Quote Originally Posted by Madmax (Grape) View Post
Obama came into office during a recession. Government spending prevented the market from bottoming out even lower than it currently is. Employment will not go away overnight, but government spending will quicken the overall recovery, vs. letting the market adjust itself.

Proof that government spending fixes the economy: World War II.

And you listed 3 jobs that all fall under rebuilding infrastructure. R&D requires very educated people, as does healthcare (in very diverse fields, I might add). I made sure to include different levels of education in my spending proposal, as well as different fields of study. I did not list all possible government investments that could be made however. Perhaps you have more to add?
Interesting, I'm just saying I am not seeing any of these jobs listed. Even still, for how long are these jobs? Not permanent. I'm not playing the blame game, I just don't think SPEND BABY SPEND, is a good philosophy to have. That's just going to lead to higher taxes for you and I.