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Banned for Being a Team Player?

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So I just got banned from a random TF2 pub, for trying to enforce team play. Before I begin, I know, I know, what was I doing on a random server and not priming TPG? But sometimes I like to just mess around on arena servers, since they never get played here.

So I was playing soldier on this random arena server and ran into an interesting situation. I got into an argument with a combat medic, who also happened to be the owner of the server. I was trying to explain that while combat medic can be useful (in survival situations), healing is the primary objective of the medic and that he should leaving the damage/killing to a more effective class like mine. He then went on to say that he didn't care and that he bought the game/server to have fun and do what he wants. I tried to reason with him and said as the owner of the server, he should be enforcing team play, since its in the name of the title and everything. I was then berated by the other people in the PUB, saying that I was being disruptive and arguing for no reason, shortly after I was banned for being abusive.

I'm not at all surprised by the events that took place and its probably very common on many other random PUBs as well. I just found the irony too funny, because if this had gone down on TPG, you know I would have kept that shit Sukka Free in a flash.

So let this serve as a reminder to everyone, about how lucky we are to have TPG.

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    *Rob's Avatar
    sukka free!
    Thorsen's Avatar
    So true Chizzle. On the very rare occasion I play off TPG. I realize that if TPG didn't exist, I would not be a gamer. TPG IS gaming to me, and the level of teamplay, friendship and fun found on TPG is unrivaled in the pub scene.
    Sketch's Avatar
    "So let this serve as a reminder to everyone, about how lucky we are to have TPG"

    +1. Amen.

    Coming from the vast wastelands of crappy and truly unbelievable TF2 pubs out there, TPG is a godsend. We are standing on the shoulders of giants here, folks.
    space.cowboy's Avatar
    LOL Chizzle got banned...

    oh wait... not here... ? damn...
    Solstatic's Avatar
    Haven't played pub matches in so long, I don't know what I would even do in one anymore.
    vafaskillz's Avatar
    you played somewhere other than here...OFF WITH HIS HEAD!
    sleeepy's Avatar
    Lucky indeed. I don't understand how people play on other servers and actually enjoy it.
    Addrake's Avatar
    I can't handle other frustration levels peak.
    Watsyurdeal?'s Avatar
    So the guy banned you for having logic?

    What the fuck....
    Whiskey_dod's Avatar
    When I go on pubs I go on with the acceptance that my team isn't gonna give a damn...
    Guyver's Avatar
    This is why TPG is the cream.
    ninja|oaklandr's Avatar
    hehe I almost had the same happen to me on a BF2 server one time. I was constantly complaining about people not being in squads or following the squad leaders. I realized it was a lost cause when the admins told me to shut it as they were doing the same.

    It's a scary world outside of TPG.
    E_Pluribus_Unum's Avatar
    Nice job Chizzle. Sukka Free for rizzle!