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DJ Ms. White

Good food does bad things

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So last night, some friends brought over some fresh tortillas and some spicy pico de gallo. Needless to say, I had a few tortillas with some pico for lunch. It was yummy, but now my stomach is hurting from how spicy it was.

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    digital's Avatar
    it may not just be how spicy it was but how well the Pico kept overnight.
    DJ Ms. White's Avatar
    I did not know that pico could go bad. At least I know now.
    Guyver's Avatar
    It's usually all fresh ingredients. It's very easy for it to go bad if it's not kept refrigerated, and even then, it won't last long.
    Rawr's Avatar
    Actually if the pico had some lemon juice / other citrus it should last for a few days (at least refrigerated)


    White is just a wimp =p
    Updated 07-13-10 at 08:17 AM by Rawr
    Sosiego's Avatar
    Yeah, anything with fresh jalapenos (as opposed to pickled) does the same exact thing to me. It's something I inherited from my father, apparently.
    jason_jinx's Avatar
    I luv me some spicy foods.
    B-@-n-@-n-@'s Avatar
    Ya fresh spicy good old spicy bad