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Hurray! No more private clan forums for webadmins!

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Woot, cant tell you how many times i saw a new thread pop up with an interesting title, only to click on it and find out it was in a clan forum!

Not to mention viewing new posts will no longer list them either, WOOT!

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    Arreo's Avatar
    That's nice... I can only imagine how annoying that must have been :P
    DancingCorpse's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Arreo
    That's nice... I can only imagine how annoying that must have been :P
    I dunno....bigdog loved to jump into the ONIN forums often to trash talk EvE.
    ...bigdog...'s Avatar
    yeah. turned those back on. maybe you don't get summoned in there, but I certainly do. sometimes the clans have "sensitive" issues they need a delicate touch to handle.

    and then I show up and burn some shit down.