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2012 gaming rig refresh

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Notes on the 2012 refresh of my gaming rig.

Current rig - alienware m11x R1. This has served me well, especially for the price I got (2nd hand). Alas, BF3 does not run on this system, so I'm looking to upgrade/build a new system in 2012.

While ideally I'd stick with a laptop or microatx form, with the aim of taking up the least space possible, reality is pushing me towards a tower/mid-tower so I have better upgrade options going forward.

# other sample systems
fixme: research and add...

# target components
cpu - ~AMD
mobo - ?
ram - ~4gb for now
disk - ~100gb sata
power supply -
fan(cpu, case) - ~zalman
gpu -
GeForce GTX 580
GeForce GTX 590
case -

# references:
geforce propaganda

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Updated 01-05-12 at 07:52 AM by donfede692



    Webs's Avatar
    Might want to put this this in PC technology form to get more feedback and advice. PC Hardware and Technology
    QuickLightning's Avatar
    Is there any reason why you are targeting AMD? BF3 Isn't a terribly CPU intensive game, so you could get by just fine with AMD, but it is taking a fairly decent step backwards in terms of performance and the longevity of your system.

    Though, don't take my word for it...
    thr3kvya's Avatar
    What is price range ?
    QuickLightning's Avatar
    Oh yeah, thr3kvya actually has a pretty sick PC he's trying to sell for a really good price. Definitely check out his thread since it is generally much better gear than you are going to get near the same price new, plus you would be helping out a community member with some medical costs.

    It's even a Sandybridge platform that will blow that AMD plan out of the water.

    Definitely at least give the thread a once over and see if you're interested. That thing is a beast.
    DJ Ms. White's Avatar
    +1 Th3kvya's rig is pretty badass. I highly recommend it!
    WickedSoN's Avatar
    If your on a budget and want insanely fast load times but cant afford a huge ssd you have to look at the z68 mobos with intel rapid response.FREAKIN AWESOME. I had a 40gb ssd laying around and decided to use it for ssd caching, man I cannot see going back to a regular hdd EVER again...

    I just upgraded my phenom II to an i5 3.3 sandy. Worth every penny..
    donfede692's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by thr3kvya
    What is price range ?
    ~1k ... might go up to 1.5k ; but, this project only proceeds if there are bonuses this year (we'll see)
    Updated 01-23-12 at 06:42 PM by donfede692 (bonus note)
    donfede692's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by QuickLightning
    Is there any reason why you are targeting AMD? BF3 Isn't a terribly CPU intensive game, so you could get by just fine with AMD, but it is taking a fairly decent step backwards in terms of performance and the longevity of your system.

    Though, don't take my word for it...

    Trying to build an AMD system because I'm trying to support the underdog. I've been a long time AMD user (for a while they used to have the edge... cpus are so fast nowadays, I've not kept up with who is the pack leader). We'll see as I get closer to actually building this.

    thx for the feedback
    donfede692's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by WickedSoN
    If your on a budget and want insanely fast load times but cant afford a huge ssd you have to look at the z68 mobos with intel rapid response.FREAKIN AWESOME. I had a 40gb ssd laying around and decided to use it for ssd caching, man I cannot see going back to a regular hdd EVER again...

    I just upgraded my phenom II to an i5 3.3 sandy. Worth every penny..

    I'm not sure if I'll bother stepping up to an SSD for this system. Old style disks have served me well enough many years, so I'm hesitant to take on the expense/risk for the SSD. That may be a later upgrade.

    thx for the feedback ,
    donfede692's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Webs
    Might want to put this this in PC technology form to get more feedback and advice. PC Hardware and Technology
    That (hw tech forum) is where I hope to take this set of specs. Waiting to collect my info a bit more first (which is really the purpose of this blog).

    thx for the feedback