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MW3: Informal Review

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Modern Warfare is back and filled with more noobs than ever. Recently I came to the thought of buying the game, not for the game really but to play with friends. I ended up buying at my local Target for a ridiculous price of $60 for my PS3. Twas near 9 PM when I opened the case and put it in my PS3 and here's what I thought of it. Excuse my grammar and opinions if you take offense to them.

The third installment of the Modern Warfare series or eighth in the Call of Duty franchise boomed in to stores breaking records of revenue. Let me tell you, that it is defiantly the biggest ripoff of all time. To many Call of Duty lovers and just casual FPS players Modern Warfare 3 does well to satisfy the longed replacement of the "failed" COD:BO. It's sad to see that Treyarch got no love, but this time Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games teamed together to for this gyp.

Single-Player Campaign
The campaign starts off where Modern Warfare 2 left off and it does well to satisfy the storyline. Players will see many similar sequences in prior games and an extraordinary amount of time manning turrets. Despite the closure you get from the ending, I was disappointed with the end result. The storyline in a way is compelling and you will like the story line, but something about the campaign is just... boring. In comparison to Battlefield 3's Frostbyte 2.0 engine, Modern Warfare 3 lacks the explosions and destruction that you see when you're playing the Battlefield 3 campaign. However in comparison to the older Call of Duty games the games destruction is defiantly up there.
Verdict: Modern Warfare 3's campaign defiantly lacks to fight off its competition, but the storyline is decent, if not good and offers much closure. On a scale of 1-5, I'd give it a 3.5.

Multiplayer has been revamped and changed. Many will either love or hate the new changes as I am undecided still. The COD currency way of getting weapons have been tossed out and basically turned back into the older Modern Warfare 2 system of getting guns at each level. HOWEVER much has been added, the addition of levels for each gun prove to make it harder to get attachments and makes you play each gun much longer. The gun perk (what I call it) adds another "perk" to solely the gun (I.E Lower recoil = "Kick") makes each gun even easier to use than before. The Kick perk that is the first gun perk you get from the gun leveling system makes the gun basically have no recoil at all. Which in layman's terms, a retarded donkey could click the trigger button and kill someone. Enough of just talking about the revamps, now to multiplayer gaming itself.

The multiplayer fails to impress me. Especially since I spent $60 of my own money to buy the game. The maps are basically Modern Warfare 2 maps mixed with Black Ops maps, you'll notice a few more elements of older Call of Duty maps. Overall, the maps lack "imagination" and feels as though the developers just couldn't think of anything and tried to reskin the maps and mash them altogether into a "new" creation.

Strike packages are an interesting introduction but have certain kill-streaks that are just to strong and OP for how many kills you need. With this introduction people who are not as great can still get kill-streaks (Support) and people who just want to stick with the old kill-streak system can still go with that (Assault). The addition of Specialists is an interesting one, giving players the option to become a "super-soldier" of perks.

The gameplay itself is similar to MW2 and people who awaited that are sure to be satisfied, but people expecting anything new are going to be sorely disappointed. The gaming community is the same as ever, COD players love camping and Sledgehammer given them that. They've given many of the dedicated fans the ability to setup a tent and roll out their sleeping bags. <Sarcasm> Many of the maps lend itself to camping, providing open spaces for camp sites. Shake my head.

Players will notice that range is much more affected in the game with Shotguns nerfed and SMGs not being able to kill people instantly across the map. The rifles dominate the game, and snipers are as they were. Certain guns need much nerfing but it's to be expected for a game that just released.

Verdict: I may not have touched on everything but the game will satisfy lovers to the franchise. The MW3 defiantly doesn't introduce anything too new but it does introduce some interesting things. Overall mutiplayer is much of the same. Basically it's as if Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops had a baby. The maps are no so great and nothing is really... providing anything that hooks anybody for too long. In fact, I'm already bored of the game unless I play with my friends on PSN. Out of 5, I give the Multiplayer 2.5 out of 5.

Overall: If any of the prior fans said that Black Ops graphics were bad, MW3 is the same. The game feels like an expansion pack of Modern Warfare 2 with steps back in graphics. The creativity lacks, especially shown in the maps. You'll notice that it's just mixtures of older maps from prior games. In short sense, I feel like I was gypped for $60. I, however, knew I was going to be before hand. If you are looking to buy this, don't. If you want to play some Call of Duty, try and find lobbies in MW2 and Black Ops because $60 defiantly isn't worth the experience you get from it. The only thing that this game offers is the large fan base, mainly that if you have many friends to play with (Thank god I did) you'll have a bit more fun. Out of 10 (this way I can better scale overall) I'd give this game 4 out of 10.

In one phrase to describe the game: It's a flaming pile of ****

Proof of my game:
Proof I have the game, All Quick-scoping BTWs

Sorry for my lack of pictures, I don't have an HD-PVR or recorder for my PS3.

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Updated 11-11-11 at 02:29 AM by Shinobi



    Allane's Avatar
    I like it when people write reviews for games.

    It would appear the "Sequel effect" is in full force here. Developers these days simply aren't allowing enough development time for them to get to know their own game intimately, and fully flesh it out with unique content and a lengthy story/in-depth multiplayer.

    I could get on my soap box about development for games, but I'll just say "good review" and get out before I can no longer resist the urge.
    MRBUCKET's Avatar
    I agree with you on the maps. They are way too small and you just run around in circles spamming a rifle. Its all just mindless killing.
    Shinobi's Avatar
    Thanks Allane!

    @Bucket Seriously... they defiantly need larger maps but defiantly not worth the $15 they're going to make the fan base pay to get them.
    Potemkine's Avatar
    submit this to the media department