sorry but I find you very hard to take seriously, given that you clearly have a fundamental misunderstanding of a variety of the game's functions. Who gives a rat's ass if you can speedrun the game on advanced, probably after 65535 tries? I don't care, dude. I enjoy shooting zombies, and so do others. Rushing through the game also causes people to panic when they encounter a hard situation, whereas taking it slowly is much more suited to an average Joe's preferred style of gameplay.

    Now. If you don't stop polluting this thread with your off-topic, factually incorrect garbage, I'm going to ask one of the site staff here to either lock the thread or delete the junk posts.

    Also, just a final thing: since you repeatedly dodge my point about having a non-updated game, I'm going to have to assume that you are indeed playing Vanilla L4D, in which case pretty much everything you say is nullified anyway. Anyone with a clue knows that this game has changed so much since release, THIS little gem being one small example of many.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  5. Chicago Ted
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    Miktal, just accept the fact you're wrong and Zoeyyyy is right please. He plays with people who have had the game since release, so i'm sure he knows exactly what he's talking about. The recent updates have changed dramatically the way Commons and Specials spawn. So moving slow is sadly the best option, when you rush now you get 10 - 20 Commons around you.


  6. I've done my time
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    How old are you again?

    Go ahead and report it if it makes you feel better, If you cant voice an opinion whether it is for or against, then what`s the point of this place?

    Another thing, (lastly) in your weapons choice for example, you say use the uzi because with a 50 bullet magazine, you have 50 potential headshots.....HUH?

    Can you squeeze off one bullet at a time with an Uzi??

    Anyway, I`ll leave you to it, I didnt come here to argue. You`re free to play the game however you want.
    Good luck

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    If I try really hard, yes, I can burst fire very well with the Uzi. With the M16, it's relatively easy, with a bit of practice, to simulate a single fire mode every time. There are also scripts out there for PC that make sure you only fire one shot with any of the automatics.

    I wouldn't have taken issue with you if you had put your views across diplomatically and briefly. However, when you consistently failed to acknowledge that the guide was not a speedrun tutorial (and thus didn't follow the same processes as you cited), and repeatedly tried to force your difference of opinion down my throat (that's called arrogance), all the while citing incorrect facts about the game, that's why I took issue with you.

    As a result, my thread is now littered with petty arguments and quite a bit of incorrect info.

    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  8. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoeyyyy View Post
    If I try really hard, yes, I can burst fire very well with the Uzi. With the M16, it's relatively easy, with a bit of practice, to simulate a single fire mode every time. There are also scripts out there for PC that make sure you only fire one shot with any of the automatics.

    I wouldn't have taken issue with you if you had put your views across diplomatically and briefly. However, when you consistently failed to acknowledge that the guide was not a speedrun tutorial (and thus didn't follow the same processes as you cited), and repeatedly tried to force your difference of opinion down my throat (that's called arrogance), all the while citing incorrect facts about the game, that's why I took issue with you.

    As a result, my thread is now littered with petty arguments and quite a bit of incorrect info.

    I suggest you read my replies again. The second was an acknowledgement that your guide was NOT a speed run. I then asked you where you were getting stuck on Normal level doing your walkthru. If anyone was being rude or ignorant it was you.

    Lastly, and I dont want to labour this point, but your Uzi weapons explaination strains credability and I think you know it. There is no such thing as 50 potential head shots with an Uzi. It`s a total waste of time IMO in even trying to squeeze ONE bullet out of a fully automatic gun.

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    50 potential head-shots..
    As in, you could potentially shoot 50 shots, all hitting a target.
    Not as in, with one clip you can easily and eveytime get 50 headshots with one clip.
    I think the clue in that is the potential, which is the same potential to not hit a thing with the 50 shots.

    So, you got that updated L4D or not?

  10. Banned
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    Haha. Hi Zencats.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

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