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BF2: Project Reality Mod

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"Battlefield is all about fun, action-oriented gameplay. We'll leave the truly realistic experiences to the mod teams who thrive on that type of action." (DICE)
"Battlefield will always be first about fun and secondly about realism. Realism implies complexity."
(Sean Decker)

Project Reality, the realistic modification of Battlefield 2, was on paper even before the main game was released. It was to be about realistic gameplay, everything else was secondary.
It was not going to be a game for the masses, due to the higher learning curve than most classic arcade games, but a game for players with higher expectations of a modern military FPS.

5 years ago, PR Mini-Mod v0.1 started out by making small changes, such as no kill indicator, realistic damage, no friendly indicator, ballistics, no parachutes & longer spawntimes.
these small changes had a tremendous impact on the game, forcing players to think twice about their actions.
Along was to come everything from constructable objects, limited kits, to new maps, weapons, factions, sounds, a whole array of new features & mod of the year awards.

PR was now very different from the original game. The ultimate goal was to completely move away from BF2.
The developers got more talented & the players had more or less adjusted to the game.
The players make the game, not the other way around, & I'm glad I spent my time gaming it on TTP, or TPG, when almost everyone else treated the mod like the original game.
Two other good servers from before TTP was GloryHoundz & Thor's Brigade, these names will always be synonymous with PR in my book.

Year 2010 - PR is bigger than ever, it has grown from a tiny mod to what could be classified as a full game, & it's still evolving. Very little of it resembles BF2.
Over 1000 people visits their website every day & there's always a server to play on.
Since v0.1, PR has had over 20 releases & updates to perfect the game, & it has come a long way since then.

I've been with it from day 1 & hopefully many more to come. This game has taken much more of my time than any other game.
There has been alot of rage-quits & swearing towards it, but I've always come back & and it has always been there for the comeback
It isn't the fault of a game itself though, it is the players & will always be the players who makes it good or bad.
I hope TTP or TPG, (can't get used to that) will rise again & become what it once was, it's sad to see the server empty most of the time.

Thanks for reading.


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Updated 10-05-10 at 01:06 AM by GoreZiad



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