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Something I wrote a long time ago.

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Was poking around my old band's myspace page and found this. I think a bottle of Jack may have been involved, can't really remember.

The deaths of friends,
The lives of those who might soon join them,
Those that have stood for what is right,
Those that have been trampled for standing in the way of what is wrong.

The will of the many,
The unchallenged power of the few,
Those who break their backs to make others' lives more substantial,
And those who live in comfort while men starve like dogs on their doorstep.

The sound of change,
Resonating through halls of tyranny,
And the stench of fear that permeates their fortress,
While the distant rumble of thunder foretells its collapse.

The tolling of a clock tower at midnight,
As the last breaths of a million dead men rise up together into a wall of righteous anger,
Rising up, up, up, far above the concerns of the mortals below,
So that their chorus is only a distant echo amongst the winds.

And just as the apathy that walks the earth far below their peak could sink no lower,
The wall shall topple atop them all, turning them into simple shadows and dust,
With a rumble that shall drown out the cries of the rapacious below,
As they are shattered and scattered to mix among those that they had buried with but a passing glance.

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    salty99's Avatar
    I can hear a very Rage Against the Machine sounding song What'd you guys sound like?
    Tick's Avatar
    These weren't lyrics to an actual song, to be honest. For MySpace band pages, there are sections where you enter in what you're influenced by, and what you sound like. Rather than the usual "Oh, we were influenced by old Iron Maiden/Judas Priest/Death/Slayer" bullshit that most bands put up, I decided to wax poetic and/or drunkard and fill in some random shit.

    The original Myspace page is pretty much defunct, but we put up a secondary page just to keep the few tracks we recorded online for posterity, as well as a kind of epitaph for the band itself, without getting constant spam posts on our boards. For some reason, though, the secondary Myspace page isn't working at the moment. I'm going to try and find an mp3 and repost it somewhere for anyone who cares to hear how bad we sucked back then.