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The waiting game.

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The game that most rush. The game that many can not stand to play. The game we both decided to take with out realizing it. During this game we both realized that we both wanted the other. We realized that we were both setup to fail when i tried to make more of things. We realized the reason why we were both setup was so he could say your his, and not mine. But all he did was brush you under the carpet and didn't care about the things in your life, and cheated. He left you a mess, breaking your reputation and making a new one that was not true.

Secretly, you kept from me that you liked me. I didn't keep it much of a secret though that i liked you. During the time we got close to each other. I helped you in the time of need and you helped me in the time of need. We both cared about each other, and still do, and always will. I got to learn things about you that i didn't know. And you got to know things about me that you didn't know. Together we were there for each other and always will be no matter what.

We managed to work things out together, and now i can say that i hold the girl of my dreams. The one that i was waiting for. You are the reason why i didn't want to be with anybody else. I was waiting for somebody like you, and you were waiting for somebody like me to care for you and be the friend you never had for so many years. I played the waiting game, and it's proven its value. Its priceless. I can't put a price on our relationship. I wouldn't turn it in for anything else, i never want to lose you, and you don't want to lose me.

You've expressed your worries if we were to ever start dating. I listened and gave my point of view on it. We can make things work out for both of us. And it seems like that we can because we know so much about each other.

Since September i did things on my own. I didn't look to anybody else on guidance on how to make more of our friendship. I figured that if i really wanted to be with you, i would have to listen and learn more about you so i know whats right and whats wrong. I found that to be the best way. It would have been foolish of me to get help from anybody else that didn't know you because if they were to give me advice, it would do the opposite. I'm just so glad that i did the right things by listening to you, helping you, caring for you and being a real friend. And now we decided to make more of things.

I'm happy to call you my girlfriend. I don't know where life will take us, but i hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I hope nothing ever happens to us, and i know you hope nothing happens either.

-M&B, 2/21/12.

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Life , Real Life


    HeavyG's Avatar
    I guess the blogs are for anything, but I am really surprised that you and Guyver have finally decided to take the next step!