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TF2 Marksmanship Episode 2 is up

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    kyle700's Avatar
    I didn't watch too far into the second one, but I watched the first one. Why are you only talking about the Huntsman? Are you going to make another video for the sniper? I'd almost ALWAYS want a Sniper Rifle instead of a huntsman and informing people of better actual sniper tactics would be useful for most players...
    Watsyurdeal?'s Avatar
    Notice that it says Episode 2, Episode 1 covered the Rifle, this one is about the Huntsman. I did them individually because of how different they are.
    Raush's Avatar
    I approve of your use of music from OCRemix. I met a lot of the DJ's who run the site at a super smash bros melee tournament a few years ago. Super cool guys and I love all the stuff on their site. Have about 2500 songs from it now
    Knee of Justice's Avatar
    I dare you to make a video about the sydney sleeper. Just try to find a single use for that thing.
    Watsyurdeal?'s Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Knee of Justice
    I dare you to make a video about the sydney sleeper. Just try to find a single use for that thing.

    Already did, it's the backburner of sniper

    And yea Raush OCRemix is amazing, ear food for me.
    Updated 01-24-11 at 12:04 AM by Watsyurdeal?
    Knee of Justice's Avatar
    you did? where?
    Watsyurdeal?'s Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Knee of Justice
    you did? where?
    No I mean I know what I'm going to say about the weapon, it's basically the Back Burner of Sniper in that you're not nearly as good as you could be with the Flame Thrower and Degreaser. It's mainly for people who can't head shot consistently.
    Gatita_Nicky's Avatar
    when i grow up i wanna be just like you...kinda
    Watsyurdeal?'s Avatar
    Heh, no no you don't, trust me you don't. Don't ask why.
    Knee of Justice's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Watsyurdeal?
    Heh, no no you don't, trust me you don't. Don't ask why.
    Whats your deal?