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Thread: Why can't Republicans be specific

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    Why can't Republicans be specific Why can't Republicans be specific

    Why can't Republicans be specific

    I found this video posted by Fovezor from another thread. It clearly encapsulates my view on the right's (teaparty included) lack of ideas to cut spending. The same spending that occurred under previous Republican administrations, yet wasn't such a big deal then. If they do retake power in the Senate and House what exactly are they going to do specifically to right the so called ship.

    Think Progress » VIDEO: When Pressed, Republicans Can’t Name Any Spending They Want To Cut

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    Why can't Republicans be specific

    Re: Why can't Republicans be specific

    Because that's all they have. They don't have specifics, and they don't intend to. If they have specifics, that opens up areas for the opposition to attack and since those specifics will likely be very unpopular, it will hurt them. It's easier and more effective for them to sit back, manufacture anger, and yell vague platitudes about "cutting spending" and "stopping the out-of-control Democrats" than to actually propose fixes or say what they will do. The best example of that vagueness is their stupid "Pledge to America." No ideas in it at all.

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    Why can't Republicans be specific Why can't Republicans be specific

    Re: Why can't Republicans be specific

    I'm curious if any of the right leaning members of this forum would care to offer some specific ideas themselves.

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    Re: Why can't Republicans be specific

    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer View Post
    It's easier and more effective for them to sit back, manufacture anger, and yell vague platitudes about "cutting spending" and "stopping the out-of-control Democrats".
    Gee sounds a lot like the Dem's clarion call of "....those evil rich (R) are trying to steal your lives and livelihoods...." ho hum

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    Re: Why can't Republicans be specific

    But, I guess I'll let some of the "Republicans" here take a stab at it.

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    Why can't Republicans be specific Why can't Republicans be specific

    Re: Why can't Republicans be specific

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    But, I guess I'll let some of the "Republicans" here take a stab at it.
    That's pretty lame, Alundil. At least throw some ideas out there.

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    Re: Why can't Republicans be specific

    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy2005 View Post
    That's pretty lame, Alundil. At least throw some ideas out there.
    I am not the person you were asking for ideas from. I am not in that group. So why is that lame? I have no issue with your question. In fact, I am interested in seeing what ideas they (the Republican Party) are going to "run" with. Probably just as much as everyone else here. What I took issue with was Fov's ridiculous assertion that the Republicans (or the right) never have any ideas and only resort to straw man attack tactics, as opposed to the Democrats who are completely and utterly above reproach in regards to their oratory and rhetoric. To claim that the Dems are, in effect, holier than thou in their speech and action is the peak of delusion. If that is not understood right off the bat, then there is no use in trying to continue the conversation any further as there will be no reasonable discourse.

    Trigger, I appreciate the question, really I do. However, your compatriot (ideologically) is not helping your quest to have that query answered as he's derailing it right from the start and making it into a he said she said match of purely derogatory posts. Sally forth and all that rot, but it won't get you meaningful or thoughtful responses.

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    Why can't Republicans be specific

    Re: Why can't Republicans be specific

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    I am not the person you were asking for ideas from. I am not in that group. So why is that lame? I have no issue with your question. In fact, I am interested in seeing what ideas they (the Republican Party) are going to "run" with. Probably just as much as everyone else here. What I took issue with was Fov's ridiculous assertion that the Republicans (or the right) never have any ideas and only resort to straw man attack tactics, as opposed to the Democrats who are completely and utterly above reproach in regards to their oratory and rhetoric. To claim that the Dems are, in effect, holier than thou in their speech and action is the peak of delusion. If that is not understood right off the bat, then there is no use in trying to continue the conversation any further as there will be no reasonable discourse.

    Trigger, I appreciate the question, really I do. However, your compatriot (ideologically) is not helping your quest to have that query answered as he's derailing it right from the start and making it into a he said she said match of purely derogatory posts. Sally forth and all that rot, but it won't get you meaningful or thoughtful responses.
    What the hell? Dude, you are cramming words into my mouth now. I never said anything about Democrats, much less anything you baselessly accuse me of saying. If you wanted to prove my statement about Republicans in Congress wrong, show me where they presented actual ideas. Show me the actual spending cuts they propose. Don't make up some strawman about me saying all conservatives don't have ideas, or other bullshit, that is absurd and you damn well know it. This thread is about Republicans in Congress saying something but not providing any substance to it. Don't go off the deep end and start making up things, that's horseshit.

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    Re: Why can't Republicans be specific

    Quote Originally Posted by Fovezer View Post
    Because that's all they have. They don't have specifics, and they don't intend to. If they have specifics, that opens up areas for the opposition to attack and since those specifics will likely be very unpopular, it will hurt them. It's easier and more effective for them to sit back, manufacture anger, and yell vague platitudes about "cutting spending" and "stopping the out-of-control Democrats" than to actually propose fixes or say what they will do. The best example of that vagueness is their stupid "Pledge to America." No ideas in it at all.
    Fov - please. You clearly wanted to slip that jab in and claim that Republicans have no ideas and only resort to "manufacturing anger" and "stopping the out-of-control" Democrats. The only purpose of that statement is to imply (by comparison) that the Democrats have the "right stuff" and do not engage in the same behavior. I think that line of argument ought to be dead. It is silly and applies to both groups. Trying to use that as a support of your position is not a strong support. Calling you on it is not me "cramming words into your mouth." It is pointing out the logical extension of your argument based on the positions that you take (several of which we disagree on and some that we agree on too). I was not "blasting you" or going off the "deep end" in the slightest. I simply think that asking for input or ideas from a particular group (OP) and then deriding the group that the OP was asking for input from is not going to get the OP much input.

    My post was exactly to that point. And see where we are now? Trigger asked a question, you flamed, I counter-flamed (flame retardant fail) and here we are. 9-10 posts later, none of which bear any semblance to the thrust of Trigger's question.

    Yay forum

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    Why can't Republicans be specific

    Re: Why can't Republicans be specific

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    Fov - please. You clearly wanted to slip that jab in and claim that Republicans have no ideas and only resort to "manufacturing anger" and "stopping the out-of-control" Democrats. The only purpose of that statement is to imply (by comparison) that the Democrats have the "right stuff" and do not engage in the same behavior. I think that line of argument ought to be dead. It is silly and applies to both groups. Trying to use that as a support of your position is not a strong support. Calling you on it is not me "cramming words into your mouth." It is pointing out the logical extension of your argument based on the positions that you take (several of which we disagree on and some that we agree on too). I was not "blasting you" or going off the "deep end" in the slightest. I simply think that asking for input or ideas from a particular group (OP) and then deriding the group that the OP was asking for input from is not going to get the OP much input.
    Again, I never said or implied anything like that. What I said about Republicans has nothing to do with how I feel about Democrats, and it is ridiculous to draw that conclusion. The two parties are not exact opposites. Just because I say the Republicans have no ideas and resort to fearmongering does not automatically mean I think Democrats are full of ideas and only tell the truth. That is a bastardization of logic and a bunch of baseless assumptions, and I expect better from you. Like I said before, if you don't like what I said, prove me wrong. Don't make up strawman arguments and don't put words in my mouth, because that is going off the deep end. If you noticed, trigger asked for members from that group to comment AFTER I made my post, not before, so I wasn't out of line.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
    My post was exactly to that point. And see where we are now? Trigger asked a question, you flamed, I counter-flamed (flame retardant fail) and here we are. 9-10 posts later, none of which bear any semblance to the thrust of Trigger's question.
    I made a relevent comment, you responded by accusing me of something I didn't say. So, quit dragging it off-topic, ok?

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