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Thread: Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

  1. Registered TeamPlayer PizzaSHARK!'s Avatar
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    Re: Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    It's all good we dont have to agree im fine with that. Just tired of the bs associated with illegals trying to kill every legitimate businessmen. If it wasn't for them i wouldn't doing jobs at the same rates they've been at for the past 15 years. Now job shops are trying lower the wages because they have someone willing to do the job for less. Couple more months of this shit and im going to be following crews around with INS on speed dial. There is an upside to that though. For every report on a crew that should have workers comp and doesn't i get 10 grand. I may have found my new calling.
    You should call TruTV. Might make a good show... probably better than those stupid speeding ticket shows and Dog the Bounty Hunter, anyway :P

  2. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc
    Im sure this news was is making them rejoyce. I mean it's not like we were sending them back anyway. So basically nothing changed other than the retard in charge made a statement. Either way shouldn't matter they shouldn't be here illegally to start with. Put them on a plane or boat and drop them off at there home. Want to stay no problem fill out the paperwork lazy bastards. Maybe if we can get all the illegals to actually fill out the fucking paper work then maybe the extra revenue will get the rest of us that have been covering their asses a tax break.
    Also an intersting argument. However this view doesn't bode well simply because it makes you seem heartless (although I know you aren't); but I understand the point you are making
    If it makes you feel any better i have the biggest heart for animals. People create their own problem 90% of the time. After running businesses for the past 20 sum years i firmly believe people are generally retarded and i really dont have any pity or sympathy to give. Illegals have been hurting the honest construction companies for years and now that its tough out there it's even worse. Under cutting fuckers because they dont pay for all the licenses, insurances, and taxes that us honest people have to pay. My feeling on it is fuck them. Either fill out the forms or get the fuck out and i dont care if the island is a wreck. Thats your home until your legal. Just to be clear i'm not just talking about hatians i mean every single illegal. Blood sucking bastards.
    Oh, I didn't mean anything personal, I actually agree with your point. But socially, some people will misconstrue your point as bitter cold heartedness towards foreigners.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Red_Lizard2's Avatar
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    Re: Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    Quote Originally Posted by Anti-Squeaker
    Guys, it's obviously a secret plot by the Marxist left to pass a new health care bill, take away everyones guns, indoctrinate us into Socialism, and to raise taxes. You kids are so blind.
    I prefer my left to be Stalinist, thank you very much

  4. Registered TeamPlayer deathgodusmc's Avatar
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    Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    Re: Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_lobster
    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc
    Im sure this news was is making them rejoyce. I mean it's not like we were sending them back anyway. So basically nothing changed other than the retard in charge made a statement. Either way shouldn't matter they shouldn't be here illegally to start with. Put them on a plane or boat and drop them off at there home. Want to stay no problem fill out the paperwork lazy bastards. Maybe if we can get all the illegals to actually fill out the fucking paper work then maybe the extra revenue will get the rest of us that have been covering their asses a tax break.
    Also an intersting argument. However this view doesn't bode well simply because it makes you seem heartless (although I know you aren't); but I understand the point you are making
    If it makes you feel any better i have the biggest heart for animals. People create their own problem 90% of the time. After running businesses for the past 20 sum years i firmly believe people are generally retarded and i really dont have any pity or sympathy to give. Illegals have been hurting the honest construction companies for years and now that its tough out there it's even worse. Under cutting fuckers because they dont pay for all the licenses, insurances, and taxes that us honest people have to pay. My feeling on it is fuck them. Either fill out the forms or get the fuck out and i dont care if the island is a wreck. Thats your home until your legal. Just to be clear i'm not just talking about hatians i mean every single illegal. Blood sucking bastards.
    Oh, I didn't mean anything personal, I actually agree with your point. But socially, some people will misconstrue your point as bitter cold heartedness towards foreigners.
    I have no problem what so ever with foriegners as long as they have filled out the paperwork. There are crews around here that are legal. I cant usually understand a damn thing they are saying but they're legal and i'm good with that.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Red_Lizard2's Avatar
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    Re: Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc
    It's all good we dont have to agree im fine with that. Just tired of the bs associated with illegals trying to kill every legitimate businessmen. If it wasn't for them i wouldn't doing jobs at the same rates they've been at for the past 15 years. Now job shops are trying lower the wages because they have someone willing to do the job for less. Couple more months of this shit and im going to be following crews around with INS on speed dial. There is an upside to that though. For every report on a crew that should have workers comp and doesn't i get 10 grand. I may have found my new calling.
    so....why not go after the businesses/people hiring illegals? You want to crack down on illegal immigration, start by doing it on the employers. Don't know about you, but i'd be less likely to come to a country where i won't be able to get a job.

    Granted though, if we did that, then its "government interference" in the market

  6. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    Quote Originally Posted by PizzaSHARK!
    If you want to have sympathy (which i dont) have it for the ones that were actually in their country not the fuckers who jumped boat and came here illegally.
    Yeah, but you and I don't know the situation that caused them to come here illegally. How'd you feel if you had to leave home, go to place where you don't speak the language, and find a way to scrape out a living?

    Yeah, yeah, you'd apply for citizenship and all that, but it's easy to say you'd do something while standing or sitting safe in your own home with food on the table and blah blah blah.

    Just something I don't agree with you on :P
    When looking at it from both perspectives, if I were a haitian, I would most likely do whatever it took to get to a place where I can live free and give my family a fighting chance for success (in this case, the United States). I don't fault them for trying to give their family a better life. Sometimes the time it requires for the paperwork to be done is just too long in their minds, so I can see where they are coming from.

    Conversely, from the point of view of the United States and its citizens, this is a country set up with a system in place. Having foreigners here illegally undermines the system and hurts the members of said system (in both the long and short term). Illegals are using our educational system, hospitals, etc... without any compensation being paid. Basically they are taking out and not putting anything back in, which hurts the individuals of the system who are going about their business correctly.

    So really we could argue that the system is faulty or that illegals are exploiting the system, or both.

    Almost like the stealing bread to feed your family analogy.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer rock_lobster's Avatar
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    Re: Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Lizard2
    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc
    It's all good we dont have to agree im fine with that. Just tired of the bs associated with illegals trying to kill every legitimate businessmen. If it wasn't for them i wouldn't doing jobs at the same rates they've been at for the past 15 years. Now job shops are trying lower the wages because they have someone willing to do the job for less. Couple more months of this shit and im going to be following crews around with INS on speed dial. There is an upside to that though. For every report on a crew that should have workers comp and doesn't i get 10 grand. I may have found my new calling.
    so....why not go after the businesses/people hiring illegals? You want to crack down on illegal immigration, start by doing it on the employers. Don't know about you, but i'd be less likely to come to a country where i won't be able to get a job.

    Granted though, if we did that, then its "government interference" in the market
    I wouldn't say it's government interference with the market. If the market is being influenced illegally, then something needs to be done. And I thought we already were at the point where we couldn't get jobs.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer SpecOpsScott's Avatar
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    Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US
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    PSN ID: Spec_Ops_Scott Steam ID: SpecOpsScott SpecOpsScott's Originid: SpecOpsScott

    Re: Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Lizard2
    so....why not go after the businesses/people hiring illegals? You want to crack down on illegal immigration, start by doing it on the employers. Don't know about you, but i'd be less likely to come to a country where i won't be able to get a job.

    Granted though, if we did that, then its "government interference" in the market
    Employing illegals is breaking the law is it not? So i agree, slam those that skirt the system and hire illegals AND deport the illegals, id be less likely to hire illegals if i would actually end up in jail and lose all of my assets to pay for the deportation of said illegals. Its not government interference, its law enforcement.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Langrad's Avatar
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    Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    Re: Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    I think its the best thing to do. Deathgod you gotta realize right now there aint shit over there. Housing? Gone. Hospitals? Gone. Law and order? MIA. Food, water, shelter (you know the three things youv been taught that people need to survive since you were like 5) Gone.

    Also how would having more legal aliens lower our taxes? Just started my job as tax preparer and iv noticed that alot of the poor families have many children. If they are legal they get a big juicy tax rebate, EIC (Earned Income Credit), and Child Tax Credit. If they are illegal then that makes them ineligible for the credit. So technicly it would be better if they were all aliens for your tax desires. Im sure your going to point out that they dont really pay much in taxes but at the same time with the amount they are earning they would actualy get a rebate if they did pay taxes. A single person filing gets like 3500 tax back but pays 0% if they earned below 5,000 or so (probably more). If everyone was legal then the government would have to raise taxes or lower rebates which would just increase the amount we pay.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US
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    Steam ID: potemkine186 Potemkine's Originid: adundon186

    Re: Illegal Haitians allowed temporary stay in the US

    Wow....I must say this for this will surely shatter some ideas, but I agree with deathgodusmc 110%.

    My mom came to the US from Argentina when she was 15 with her mother. They went through all the hoops of applying for and receiving alien status as well as citizenship. My mom was so good with languages that the CIA actually came looking to give her a job way back when. My dad is 2nd generation Irish. Immigrants are in my blood. But nothing gets my blood boiling more than illegal immigration.
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