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DJ Ms. White


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So, I just found out that my appeal to get financial aid was denied. Apparently, suffering from undiagnosed schizophrenia and major depressive disorder wasn't a good enough excuse for the fuckers. I'm even on file with the office of disabilities now. Now on to private fucking loans.

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    Keiron's Avatar
    Why did they deny it? What was preventing you from getting financial aid to begin with?

    Sucks though man, private loans are a bitch.
    DJ Ms. White's Avatar
    Lots of dropped classes. Basically, at the start of most days I would wake-up if I had managed to fall asleep. I would then be bullied by the voices in my head to the point where I could do nothing but cry. I couldn't make them stop. Going to class was something I could barely do. I'd understand everything in the classes though, but professors wouldn't let me pass all the same, which was understandable.

    Now, with me undergoing treatment, things are a different story. I can stop the voices, and the medications I'm on keep the ones that bully me from speaking. I thought that if the financial aid people saw the difference in me with testimony from my therapist and from my psychiatrist it would go better than this to be honest.
    Keiron's Avatar
    Hmm. That does sound like something they should have considered. I made an appeal recently because my financial aid was suspended as well, but it was for too many credits after changing majors and having transfered in.

    Still, I'd think they'd be willing to cooperate and lend you aid, especially with your documentation.

    Perhaps they thought it was too late?
    DJ Ms. White's Avatar
    No, but I'm considering contacting the office of disabilities about this. In fact, I will contact them about this.
    deathgodusmc's Avatar
    You should. If you have proof of the condition it should be something that is discussed. Have you tried here?
    deathgodusmc's Avatar
    Also if you have a member of the family that was in the service you can apply with them for a scholarship. They are ussually a little more lenient then most. If you need help send me a pm. I'll try tracking down as many programs as i can find but the paperwork is on you.
    deputyfestus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. White
    Lots of dropped classes. Basically, at the start of most days I would wake-up if I had managed to fall asleep. I would then be bullied by the voices in my head to the point where I could do nothing but cry. I couldn't make them stop. Going to class was something I could barely do. I'd understand everything in the classes though, but professors wouldn't let me pass all the same, which was understandable.

    Now, with me undergoing treatment, things are a different story. I can stop the voices, and the medications I'm on keep the ones that bully me from speaking. I thought that if the financial aid people saw the difference in me with testimony from my therapist and from my psychiatrist it would go better than this to be honest.
    Why do you say undiagnosed you're being treated for it that sounds diagnosed to me.
    Updated 06-28-10 at 10:10 PM by deputyfestus
    DJ Ms. White's Avatar
    I was only diagnosed in early November of last year. I've been schizophrenic for over 8 years now. I've been depressed for longer than that.
    Updated 06-30-10 at 09:58 AM by DJ Ms. White
    Tinkman1's Avatar
    Wow white, I didn't know you suffered from these disorders. I too have been diagnosed with depression, it's quite difficult sometimes. What school do you go to? And if you ever need to talk to someone who isn't a psychologist/psychiatrist let me know. I have some great tips for getting over that empty feeling I often get. Not only is TPG a great gaming community but we are also a great community in general. People care about the members here, and I think everyone agrees with me when I say that we would do anything to help a fellow gamer. Stay strong and good luck with the financial aide my friend!
    Dusk's Avatar
    As young as I am, I too have gone through depression for most of my life in HS. Let me know if you need someone to talk to, I am willing to lend an ear.
    DJ Ms. White's Avatar
    Thanks for the offers.