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Withdrawl Symptoms

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So I had to move for my new job. And the new house and job are great with one glaring exception. I have not been able to get internet installed here yet. I have been using a USB Surfstick for my e-mail and surfing needs. That is all well and good, but it is worthless for two things I love. Streaming media and online gaming. I thought when I got this house, I would be able to get the awesome 100mb cable that is available on every street in town, except mine it seems. I offered to pay the cable company to put it in here, but they declined. So I went back to my DSL company and asked them to hook up the DSL. That seems to have been lost in translation. I said "sign me up for a new two year deal" but they heard "Ich möchte alle Service stornieren" So no fast internet for me. No online gaming for me. No streaming media. Not for at least 4-6 more weeks. This means no YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, or any less scrupulous methods of digital entertainment. Left with nothing but AFN and physical media for entertainment, I have turned to a baser form of feeding my addictions: console gaming. I have had all major consoles since the N64, but mostly, they were for use by the kids, not me. I have always been a PC gamer. But with no fast internet, no patches and no DRM, even buying a new single-player only game is pretty much worthless. Even worse is the lack of streaming media. I am now forced to use physical media like blu-ray and DVD for watching TV or movies. Ack! Maybe even worse than that, is I cannot stream out my media on my Windows Home Server so no tunes at work! (no USB or CD/DVDs are allowed where I work) If this was summer, then no big deal, I would spend my time in the German countryside, checking out castles or driving 160mph on the autobahn, assuming traffic was light. But no, its winter. Winter is the time when you need your technology to come to the rescue. As I type this, it is snowing outside, thwarting a planned trip on the holiday weekend. In 4-6 weeks, I will get some internet back and resume my human shield duties on the various TPG servers. But until then, its just more whiny blog posts

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Life , Virtual Life , Technology

