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Goodbye Hong Kong

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So it's day, I don't even know. But just know it's the last day.
Today we did nothing we just sat at home and waited for the shuttle to come pick us up. It was a pretty stressful couple hours since my father wanted to get to the airport 4 hours before our flight. Face palm... Anyways, we got there, and ate. I pretty much got everything I wanted to eat if I couldn't get it in the US. Before we boarded we saw my cousin who works at the duty free make-up store in the airport (not descriptive since there are like a bajillion, plus I don't want you people to find her Hah!) Anyways, we talked a little bit and then we said our goodbyes and we boarded the plane. So as I'm typing this, I'm in Seattle again! Glad to be back and playing TPG. Have a nice day.

Waiting by Danny Yu Photography, on Flickr

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    Toad's Avatar
    You have some real talent with a camera. I'm glad that you had a fun trip and hope you keep posting pics.
    triggerhappy2005's Avatar
    I would love to visit Honk Kong. That's one part of the globe that really interests me.
    Shinobi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Toad
    You have some real talent with a camera. I'm glad that you had a fun trip and hope you keep posting pics.
    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005
    I would love to visit Honk Kong. That's one part of the globe that really interests me.
    It's quite a fun place! Defiantly an awesome place to go!