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Thread: Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

  1. Exiled
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    Re: Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

    Ok fine if it makes you feel better about yourself. A group in fallujah whats to build the church. That isnt going to change the out come. You feel better now? LOL you crack me up
    Then quit trying to equate what "they" would do.... I could care less what Iraqi muslims would think or do about Iraqi christians trying to erect a church in Iraq. You keep trying to compare apples and oranges, I am pointing out that apples do not equate to oranges.

    No its disrespectful to those that died and their families and most will see it that way just as they do now.
    And yet there is no logical reason as to why it is considered "disrespectful" to those that died and their families that Americans are building a community center near GZ. Unless those that died believe that all muslims are terrorists, which is one of the reasons for building the center, to dispel that ignorant notion.

    This has been discussed over and over. If you need help figuring out send me a pm or go back and read it all again.
    No it hasn't been "discussed over and over". Just because you said it, doesn't make it so.... Maybe you ought to do the re-reading, because it still has yet to be clarified as to the logic behind anybody being offended at Americans building a community center in of all places, America.

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    Re: Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs View Post
    Well if that is then the majority of Americans can be summed up as ignorant short-sighted assholes with a narrow view of reality. And is more the reason why this place should be built, to provoke thought, conversation and to shed light on the ignorance as well as to correct the untruths being espoused.
    Ignorance of a populace is no reason to halt good works, in fact it should be a stimulus for the learned to inform the ignorant...
    And I'm not sure if I disagree with you. I think it could end up being a positive thing.

    That said, I DO think the people in charge of this operation should SERIOUSLY consider alternatives, if they want to engender peace and good will between Islamic and non Islamic Americans. Or at the very least they should call some sort of meeting where people can have their questions on the issue answered. Good communication can go a long way.

    Most of all (And again, does anyone have any actually proof of the opening date?) they should CERTAINLY NOT open it on 9/11. Opening it on another day would be a great way to show that they respect the complex emotions of the numerous victims of the 9/11 attacks in the area. Opening it on 9/11 IS disrespectful, no matter who you are, or what your beliefs, common sense says, that would be disrespectful. But again, I haven't seen any hard evidence that a 9/11 opening date is planned. Links?

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    Re: Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs View Post
    Then quit trying to equate what "they" would do.... I could care less what Iraqi muslims would think or do about Iraqi christians trying to erect a church in Iraq. You keep trying to compare apples and oranges, I am pointing out that apples do not equate to oranges.

    At that point in time its compairing apples to apples.

    And yet there is no logical reason as to why it is considered "disrespectful" to those that died and their families that Americans are building a community center near GZ. Unless those that died believe that all muslims are terrorists, which is one of the reasons for building the center, to dispel that ignorant notion.

    No it hasn't been "discussed over and over". Just because you said it, doesn't make it so.... Maybe you ought to do the re-reading, because it still has yet to be clarified as to the logic behind anybody being offended at Americans building a community center in of all places, America.
    Try to follow along this time. It has been discussed over and over. You choose to ignore it because it does not suite your arguement and it never will. People do not equate islam/muslim with terrorism. They do however have the ability to understand it was muslim extremists that killed everyone of the people on that site. So they chose to not want a muslim/islamic mosque overlooking the site of where people died.

    That does not mean they think every muslim is a terrorist. That does not mean they want to burn down every mosque in the country. It does however mean they do not want one at ground zero. Is that easy enough to understand because i'll be honest with you it seemed pretty easy to figure out to me.

  4. Exiled
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    Re: Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    Those that live there do not have an over whelming approval. In fact the majority do not want it there.
    O RLY?

    Community Board Committee voted unanimously in support of the project by a vote of 29-1. And it is reported that most of the protesters of the project do not reside or work in Manhattan.

    In addition, the center faces intense opposition in the United States and abroad. Over the past few days, Community Board No. 1, which represents Lower Manhattan, was flooded with hundreds of calls and e-mail messages about the proposal, most of them from outside New York, according to Julie Menin, the board’s chairwoman.

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    Re: Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs View Post
    O RLY?

    Community Board Committee voted unanimously in support of the project by a vote of 29-1. And it is reported that most of the protesters of the project do not reside or work in Manhattan.
    Yeah really.

    Fifty-two percent of the respondents said they did not want the mosque to be built at all, 31 percent are in favor of it, and 17 percent are undecided

    Across the five boroughs, opinions differed over the mosque, from 46 percent approval and 36 disapproval in Manhattan to 73 percent opposition in Staten Island, the poll found.

    Take your pick not one comes up with the majority in favor of it.

  6. Exiled
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    Re: Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    Try to follow along this time. It has been discussed over and over. You choose to ignore it because it does not suite your arguement and it never will.
    I am not ignoring it, it is just outright illogical.

    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    People do not equate islam/muslim with terrorism. They do however have the ability to understand it was muslim extremists that killed everyone of the people on that site. So they chose to not want a muslim/islamic mosque overlooking the site of where people died.
    And it is muslim moderates that are trying to do away with all of the bad that the extremists are had brought upon their religion.

    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    That does not mean they think every muslim is a terrorist. That does not mean they want to burn down every mosque in the country. It does however mean they do not want one at ground zero. Is that easy enough to understand because i'll be honest with you it seemed pretty easy to figure out to me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Williams, founding member of Tea Party
    "The monument would consist of a Mosque for the worship of the terrorists' monkey-god (repeat: 'the terrorists' monkey-god.' if you feel that fits a description of Allah then that is your own deep-seated emotional baggage not mine, talk to the terrorists who use Allah as their excuse and the Muslims who apologize for and rationalize them) and a 'cultural center' to propagandize for the extermination of all things not approved by their cult."
    Quote Originally Posted by a new york post reader
    "...There's no denying the elephant in the room. Neither is there any rejoicing over the mosques proposed for Sheepshead Bay, Staten Island and Ground Zero because where there are mosques, there are Muslims, and where there are Muslims, there are problems."
    It continued: "Before New York becomes New Yorkistan, it is worth noting that the capital of Great Britain was London until it became known as 'Londonstan,' degenerated by a Muslim community predominantly from South Asia and Africa, whose first generation of 'British Asians' has made the United Kingdom into a launching pad for terrorists."
    Yeah, nobody thinks that way.
    If someone is offended at something due only to their own ignorance, whose fault is it?

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    Re: Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs View Post
    I am not ignoring it, it is just outright illogical.

    If someone is offended at something due only to their own ignorance, whose fault is it?
    Yours. Its the pc age so you might as well get use to it.

  8. Exiled
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    Re: Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by hawgballs View Post
    It seems that the overwhelming approval by those that actually live in the area should override the "concerns" of those that aren't from the area, especially those that have never even stepped foot in the area, and whose concerns are wholly symbolic.
    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    Those that live there do not have an over whelming approval. In fact the majority do not want it there.
    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    from 46 percent approval and 36 disapproval in Manhattan.........
    Although not overwhelming approval, certainly not majority disapproval. And those that live in the CB1 area are the opinions that matter most, considering they are the only ones truly being impacted.
    Last edited by hawgballs; 07-19-10 at 03:39 PM.

  9. Exiled
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    Re: Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    Yours. Its the pc age so you might as well get use to it.

  10. Exiled
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    Re: Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorsen View Post
    Or at the very least they should call some sort of meeting where people can have their questions on the issue answered. Good communication can go a long way.
    That would make a lot of sense, and it has been tried....... But you see, some people have taken the cue of the teabaggers of last year and don't want dialog but only to drown out opposing voices............
    Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the head of the Cordoba Institute, which is in charge of the project, insisted that the site would help "bridge the great divide" between Muslims and the rest of America.
    "We are Americans, we are Muslim Americans," Rauf said. "Many of us were born in the United States. We have no higher aspirations than to bring up our children in peace and harmony in this country."
    But the crowd got ugly when he added, "Freedom of assembly is the right of all Americans."
    Amid boos, one woman shouted, "Not at the World Trade Center!"
    Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan, followed him to the microphone to pitched the planned community facility as "much needed party space and much needed venue space" for the area.
    She was roundly booed.

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