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Crazy Dreams

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The other night I had a pretty bizarre dream that I actually still remember pretty well.

I was in my car driving somewhere. I don't think it was important where I was going because I don't remember even thinking about that.

Anyways I was driving my car and the roads were still fairly wet from the rain we had been getting here. In the middle of the road, where there really shouldn't have been a build up of water, was a build up of water. I saw a bunch of cars driving through it meaning it was pretty shallow still and I could make it as well.

Well when I go to slowly go through the water it is apparently deeper for me for some reason and my car gets sucked under like it was a small river. I remember feeling very freaked out and scared but somehow I managed to make it out alive and unscratched. However, my car was totally jacked up and I remember worrying how I'd ever pay for the damages.

Shortly after that though, I remember thinking "Why was there water on that part of the road anyways and why did things happen the way that they did?" Next thing I realize is that it was a dream and all the sudden I wake up.

I have had some odd dreams before but this one just didn't seem to make any sense to me. I couldn't get it out of my mind either so I figured I'd just write out my thoughts to try to clear my head.

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    i8pptuakamonstercam's Avatar
    Those with unwavering thoughts may find themselves in a predicament, but they should know that in their dreams they have full control of what happens and that in our dreams we desperately quest for unseen answers.
    Toker's Avatar
    I had a dream last night that I had to fight off and defend my dog from a Tiger and a Black Panther. I had a stun gun that worked on the animals for about 5 seconds, but it took about 10 seconds to recharge after every use.
    Keiron's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Toker
    I had a dream last night that I had to fight off and defend my dog from a Tiger and a Black Panther. I had a stun gun that worked on the animals for about 5 seconds, but it took about 10 seconds to recharge after every use.
    Where were you? City? Out in the middle of no where? Hmm. Sounds like an interesting dream.
    Toker's Avatar
    My dreams are adventure. I almost ALWAYS wake up feeling exhausted as I ponder on WTF just happened. I believe I was on my porch in my backyard. So, it wasn't the biggest of spaces, well, not a great place to be trying to evade some damn jungle cats. The thing that stood out the most to me was the massive size of these animals. I've never touched or been very near cats like this and it fascinates me how the brain can visualize them so well. The other thing that took me back, was the pure fear. Fear that made me want to pukes my guts out. Fear that doesn't belong in a place where my mind should be at ease as it recharges...

    Was going to ask you: Did you drive out of the water? Or just kind of got out, somehow?
    Keiron's Avatar
    Kind of like just floated out it seemed. So the car and everything was banged to up, really it shouldn't have been drivable but I still got out of what looked like a small flooded area.

    Yeah I hear you though, I've that those odd dreams before.

    I remember to this day, although it was months ago, if not a year or two ago, I had a dream I was getting into my car to go to work early in the morning (like before the sun had fully risen) and all the sudden some stranger gets in my passenger side door, sits down, pulls out a gun and just shoots me. Woke me up really fucking quick and scared the shit out of me. It took me awhile to go back to sleep after that.
    Imisnew2's Avatar
    I like dreams... so much... cept for the ones where people die... they make me sad.

    And then there are the weird dreams...
    Like, the dream was like one of those infomercial TV stations, and they had a can opener that attaches to your dishwasher silverwear rack... When they tried to showcase the thing, it messed up and started flying around, like when an electric sander gets loose in cartoons... then my alarm went off haha.
    Imisnew2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Keiron
    Kind of like just floated out it seemed. So the car and everything was banged to up, really it shouldn't have been drivable but I still got out of what looked like a small flooded area.

    Yeah I hear you though, I've that those odd dreams before.

    I remember to this day, although it was months ago, if not a year or two ago, I had a dream I was getting into my car to go to work early in the morning (like before the sun had fully risen) and all the sudden some stranger gets in my passenger side door, sits down, pulls out a gun and just shoots me. Woke me up really fucking quick and scared the shit out of me. It took me awhile to go back to sleep after that.
    Most of my dreams like that are filled with paralyzing thunder...
    Like, either paralyzed with fear, or being shocked.

    I think it's a suppressed memory of when I was a child (2-3 years old?) and grabbed a hot electrical wire.
    Luckily my dad was in the room and got it away from me.