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CS:S - Clips, Rants, and More #6

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It's been a while since I've made a video, and I thought it would be cool to do sort of a monthly highlight reel. Mainly just straight frags...Pretty simple editing as I don't have the tools to do anything fancier and I don't have the time to invest in a big project like that.

So here you go, some of the highlights of my time in TPG from last month. 4, 5, 6, 7 kill streaks, 1 shots, kills through doors, boxes, smokes, etc. Hope you enjoy!


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    MaFioSo's Avatar
    Good job man! 2 questions, how do you control your recoil so well and what video editing software did you use?
    Sundance's Avatar
    Thanks! I just used fraps and windows movie maker to throw this together. You don't get the best quality this way, but it's not bad for relatively small and simple things like this.

    As for how I control my recoil, the honest and completely unhelpful answer is that it's experience and feel. After a while you just get a sense of how far down you should pull your crosshairs when spraying (although I have a tendency to pull mine too far down). Then you just use bullet impacts and whatnot to make on the fly adjustments. If you can see your bullets hitting low right on a wall behind the person, then you can sorta tell what adjustments you need to make during the firefight
    Updated 10-17-11 at 01:20 PM by Sundance