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Some of my Favorite Songs from Tool

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Tool is one of my favorite metal and progressive rock bands, at first though, I didn't much care for them. I honestly believed Slipknot was better, heh, when you're young stupid shit seems so brilliant. As I got older my taste for music matured, and around my sophomore year of high school I started getting into Tool and have not looked back since. Hopefully you'll take a listen and enjoy these songs for yourself. Enjoy


Good song, gotta love the intro


This is where Tool gets progressive and starts making songs that build up as they go along.

Prison Sex

Odd name I know, but trust me, one hell of a good song. Even if it is freaking weird.


Good Video and good song, one of absolute faves from the band.


This one starts out slow, but like some of their other pieces it builds up to the climax at the end which is truly epic and a pleasure for your ears. Maynard shows he can hold and control notes with his voice. As my mom puts it, it's more like an instrument than some ordinary vocals.

Hooker With a Penis

Another odd title, but really dirty and just fucking awesome. Similar to Hush actually.


One of Tool's best, there's a reason this is a title track and has it's own music video.

The Grudge

One HELL of a starter track, Tool starts delving more into full blown progressive metal and gains more structured and complex songs. Not to say there earlier work was bad, but damn, the jump from Aenima to Lateralus was a hell of a leap.


Everyone knows this song, no explanation needed


My life anthem I swear, every word of this song I feel I can relate to. I don't think I'll ever get tired of listening to it as it's my favorite Tool song by far.

Ticks and Leeches

Just listen to the intro, you won't want to stop listening after it starts. I guarantee it.


Another good starter track, not as enjoyable as The Grudge, but still good.

Wings for Marie Part 1 and 2

Maynard's mother would be damn proud, this is a song he dedicated to her and he did a great job with his vocals.

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    sleeepy's Avatar
    I think Tool is a great band and actually kind of forgot just how awesome they are before your post Wats. What I can't believe is that you didn't include "Cold and Ugly" as one of your favorite songs. This one easily makes my Tool top 3.

    However I think one Maynard James Kenon's best and most underrated songs is APC's cover of "Imagine". The first time I heard this I was literally stunned by how well his voice and darker tone match the song
    Warprosper's Avatar
    Maynard's dick... Good tune...

    Toker's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sleeepy
    I think Tool is a great band and actually kind of forgot just how awesome they are before your post Wats. What I can't believe is that you didn't include "Cold and Ugly" as one of your favorite songs. This one easily makes my Tool top 3.
    Quote Originally Posted by sleeepy

    A favorite of mine as well. ^

    Updated 06-03-10 at 10:38 PM by Toker