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No picture for this post. But this is a venting blog.
Today I went to a theme park, lets say, with my friends.
Lets just I saw a YouTube singer, a celebrity enough in my book. At first, I stared, and I was SOOO intrigued, that this person. LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE HER. But I was thinking in my head... "How could that be possible? The perfect timing" I doubted myself, and didn't go up to ask her, I also didn't ask her because I'm kind of... shy. ANYWAYS. I go home, no regrets I didn't ask. I just got home and I just go to Twitter to check. See if it was her. IT WAS. SURE ENOUGH, she said she was going to the theme park. (She's really pretty too -_____-)

Right now, I wish I had a time machine to redo the day all over again. I don't tweet but. #regret #facepalm #shakemyhead #timemachine
Have you ever not done something. But in the end, you should've just taken the chance? Right now, I feel extra sad.
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    i8pptuakamonstercam's Avatar
    who was it?
    Shinobi's Avatar
    Not a big star but I guess just "famous" enough to know OF her. A friend loves her, I wanted to make him Jelly xD
    Kierra Folsom
    Stealthyking's Avatar
    I try not to regret anything in my life, But i definitely have had moments like these.
    iLLusioN's Avatar
    This won't matter to anyone really but I missed Aaron Smith(Steelers DE) by 15 minutes at a steak joint in Pittsburgh 3 years ago. I only get to make it back home every 3-4 years so it kinda sucked that I missed it because I was left early to meet up with a friend. He came in just him and his wife and paid for everyones food there and walked around bsing for a bit afterwards. Really sucks as he is literally my all time favorite player and I have mad respect for him as a person for all the community work he does(and charity work driven by his sons condition). Totally understand you there.
    Shinobi's Avatar
    @ Stealthy - Haha, we all try.

    @ Rawr - Totally know what you mean. Although you know, I am a Seahawks fan and I do despise those dang Steelers Hardy har har