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The BF3 haters come marching in one by one

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So well here I am going to vent about the small groups of BF3 monkey shit heads who think their voices matter in making the game... even if it ruins people plans and delays the game to well the next year because people want there title to be the freaking same...

This is not directed towards tpg...

So Battlefield 3 coming out... in oh... I dunno in 22 freaking days... and here comes the petition signing... oh boy oh boy lets all make our voices heard and delay the game even further so our wishes can be answered...

I have a problem with people being total clueless deer in headlights waiting to get freaking plowed by a semi truck because they fucking can't get out way or shut the fuck up...

Lets say this... when one person complains about the smallest of changes... Oh here we go lets get out the fucking tissues and ball our fucking eyes out because they fucking changed our game to make it a better experience for new and old players... "Oh now they fucked with our game lets riot and make petitions...(2 weeks before game launches)" Fucking fail...

And well when the game launches and everyone gets game oh boy guess what same fucking crybabies actually playing the game and oh they actually like it...

So word of advice don't go off being a total dumbass and try to change something that is already set in stone and then actually buy game and say you love it...

Just shows how many clueless bf3 haters are in the world now...
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    LuckyDucky's Avatar
    BF3 sucks.
    Alundil's Avatar
    Did you write this blog from battlelog?

    Just sayin
    FragRaptor's Avatar
    I'd much rather have a better game later than a horrible game now.
    Toad's Avatar
    Delay it FOREVER is what I say

    Remake BF1942 with 200% more intro music and less lag. Yeah!
    reject_wolf's Avatar
    lol at you calling other crybabies
    Mobi's Avatar
    LOL its just me venting.... but yeah how many petitions were on the battlelog LOL... I tell you some people have there head up there ass
    Redratson's Avatar
    I dont care if voip is in there or not. I got vent, teamspeak, mumble, or w/e TPG sugest we use in case of something like this happens. But The Beta is pretty debatable over whether its a beta or not and Im startin to agree with the peeps sayin the alpha is a bit better then the Alpha. I can give you a long paragraph over what I think of the beta but let me just say you dont release a beta a couple weeks before the game comes out. The hell where they thinking? Betas are out a couple months before the game to fix a asortment of problems. I personally think they, and pardon my french, fucked up big on this. Thats just my 2 cents.
    JBMCW2010's Avatar
    This beta was a market ploy to get people to try the game before it is released. Because it is open and free more folks will pick it up. Well when the game goes live they will stop playing beta and I'd guess 7/10 will purchase the full game. Maybe of those 2/10 were convinced during the beta to buy it having previously little knowledge of the game and were not interested before hand. 4/10 were BF2/Battlefield Fans or otherwise was already decided and were getting it any how and the 1/10 was on the fence and decided to get it. Marketing. Thats 3/10 they wouldn't have gotten before hand.
    howitzer88's Avatar
    What petition are you talking about exactly? Doing a google search comes up with thousands of results ranging from taking it off origin to bringing back commanders. If it ticks you ticks you off that they're doing this stuff, just think it as their way of venting and everything becomes much more bearable.
    enf's Avatar
    Your first mistake is thinking online petitions have any iota of influence...
    Redratson's Avatar
    ^ sad but true
    N-Ur-Face's Avatar
    For every person who hates it there's ten more who praise it who think their opinion matters... Don't limit this to only the people who dislike it.
    RepressiveDuck's Avatar
    This looks like a game for the ages. Remember these three things:

    1. Video games are a lucrative business. Businesses in their very nature maximize profits and minimize costs. EA has already invested millions into a great game with new game types, a new (more realistic) story, new graphics, and new challenges. It would cost them millions of extra dollars to cock it all up now and delay the release. AKA its not going to happen so deal with it!

    2. As consumers, if you hate BF3 don't play it. Otherwise, deal with the imperfections or blow your brains out now...because there are a lot of more important things in life than the helicopter cockpit in a videogame.

    3. Let us face the facts, the majority of us are overweight, unfulfilled, unhealthy, insecure, sexually-frustrated people with no real life outside of a fantasy war zone. Get off your high horses and soap boxes because you don't deserve to be a critic to anything until your able to critique and change yourselves.
    Hitch's Avatar
    I can't wait to hunt down and kill the Manno boys....

    chray00's Avatar
    One whole blog post just for me?!
    Bunni's Avatar
    huh? Are you serious? This is EA we are talking about... If X feature is not included or not fixed before release, it will never be fixed or will take 6-18 months. So ya, lets get some petitions going.
    Alundil's Avatar
    @ RepDuck


    1: What new game modes? Moot point for obvious reasons: but please tell me how delaying by a few weeks is going to cost them "millions" of dollars. I'm all ears.
    2: I think your black and white "dilemma" is vastly overstated.
    3: Quit attempting to make everyone else "fit into your shoes."
    Toad's Avatar

    No voip!
