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Apparently I Died...

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Yea this is what happens when you're up all night, bored, and notice you have Photoshop installed.

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    Coyote Warlady's Avatar
    Don't die on us!!!! "CLEAR!!" Ok, he's alive again! Phew!! =P

    Your photoshop is cool!
    shoi's Avatar
    at least he died a duck....
    Jawsh?'s Avatar
    You can't take it with you!
    Option hunter's Avatar
    *Steals all Luckys Nutella*
    Anti-Squeaker's Avatar
    I totally want your computer.
    Gatita_Nicky's Avatar
    lol that made my day
    Mr.Expendable's Avatar
    So that proves there is internet in heaven...
    Anti-Squeaker's Avatar
    heavenwide free wireless.
    Watsyurdeal?'s Avatar
    Lucky my ass