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Thread: Developers Blog

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    Price Indices - August 2011

    The four price indices of New Eden have been calculated for August 2011. Allow me to apologize for how late this is published. I will try to deliver future index blogs in a more timely manner. For more detail on the indices, please refer to the Market Indices page on Evelopedia.
    Datacore prices rose by almost 7% in August. This is a rebound from the drop caused by the changes to the agent system in June. The changes improved agent quality and reduced their standing requirements, possibly spurring sellers to sell existing stock quickly.
    The price of ice products fell by 7% while the PI made POS fuel rose by 8%. Interestingly, these product groups, which are both used to fuel starbases, among other uses, seem to have a negatively correlated price series, as shown in the following graph. When the price of either group rises, the other one falls. Do rising prices of one group significantly reduce the number of starbases in operation, which subsequently reduces the demand for the other group or is there some other cause?

    Click image to enlarge.
    The index values for August are:
    August 2011 1 Month Change 12 Month Change
    Mineral Price Index 73.1 1.4% 15.4%
    Primary Producer Price Index 77.6 1.5% 28.9%
    Secondary Producer Price Index 111.9 1.0% 9.8%
    Consumer Price Index 65.2 0.3% 7.8%
    The following graph shows the development of the indices since October 2003.

    Click image to enlarge.
    Full series of the four main price indices in Excel format
    Full series of the four main price indices in CSV format

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  2. RSS Bot FEED's Avatar
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    Capital ship balancing

    I am proud to announce that this winter, we are going to release some long-anticipated ship balancing. Specifically, capital ship balancing.

    For a long time, there has been an outcry in the community that fleet fights are stagnating and are just not as fun as they should be. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of pages of forum threads dedicated to this subject both on the official EVE Online forums, other EVE forums, as well as in blogs and articles. There is no shortage of opinions on this subject from players, devs and CSM members; the main concern that has been stated over and over again is that the proliferation of supercapitals is mostly to blame. Supercapitals can effectively deal with any size of target, and killing them takes a tremendous amount of damage. What this means is that with very few exceptions, the fleet with the most supercarriers wins. Huge, expensive ships should obviously be powerful, but there needs to be a way to fight back.

    While not everyone agrees that supercarriers are to blame for everything, there were some issues that kept popping up:

    • Supercapitals are too hard to kill.
    • Supercarriers are far too versatile.
    • The Titan superweapon is too powerful.
    • Dreadnoughts are not good enough.
    • Remote ECM Bursts should not work on ships immune to ewar.
    • Sub-capitals are useless in fleet fights.
    Supercapitals are too hard to kill

    We wanted to make them a little bit weaker, but not gut them completely. We're doing a simple 20% reduction in Shield, Armor and Hull hitpoints on both supercarriers and titans.

    Supercarriers are far too versatile

    The reason that supercarriers can deal with any size of ship is the versatility provided by its massive drone bay. Having access to almost unlimited combat drones of all sizes and being able to launch 20 of them at a time means that they have an answer to almost any situation. In fact, we found that drones on capital ships in general to be detrimental to the way fleet fights should work. If you want to deal with sub-capitals, you should bring your own sub-capitals or a carrier. Supercarriers will now have a smaller drone bay and will only be able to put fighters and fighter bombers in it. We are increasing the signature resolution on fighters so that they deal less damage to smaller targets. We are also completely removing the drone bays of titans and dreadnoughts. Seeing as we didn't want to take damage away from dreadnoughts, we're boosting the damage bonus of Siege Module I to compensate for the loss of drones. The Moros had its drone bonus changed to a capital hybrid turret rate of fire bonus.

    The Titan superweapon is too powerful

    Once we decided to reduce the capabilities of the supercarriers, we had to make sure that the "supercapital blob" wouldn't simply be replaced by the "titan blob." This meant that we had to do something about the superweapons. The big problem with the superweapons is that they can take out the crucial logistics and command ships of the opposing fleet in the first few minutes of a fleet fight, which severely reduces the capabilities of any remaining sub-capital ships. To fix this, we are changing the superweapon so that it cannot fire upon sub-capital ships (capital ships being Freighters, Jump Freighters, Carriers, Dreadnoughts, Capital Industrial Ships, Supercarriers and Titans).

    Dreadnoughts are not good enough

    One of the biggest problems with dreadnoughts is the fact that you have to commit them for 10 minutes at a time with siege mode. We are shortening the duration of Siege Module I from 10 minutes to 5 minutes and cutting the Strontium Clathrate cost in half. Dreadnoughts in siege mode will also no longer be affected by Remote ECM Burst. There was some discussion about boosting the dreadnoughts further, but we want to see how they play out with the other capital changes first.

    Sub-capitals are useless in fleet fights

    The changes we're making should have a big impact here. Capital ships will have fewer drones to attack sub-capitals. Fighters will deal less damage to sub-capitals. Superweapons won't be able to shoot sub-capitals. Supercarriers will have fewer reserve fighters and fighterbombers, so having your sub-caps take down fighters and fighter bombers will have more of an impact on the fight.

    Logging off should not be a viable tactic

    Then there are the logoff mechanics. When you log off your character in space, the ship you are piloting disappears after 15 minutes. This, coupled with the millions of hitponts that supercapitals have, means that very few supercapitals are actually being destroyed. When a fleet is losing a large supercapital fight, they can simply log everyone off and be confident that they enemy fleet will only have enough time to kill a handful of their supercapitals. This kind of meta-gaming is not only un-fun but it just doesn't make much sense. When you commit your ship to a battle that should actually be a commitment. Only by winning or by making a tactical, well planned retreat should your ship be able to survive. It has been said that spaceships are serious business and they damn well should be. We are changing the logoff mechanics in such a way that as long as your enemies are actively engaged in fighting you, logging off is not going to save your ship.

    The end. Except it's not the end at all.

    As a part of our efforts to refocus towards FiS, these balancing changes are going to be the first of many, making sure that we continually balance and shake up EVE for years to come.

    In conclusion, here is a full list of the changes we're making.

    • Drone bay can only hold fighters and fighter bombers.
    • Reduce Shield, Armor and Hull hitpoints on all Supercarriers by 20%.
    • Reduce drone capacity.
      • Aeon, Revenant and Wyvern: 125000 (25 total Fighters + Fighter Bombers)
      • Hel and Nyx: 150000 (30 total Fighters + Fighter Bombers)
    • Remote ECM Burst: Does not affect ships that are immune to electronic warfare (Supercarriers, Titans, Triaged Carriers and Sieged Dreads)

    • Increase signature resolution to 400
    • Remove drone bay from all dreadnoughts.
    • Siege Module I: Boost damage bonus from 625% to 700% to compensate for loss of drones.
    • Siege Module I: Duration time reduced to 5 minutes. Fuel cost -50%.
    • Moros: Remove drone bonus.
    • Moros: New bonus: 5% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret rate of fire per level.
    • Remove drone bay from all titans.
    • Reduce Shield, Armor and Hull hitpoints by 20%.
    • Superweapon: Cannot shoot sub-capital ships.
    Logoff timer

    • After a player logs out, there is a check for player aggression every 15 minutes. If you have been aggressed, the timer extends for 15 minutes; if you have not been aggressed, you disappear as before. Note: this is only for player aggression and will not change what happens when you log off during fights against NPCs.

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  3. RSS Bot FEED's Avatar
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    Is that a ship in your hangar or are you just happy to see me again?

    We just wanted to let you know that since we had ship spinning ready and tested, we decided to get it out early. It will be on TQ on October 18th, and should hit Singularity on October 14th so that you can give it a last bit of testing to see if we missed anything critical.

    Here is a short overview of what it does:
    - Old hangar view returns, with all of it's usability, such as dragging ships into the hangar to activate them.
    - Captain‘s Quarters are now optional, but they will still be the default view for new players.
    - When you dock, the client will remember whether you were using CQ or the hangar view and return you to your environment of choice.
    - When you disable station environments then you will no longer see "The door". Instead you will be docking into the hangar view, and cannot go into your Captain's Quarters.
    - CQ environments will not be loaded at all if you select the hanger view, which means way less RAM use for those starved of RAM as well as less load on your graphics card. So running multiple clients should be more viable again.
    Spin safely!

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  4. RSS Bot FEED's Avatar
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    Is that a ship in your hangar or are you just happy to see me again?

    We just wanted to let you know that since we had ship spinning ready and tested, we decided to get it out early. It will be on TQ on October 18th, and should hit Singularity on October 14th so that you can give it a last bit of testing to see if we missed anything critical.

    Here is a short overview of what it does:
    - Old hangar view returns, with all of it's usability, such as dragging ships into the hangar to activate them.
    - Captain‘s Quarters are now optional, but they will still be the default view for new players.
    - When you dock, the client will remember whether you were using CQ or the hangar view and return you to your environment of choice.
    - When you disable station environments then you will no longer see "The door". Instead you will be docking into the hangar view, and cannot go into your Captain's Quarters.
    - CQ environments will not be loaded at all if you select the hanger view, which means way less RAM use for those starved of RAM as well as less load on your graphics card. So running multiple clients should be more viable again.
    Spin safely!

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  5. RSS Bot FEED's Avatar
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    ME SQUASH BUG: Improving the EVE experience

    There were many things that became apparent to us while we were going through the "experience" of releasing the first Captain's Quarters that we really needed to learn from: one of them was that we have not kept up with the advancing state of some key technologies that allow companies to deliver better products.
    We released a very large amount of new C++ code with the expansion, and we were all expecting that there were going to be a number of issues that we’d missed. As I hid underneath my desk, occasionally checking on the forums and the bug reporting website for crash dumps for the inevitable issues, I realized that we weren’t getting them because, quite simply, the process of asking you to turn on an option to gather them, find them in an obscure directory and send them to us is pretty unreasonable.
    Firefox doesn’t do that, Chrome doesn’t do that and Steam doesn’t do that.
    What those products have in common though, is that they use an automatic uploading system for crashes, and they have a back-end that produces all sorts of pretty graphs telling the engineers that if they fix silly bug and patch it out in the next two days, number of people a day will no longer be unceremoniously dumped to their desktop in the middle of doing something important or fun.
    So over the summer holidays, we just started working on a system that does just that. We deployed the first versions of this rather tentatively to CCP internally, after summer ended. We’ve been progressively expanding the coverage and infrastructure for this ever since. We reached a point where we’ve actually improved the stability of our tools and fixed a large number of crashes that we were getting internally, that even developers never bothered to report, but there are still up to an estimated 1.5k crashes per day happening on Tranquility.
    Therefore, we’ve bumped deployment of this new reporting system up in the schedule, and are releasing it on Tuesday… and then we’re going to HTFU and try and fix as many of the issues that are reported as soon as possible.
    It’s what we do…

    With this new system we have already identified the top two crashes that have been happening on Singularity, and we’ve fixed them in this patch too. We’re going through the others in order of how frequently they are causing crashes for the players on SiSi.
    What about my privacy?

    The mini-dump files that we upload only contain information about the EVE Online process relevant to the crash – we generate them using the same system that Windows does, and mainly they contain a few of the values of variables that are referenced by stack of functions that eventually caused the crash (although often not). Personal information is not collected in these reports, and it doesn’t look at anything else you have installed or are running on your computer (unless you have external binaries that have injected themselves into the running EVE process).
    We’re trying to be transparent and up-front that we’re starting to do this, but you’re probably already using programs that do this without realizing it, like for instance Steam, Chrome, and Firefox.
    So I won’t crash anymore?

    We can’t promise this, because there are frequently things that either we don’t see internally or in testing or that come from code that we don’t write (things like programs that overlay voice chat UI that try and sneak into our code or your graphics driver).
    What I think we can promise is that we’ve significantly improved our ability to identify crashes, and make sure that we catch more of them during testing, both internally and on Singularity.
    Not enough pictures.

    This shows the number of crashes per day from our main code line at CCP, generally being worked on by most of the developers (400 people). We occasionally get a new crash that hits a load of people (or an automated system), but we also tend to get them cleared up much more quickly now:

    This was the history of the crash that caused one of those spikes.
    We can see when the first recorded occurrence of a particular crash is, which makes it much easier to try and work back and figure out what change caused it.
    In Summary

    We don’t like releasing bad code to you or leaving it broken for a long time, and we hope this is a big step forward in fixing that. I hope that in the next few weeks we can put a measurable dent in the number of crashes that happen in EVE.

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    Re: Developers Blog

    Nice to see. Very nice to see.

  7. RSS Bot FEED's Avatar
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    Player-owned Customs Office

    During Fanfest 2011, CCP Fendahl and I attended the Planetary Interaction roundtable, and what was discussed there helped shape what we are about to share with you now. We hope it excites you as much as it excites us!
    One of the standout ideas that was mentioned during the roundtable was that players should own and operate the Planetary Customs Offices rather than some nebulous NPC entity. Guess what? That is exactly what we are doing! Behold the Player-owned Customs Office!
    What we are doing
    Making planetary taxation a profitable business!
    Customs Offices in all Low Sec, 0.0 and Wormhole systems will be decommissioned and removed. Customs Offices in High Sec will remain under the authority of CONCORD who will, in turn, charge doubled import and export taxes. Customs Offices are now targetable and destructible.
    This downsizing and price-hiking of NPC services should leave you, intrepid capsuleers, with some interesting opportunities. EVE Online should not be about bowing to NPC authority, it should be about player-to-player interactions and making the Customs Offices player owned is honoring that tradition.
    How to seize the opportunity?
    In order to become a proud owner of a Customs Office you need to erect a Customs Office structure in orbit of a planet. There can only be one Customs Office per planet.
    The process of operating a Customs Office requires the Customs Office Gantry to be hauled into position and anchored first then upgraded to the Customs Office. The upgrade process consumes additional materials for it to be completed.
    The Customs Office Gantry itself is a 9600 m3 compact structure that is manufactured in assembly lines in stations (for exact materials, see the Material Shopping List) and must be anchored no further than 100,000 km from the planet.
    The blueprint copy for the Customs Office Gantry will be available from the CONCORD loyalty point store for 6000 LP and 20,000,000.00 ISK. Alternatively the factions in Factional Warfare are also handing out the blueprint at a 50% discount! The blueprint original for the gantry will not be released. In case you forgot which corporation to sign up with for factional warfare, here they are:
    • 24th Imperial Crusade (Amarr)
    • State Protectorate (Caldari)
    • Federal Defense Union (Gallente)
    • Tribal Liberation Force (Minmatar)
    You can of course just buy the Gantry on the market, provided that someone is putting it up for sale.
    Operating a Customs Office
    A lot of work has gone into making managing a Customs Office a smooth and potentially profitable experience. Here is the breakdown.
    Corporations and roles
    A Customs Office can only be owned by a player corporation and only players with Station Manager role can edit the settings of an operational Customs Office. A player with the role "Config Equipment" can perform the upgrade from Gantry to Customs Office.

    Click image to enlarge
    At the heart of customs lie taxes (or "tariffs," if you are technical). The new tax formula will allow the owner of the Customs Office to modify the tax between 0 and 100%. 100% of what you may wonder? Good question; every resource that can pass through the Customs Office has an associated "tariff." This is an ISK value controlled by CCP and this is the value that is taxed. The taxes you paid before can be translated into this new system, and that would equal 5% tax in a player owned customs office. So, if you set the tax to 5% you will pay the exact same as before.
    All ISK generated by the Customs Office are immediately paid to the Corporation Wallet.
    Reinforcement is an established system in EVE where a structure becomes invulnerable for a period of time. The purpose is for the defending corporation to have a chance to react when their structure is attacked.
    The Customs Office enters reinforced mode when it reaches 25% shield and exits reinforcement somewhere within the time of day, specified by the owner at least 24 hours after it entered reinforcement. So if you set the reinforcement time to “23.00 – 01.00” that means that the Customs Office will, if attacked, exit reinforcement at some time between 23.00 and 01.00 the day after the attack was initiated. Your corporation will receive notification if your Customs Office enters reinforcement mode and that leaves you at least 24 hours to plan the defense.
    In order to reset the reinforcement cycle, the Customs Office Shield must be repaired back above25%, not that it exits reinforcement with 0% shield.
    If you operate a 0% tax Customs Office from the warmth of your heart, wouldn’t you want to deny your enemies access? Well you can. Set which minimum standing is required towards your corporation in order to access the Customs Office.
    It will still be possible to use the command center for launching stuff into space but that is quite limited for any larger quantities.
    Improved import/export window
    While working on the Customs Office we felt we wanted to improve the experience of actually using it, as a “consumer,” so to speak. After all you are being charged to use it! Besides, in a hostile environment, speed is important, so we made the new interface much quicker to use.
    Here is the news:
    • The space port “hangar” is gone
    • Just drag and drop items from your cargo directly to the customs office side of the window to store it there
    • Drag and drop between customs office and space port side of the window to arrange import and export – no more manually selecting “import” or “export”
    • Changes will show as green until you submit your order
    • Your personal storage in the Customs Office has been increased by 50% to 35000 m3
    • You can clearly see the tax rate and how much ISK you will pay before hitting submit
    Material Shopping List
    Manufacturing and successfully deploying a Customs Office requires two main steps with different material needs.
    Manufacturing the Customs Office Gantry:
    Skill requirement: Industry V
    Integrity Response Drones: 5
    Nano-Factory: 10
    Organic Mortar Applicators: 10
    Sterile Conduits: 14
    Capital Construction Parts: 1
    Upgrade to Customs Office:
    Broadcast Node: 8
    Recursive Computing Module: 8
    Self-Harmonizing Power Core: 8
    Wetware Mainframe: 8
    Oh and one more thing, we have increased the bandwidth on all planetrary links by a factor of five! Get those materials flowing!
    Best regards
    CCP Omen, on behalf of Team Pi

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  8. RSS Bot FEED's Avatar
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    Player-owned Customs Office

    During Fanfest 2011, CCP Fendahl and I attended the Planetary Interaction roundtable, and what was discussed there helped shape what we are about to share with you now. We hope it excites you as much as it excites us!
    One of the standout ideas that was mentioned during the roundtable was that players should own and operate the Planetary Customs Offices rather than some nebulous NPC entity. Guess what? That is exactly what we are doing! Behold the Player-owned Customs Office!
    What we are doing
    Making planetary taxation a profitable business!
    Customs Offices in all Low Sec, 0.0 and Wormhole systems will be decommissioned and removed. Customs Offices in High Sec will remain under the authority of CONCORD who will, in turn, charge doubled import and export taxes. Customs Offices are now targetable and destructible.
    This downsizing and price-hiking of NPC services should leave you, intrepid capsuleers, with some interesting opportunities. EVE Online should not be about bowing to NPC authority, it should be about player-to-player interactions and making the Customs Offices player owned is honoring that tradition.
    How to seize the opportunity?
    In order to become a proud owner of a Customs Office you need to erect a Customs Office structure in orbit of a planet. There can only be one Customs Office per planet.
    The process of operating a Customs Office requires the Customs Office Gantry to be hauled into position and anchored first then upgraded to the Customs Office. The upgrade process consumes additional materials for it to be completed.
    The Customs Office Gantry itself is a 9600 m3 compact structure that is manufactured in assembly lines in stations (for exact materials, see the Material Shopping List) and must be anchored no further than 100,000 km from the planet.
    The blueprint copy for the Customs Office Gantry will be available from the CONCORD loyalty point store for 6000 LP and 20,000,000.00 ISK. Alternatively the factions in Factional Warfare are also handing out the blueprint at a 50% discount! The blueprint original for the gantry will not be released. In case you forgot which corporation to sign up with for factional warfare, here they are:

    • 24th Imperial Crusade (Amarr)
    • State Protectorate (Caldari)
    • Federal Defense Union (Gallente)
    • Tribal Liberation Force (Minmatar)

    You can of course just buy the Gantry on the market, provided that someone is putting it up for sale.
    Operating a Customs Office
    A lot of work has gone into making managing a Customs Office a smooth and potentially profitable experience. Here is the breakdown.
    Corporations and roles
    A Customs Office can only be owned by a player corporation and only players with Station Manager role can edit the settings of an operational Customs Office. A player with the role "Config Equipment" can perform the upgrade from Gantry to Customs Office.

    Click image to enlarge
    At the heart of customs lie taxes (or "tariffs," if you are technical). The new tax formula will allow the owner of the Customs Office to modify the tax between 0 and 100%. 100% of what you may wonder? Good question; every resource that can pass through the Customs Office has an associated "tariff." This is an ISK value controlled by CCP and this is the value that is taxed. The taxes you paid before can be translated into this new system, and that would equal 5% tax in a player owned customs office. So, if you set the tax to 5% you will pay the exact same as before.
    All ISK generated by the Customs Office are immediately paid to the Corporation Wallet.
    Reinforcement is an established system in EVE where a structure becomes invulnerable for a period of time. The purpose is for the defending corporation to have a chance to react when their structure is attacked.
    The Customs Office enters reinforced mode when it reaches 25% shield and exits reinforcement somewhere within the time of day, specified by the owner at least 24 hours after it entered reinforcement. So if you set the reinforcement time to “23.00 – 01.00” that means that the Customs Office will, if attacked, exit reinforcement at some time between 23.00 and 01.00 the day after the attack was initiated. Your corporation will receive notification if your Customs Office enters reinforcement mode and that leaves you at least 24 hours to plan the defense.
    In order to reset the reinforcement cycle, the Customs Office Shield must be repaired back above25%; note that it exits reinforcement with 0% shield.
    If you operate a 0% tax Customs Office from the warmth of your heart, wouldn’t you want to deny your enemies access? Well you can. Set which minimum standing is required towards your corporation in order to access the Customs Office.
    It will still be possible to use the command center for launching stuff into space but that is quite limited for any larger quantities.
    Improved import/export window
    While working on the Customs Office we felt we wanted to improve the experience of actually using it, as a “consumer,” so to speak. After all you are being charged to use it! Besides, in a hostile environment, speed is important, so we made the new interface much quicker to use.
    Here is the news:

    • The space port “hangar” is gone
    • Just drag and drop items from your cargo directly to the customs office side of the window to store it there
    • Drag and drop between customs office and space port side of the window to arrange import and export – no more manually selecting “import” or “export”
    • Changes will show as green until you submit your order
    • Your personal storage in the Customs Office has been increased by 50% to 35000 m3
    • You can clearly see the tax rate and how much ISK you will pay before hitting submit

    Material Shopping List
    Manufacturing and successfully deploying a Customs Office requires two main steps with different material needs.
    Manufacturing the Customs Office Gantry:
    Skill requirement: Industry V
    Integrity Response Drones: 5
    Nano-Factory: 10
    Organic Mortar Applicators: 10
    Sterile Conduits: 14
    Capital Construction Parts: 1
    Upgrade to Customs Office:
    Broadcast Node: 8
    Recursive Computing Module: 8
    Self-Harmonizing Power Core: 8
    Wetware Mainframe: 8
    Oh and one more thing, we have increased the bandwidth on all planetary links by a factor of five! Get those materials flowing!
    Best regards
    CCP Omen, on behalf of Team Pi

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    My brain was equipped with the following implants

    Killmails are great. They serve as reminders of good fights (or dubious mistakes). They let you measure losses inflicted on your enemy in cold hard ISK. They also demonstrate some interesting choices in ship fitting, or cargo-movement attempts. If you're so inclined, they provide a way to track your kill/death ratio, and measure it against your peers. I especially like the ones where a pod gets squished. But I’ve always felt that those pod-mails were missing a certain... something.
    In the forthcoming Winter expansion, we’re adding a much-requested piece of additional information to capsule killmails: They will now list the fitted implants of the unfortunate victim.

    This poor pilot sure likes his implants, even if his mix-and-match style is a little worrying!
    I’m keeping this short and sweet, as I want to get the information out early to the third-party developers. That way, they can make sure your killboards will be ready to start counting up those Slave sets as soon as this goes live!
    If you’re a killboard or application developer, you’ll want to pay attention to how the implant list is going to appear. For killmails copied from the client, the format will be similar to the destroyed items list for regular ship killmails. Each implant will be listed under the Destroyed items: section, with an (Implant) marker (similar to how some items in a ship kill have a (Cargo) or (Drone Bay) marker now). This is to enable a clear distinction between implants carried as cargo in a ship, and implants fitted to a capsule’s pilot.
    For killmails obtained via the API, destroyed items have a flag attribute, showing their location prior to destruction. Currently this can be 5 (Cargo) or 87 (Drone Bay). Fitted implants will have a flag of 89.
    This change should be released on to the Singularity test server sometime next week, so that you can start generating some test mails for your tools.
    I look forward to seeing how this new information starts showing up in the battle reports.
    Fly safe. And remember, don’t plug in what you can’t afford to lose.
    CCP Masterplan

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  10. RSS Bot FEED's Avatar
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    My brain was equipped with the following implants

    Killmails are great. They serve as reminders of good fights (or dubious mistakes). They let you measure losses inflicted on your enemy in cold hard ISK. They also demonstrate some interesting choices in ship fitting, or cargo-movement attempts. If you're so inclined, they provide a way to track your kill/death ratio, and measure it against your peers. I especially like the ones where a pod gets squished. But I’ve always felt that those pod-mails were missing a certain... something.
    In the forthcoming Winter expansion, we’re adding a much-requested piece of additional information to capsule killmails: They will now list the fitted implants of the unfortunate victim.

    This poor pilot sure likes his implants, even if his mix-and-match style is a little worrying!
    I’m keeping this short and sweet, as I want to get the information out early to the third-party developers. That way, they can make sure your killboards will be ready to start counting up those Slave sets as soon as this goes live!
    If you’re a killboard or application developer, you’ll want to pay attention to how the implant list is going to appear. For killmails copied from the client, the format will be similar to the destroyed items list for regular ship killmails. Each implant will be listed under the Destroyed items: section, with an (Implant) marker (similar to how some items in a ship kill have a (Cargo) or (Drone Bay) marker now). This is to enable a clear distinction between implants carried as cargo in a ship, and implants fitted to a capsule’s pilot.
    For killmails obtained via the API, destroyed items have a flag attribute, showing their location prior to destruction. Currently this can be 5 (Cargo) or 87 (Drone Bay). Fitted implants will have a flag of 89.
    This change should be released on to the Singularity test server sometime next week, so that you can start generating some test mails for your tools.
    I look forward to seeing how this new information starts showing up in the battle reports.
    Fly safe. And remember, don’t plug in what you can’t afford to lose.
    CCP Masterplan

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