Greetings guys,

I have been playing BF2 on and off in the TPG servers, and I wanted to invite anyone who used to play UO (or maybe wants to give it a try) to the In Por Ylem 2.0 server.

The current population averages 1800+ users, and the server is a very friendly place for new players and veterans alike. For anyone who played in IPY 1.0, a heavy emphasis has been placed on balancing red PvP with other avenues and griefing (and general asshattery) is strongly curbed. The skill gain is slow but there is a RCB (rested casual bonus) where you can gain a certain amount of skill per day (soft cap though, you can gain more but it's hard) and fighting in dungeons gives you a much quicker skill gain rate. This encourages players to actually go out and interact with the world, instead of sit in a house (which has only 50% skill gain rate) and macro all day.

There are also lots of new features, like Kings and Queens (that are elected), O/C/B town warfare and treasury looting (treasuries are filled by taxes set by the king!), paladins to battle reds and paladin items, ships with cannons and privateer-ing in the ocean, etc!

I hope to see you over there, and the website to visit is:

<In Por Ylem> - Free Classic Ultima Online -- Evolved!
