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Thread: GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

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    GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

    Re: GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

    Really? Your source is the Daily Mail? Does that mean I can use the National Enquirer to support my views now? Look, if you want to talk about specific issues you have with ACC, bring them up in a scientific manner. Do not go to tabloid rags and expect to be taken seriously and then complain that no one takes you seriously. I know you are very intelligent and you should know that. Here is the release from Syracuse about this paper:
    Scientists use rare mineral to correlate past climate events in Europe, Antarctica

    Notice that it says nothing about refuting ACC? Just because you feel some ACC supports are alarmist is not a valid reason to discount it. That has nothing to do with the validity of ACC. And how come I don't see you complaining about deniers basically acting like creationists? You know, distorting data, being funded by interest groups like Big Oil, and straight up lying?

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    Re: GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

    Data has been distorted on both sides of the argument.

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    Re: GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

    Quote Originally Posted by WickedTribe View Post
    Climate Heretic: Judith Curry Turns on Her Colleagues: Scientific American

    Judith Curry? Who had an article written about her by one of the leading lay-science publications in the world? Who's research is still being published by journals? Curry Papers - Online and downloadable

    She's being ridiculed, ostracized and dismissed? It doesn't look like it. On the other hand, she's making some serious claims, and some of them are spurious, such as her unsupported claim that her fellow scientists were hiding data:

    Here's a nice science blog article that tears her claims apart. Judith Curry Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot | Open Mind

    So no, nobody's silencing her, in fact, she's being published in both scientific and lay journals, but that doesn't mean that her statements won't be cross-examined.
    This, by her own hand, is what I was referring to. It details her treatment and "fall from grace" once she no longer toed the line.
    Heresy and the creation of monsters | Climate Etc.

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    Re: GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer View Post
    Really? Your source is the Daily Mail? Does that mean I can use the National Enquirer to support my views now?
    Wait just a second here. Weren't you the guy using Rolling Stone? Hmm nevermind must have gotten you confused with someone else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer View Post
    Look, if you want to talk about specific issues you have with ACC, bring them up in a scientific manner.
    I do, and I have. This just happened to be the first instance of the story I saw today during a pretty hectic scheduled. I've not been able to do much web/source perusing since then.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer View Post
    Do not go to tabloid rags and expect to be taken seriously and then complain that no one takes you seriously.
    LOL - I'm not complaining. Nor do I think that the Mail is a purely "rag" publication. There are some pieces with merit from time to time. The trick is in knowing when, or rather what, pieces those are. You see, I don't summarily dismiss things out of hand. Bears to much resemblance to straw man attacks and other things of that nature. I'll consume and evaluate, per my standards.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer View Post
    I know you are very intelligent and you should know that.
    Thank you. I endeavor to be more so, each day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer View Post
    Thank you again.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer View Post
    Notice that it says nothing about refuting ACC? Just because you feel some ACC supports are alarmist is not a valid reason to discount it. That has nothing to do with the validity of ACC.
    I'll ask you same the question I asked Wicked. Where did I claim that this refutes GW? Or ACC? AGW? CC? I haven't do so. I merely said that this might "muddy the water" and I think that the more data that arises furthering the research into causes and cycles that we don't understand well at this point, the better and the less "monolithic" the discussion gets. That is for the better. I think I said that above as well (or something very near to that).
    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer View Post
    And how come I don't see you complaining about deniers basically acting like creationists? You know, distorting data, being funded by interest groups like Big Oil, and straight up lying?
    Could it be because they don't get widespread press for very long and, by that perhaps aren't really all that important? Should I drag them out of their obscurity and irrelevancy simply to highlight said irrelevancy and inadequacy? I value your time, not too mention my own, far to much to spend a lot of time on it.

    Additionally, those arguments that you refer to are very much the "David and Goliath" (my apologies for a biblical reference but in this analogy I think it apropos due to size and gravity) in scientific opinion and circles when considering weight of their importance. I hardly think I'd make a meaningful voice among the plethora of better scientifically versed people to decry the vagaries of their poorly sourced or biased research. In fact, I think that there are a great many people that already do that better than I.

    However, if I see something that I think looks to be an interesting topic/concept in this vein I'll bring it up for discussion. It's better that way don't you think?

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    GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

    Re: GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    Wait just a second here. Weren't you the guy using Rolling Stone? Hmm nevermind must have gotten you confused with someone else.
    But that was about alleged voter fraud. One thing you will (hopefully ) not catch me doing is using opinionated popular news sources to support a scientific position.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    I do, and I have. This just happened to be the first instance of the story I saw today during a pretty hectic scheduled. I've not been able to do much web/source perusing since then.
    Fair enough, but I still don't consider it valid for these types of discussions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    LOL - I'm not complaining. Nor do I think that the Mail is a purely "rag" publication. There are some pieces with merit from time to time. The trick is in knowing when, or rather what, pieces those are. You see, I don't summarily dismiss things out of hand. Bears to much resemblance to straw man attacks and other things of that nature. I'll consume and evaluate, per my standards.

    Thank you. I endeavor to be more so, each day.
    When discussing certain things, such as a scientific theory like ACC, it is ok to dismiss nonscientific popular tabloid rags out of hand. Now had you posted the actual paper or from scientific source, even a science blog, I'd take more time to consider it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    Thank you again.

    I'll ask you same the question I asked Wicked. Where did I claim that this refutes GW? Or ACC? AGW? CC? I haven't do so. I merely said that this might "muddy the water" and I think that the more data that arises furthering the research into causes and cycles that we don't understand well at this point, the better and the less "monolithic" the discussion gets. That is for the better. I think I said that above as well (or something very near to that).
    The headline of the article you linked to clearly tries to make this appear that this is a problem for ACC. I still don't see how this would "muddy" any water, though? In fact, it makes no reference to ACC. All the paper says, from what I can tell, is that the Medieval Warm Period may have extended beyond Europe. So what? How does that change anything we see today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    Could it be because they don't get widespread press for very long and, by that perhaps aren't really all that important? Should I drag them out of their obscurity and irrelevancy simply to highlight said irrelevancy and inadequacy? I value your time, not too mention my own, far to much to spend a lot of time on it.

    Additionally, those arguments that you refer to are very much the "David and Goliath" (my apologies for a biblical reference but in this analogy I think it apropos due to size and gravity) in scientific opinion and circles when considering weight of their importance. I hardly think I'd make a meaningful voice among the plethora of better scientifically versed people to decry the vagaries of their poorly sourced or biased research. In fact, I think that there are a great many people that already do that better than I.

    However, if I see something that I think looks to be an interesting topic/concept in this vein I'll bring it up for discussion. It's better that way don't you think?
    Actually, the deniers are always out in force. Look in our government, for example. There is a lot of denying going on in there. Big Oil funds fake citizen's groups and fake "science" organizations. All these deniers, just like loud-mouth creationists, have the mainly gullible and ignorant American public denying evolution and ACC. I think that is a big problem, myself.

    I'm all up for discussing the actual facts, but I have little desire to debate an article from a tabloid with a sensationalized headline.

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    Re: GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    This, by her own hand, is what I was referring to. It details her treatment and "fall from grace" once she no longer toed the line.
    Heresy and the creation of monsters | Climate Etc.
    This reads like someone who's trying to play the victim. One one hand, she claims that people are treating her statements like a non-story:

    “What I found out is that when [Curry] does raise valid points, they’re often points the climate-science community already agrees with — and many climate scientists are scratching their heads at the implication that she’s uncovered some dark secret.”
    And then on another, she seems to complain about how she doesn't know why such a big story was made out of it :

    A colleague of mine at Georgia Tech, a Chair from a different department, said something like this: “I’ve been reading the media stories on the Georgia Tech Daily News Buzz that mention your statements. Your statements seem really sensible. But what I don’t understand is why such statements are regarded as news?”

    Well that is a question that deserves an answer. I lack the hubris to think that my statements should have any public importance. The fact that they seem to be of some importance says a lot more about the culture of climate science and its perception by the public, than it says about me.
    So which is it? Is it no news, or is it being blown out of proportion? And if it's in the news, maybe that's because she did an interview, spouting some unsupported claims, in a tabloid.

    She's an attention whore, and has been called out for it, but she's still being published, and she's still being interviewed. She's hardly being ostracized, and her science isn't beings censored in any way.

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    Re: GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

    Quote Originally Posted by WickedTribe View Post
    Equally important - this isn't evidence against man-made global warming. The fact that there have been warm and cool periods does nothing to weaken the arguments for man-made global warming, it's very well known that there are warm and cool periods on Earth as well as other planets.
    Yeah, the fact that the Earth has had warmer and colder periods has been known for a long time. I'm glad that we're nurturing a more inquisitive nature here at the TPG political forums, though, even if half of every one of these threads is still just DGUSMC posting single sentences.

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    Re: GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

    Quote Originally Posted by Toad View Post
    Yeah, the fact that the Earth has had warmer and colder periods has been known for a long time. I'm glad that we're nurturing a more inquisitive nature here at the TPG political forums, though, even if half of every one of these threads is still just DGUSMC posting single sentences.
    Yeah your 2 sentences are much more informative. I mean seriously i shutter to think where we would be without posts like yours. Next time you want to make at least an attempt at making an informative post if your going to be talking shit. dipshit
    Last edited by deathgodusmc; 03-27-12 at 07:43 AM.

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    I'm not ignoring this. Just haven't had a lot of "reply" time the last day or so.

    Sent via highly charged bolt of electricity.

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    Re: GW Water further muddied - new study shows medievel warming

    Fucking noob. GTFO before I slap you with my microscopic e-peen.
    enf-Jesus its been like 12 minutes and you're already worried about stats?! :-P
    Sweet home Alabama you are an idiot.

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