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DJ Ms. White

A month of work

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calling and emailing advisors, college staff, my psychiatrist, etc. and all for nothing. I had to even turn in 2 forms that were not required on the website just to get my appeal for financial aid looked at, but it's been denied. This sucks. 4 months of work down the drain from start to finish.

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    Keiron's Avatar
    They still denied it? Man that is really fucked up man. Not sure what else I can say to try to help you out.

    Got any other plans then to try to get aid from somewhere else or loans if you don't mind me asking that is?
    DJ Ms. White's Avatar
    I'm banking on good grades in the fall quarter so I can get aid for spring quarter at least. My private loan has been approved though (9.5% interest rate though since I don't make 12k a year, and my parents have a bad credit score).
    Keiron's Avatar
    Eh, still not that bad I suppose. I had to get a private loan for about that rate (maybe higher, can't remember) one semester because my parents couldn't help out at the time.

    Not sure about your school, but I know mine has special loans that you can get if your parents are denied their loans to help you out that might be better than the 9.5% rate you got now. I believe one of them is the SMART Loan.

    I'll have to find the link with all the different loans and possibilities as I know there are a lot.
    DJ Ms. White's Avatar
    Thank you.
    Keiron's Avatar
    The College Access Loan (CAL) or Federal Perkins Loan might be your best option if they are available for you.

    My school's information about the loans here:

    Your should should have a similar page for loans and such as well. The SMART Option Loan I mentioned was through Sallie Mae.

    Hopefully you'll be able to get something better through one of those. A lot does depend though on what options your college/university has available though.

    Good luck. I hope it works out for you.